Big Panda Boss

Chapter 829: Sanitaya

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Seeing that the atmosphere was a little embarrassing, Selena took the initiative to change the subject: "Belli, have you seen Sodana who is in the same bedroom with you?"

Bailey replied: "Tutor, did you ask the transfer student who just came this semester?"

"Yes, it's her." Selena said with a serious face: "She has skipped my three classes in a row. If she doesn't want to be kicked out of the school by the college, you can ask her to come and explain to me!"

Bailey said helplessly: "Teacher, I actually don't know that Sodana is there, because she has never lived in the dormitory for a day."

"There is still this matter? Why didn't you tell me earlier?" Selena's face became more serious, because it is a big taboo for the college not to return home for girls.

Bailey lowered her head and said: "Actually, I have already reported to the Ministry of Discipline and Discipline, but there is nothing to follow."

Selena frowned deeper and said, "Well, I see, you go back first."

"Yes, mentor." Bailey ran away quickly.

Selena said to Renia again: "I'm going to the Department of Style, you should also go back first."

"Okay, mentor." Renia shoved the ticket into Selena's hand and said with a grin: "At one o'clock in the afternoon, the Royal Theatre, mentor, don't forget."

"Well, I remembered." Selena collected the tickets and went to the Ministry of Discipline.

Chen Fan's spiritual imprint quietly followed her to the outside of the Department of Discipline and Discipline, and sensed that there was a powerful magician inside, so she withdrew back in order to avoid being scared by the grass.

The Minister of Discipline is an old witch nearly two hundred years old and a retired war mage.

Therefore, both boys and girls in the academy avoid this Minister of Discipline as a snake and scorpion. Just hearing her name can be frightened and shivering.

But Selena respects this senior, and she has had many contacts since she entered school.

When she came to the Ministry of Discipline to explain her intentions, Selena quickly met the Minister of Discipline Sanitaya.

"Senior." Selena gave a military salute.

"Sit, this is not the army, it doesn't need to be so formal." Sanitaya smiled gently: "I heard that you have already filed a report and applied to be transferred back to the army?"

"Yes, senior." Selena stretched her skirt and bent down and sat down.

Sanitaya said with a slight jaw: "Although the frontline wars have temporarily subsided, the demons have always been fickle. You must be careful when you go, and don't make the same mistake again. After all, not everyone has such good luck. of."

"I remember, senior." Selena touched the arm healed by the Holy Light.

Sanitaya asked, "I don't think you seem to come to say goodbye to me, but what else?"

Selena explained her intentions and said: "Senior, I have a student named Sodana, who has skipped my class for three consecutive classes, and her roommate also said that she often stays out at night. Do you know this?"

"It turns out you came to Xingshi to inquire about the crime." Sanitaya chuckled and said: "I know about this, but I can't tell you why."

Selena looked puzzled and said: "Why?"

Sanitaya slowly said: "Because the dean personally arranged for this person to come in."

A hint of surprise flashed across Selena's face and said: "No wonder."

Sanitaya smiled and said: "Okay, let's not talk about this. It's rare to see the previous side. It's better to have a meal together at noon, and I will take it for you in advance."

Selena immediately stood up and said, "Okay, thank you senior."

The second girl did not go to the college canteen, but left school and went to a high-end restaurant nearby. I asked for a seat and ordered some wine and food.

After eating and chatting, the two of them talked about some recent riots in the city.

Although Selena guessed that something big must happen, she didn't know much about it.

"Senior, the explosion in the civilian area the other night was really an accident?"

Sanitaya knew some inside information, and said slowly: "It's just an external report to appease ignorant civilians."

Selena's heart shuddered and she asked in a low voice, "But it's the demon spy again?"

Sanitaya shook her head slightly and said: "The demons are now in civil strife, and there is no time to take care of us. The cause of this matter must start with a woman."

Selena was surprised: "A woman? Who has such a charm to cause such a mess in the imperial capital?"

Sanitaya chuckled and said, "Maybe not beautiful, but ten million can."

As she spoke, a magical projection popped into Selena's eyes.

"Kamora? Thanos' adopted daughter?!" Selena looked astonished.

Sanitaya put away her magic and said, "This matter has been put on the inside of the night watchman, but because of the robbery of the Shia empire mission, the night watchman can only temporarily shelve the investigation of the matter. How, is there any Interested in earning some extra money?"

Selena shook her head and said: "I'm not a killer, besides, it is a felony to blatantly kill in the imperial city."

Sanitaya raised her hand and brushed her cheek into a half-covered magic mask, and asked, "What about now?"

Selena's expression changed slightly, and she smiled helplessly: "It turns out that Senior is also a night watchman, so it's no wonder how much she knows."

Sanitaya chuckled and said: "If you want to join the night watchman, you must go through a rigorous review. The headquarters will add you to the review list when you retired due to injury."

Selena stopped Sanitaya smiled and said: "If you are willing to join, you should be able to receive a letter of commendation from the military department and the title of the noble house before dark Promotion order."

Selena's breathing suddenly became a little short.

"You can think about it first." Sanitaya put away her mask and continued to enjoy the food.

Selena took a deep breath and immediately calmed down, letting Sanitaya secretly applaud that she really deserves to be a woman who has just passed the devil.

"What do I need to do? Find the Kamora before the killers?" Selena's eyes were cold, as if she had reverted back to the black-robed witch who killed all quarters on the battlefield.

"No." Sanitaya smiled and said: "On the contrary, I need you to protect her."

"Huh?" Selena thought she had heard it wrong.

Sanitaya said, "Remember that Sodana who just transferred to school this year?"

Selena's eyes widened immediately, and she was shocked: "That Sodana is Kamora? Isn't she the adopted daughter of Thanos? Why does the night watchman want to protect her? What's the matter?"

Sanitaya smiled lightly and said: "The reason is very simple, because Kamora is the lover of Star Lord."

"Who is Star Jue?" Selena looked dazed.

Sanitaya smiled awkwardly: "Star Jue is the captain of the Guardian of the Galaxy."

"Guardians of the Galaxy?!" Selena said with a look of surprise: "Isn't the captain of the Guardians of the Galaxy Thor the Thor? When did it change?"

Sanitaya couldn't laugh or cry: "People are already the captain. Don't say this in front of them."

"Oh, I understand." Selena shook her head and said speechlessly: "I wanted to help others protect my girlfriend for a long time."

This kind of task is simply a mental crit for a single dog who is almost a hundred years old!

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