Big Panda Boss

Chapter 870: Soul Singer



"Why didn't you come back so late? Didn't you come back before dark?" Mona reprimanded with a black face, akimbo, "Do you know that I am almost worried. Who else are the four of them?"

Chen Fan said with a chuckle: "It's not dark yet, the host, the four of them are my fans. We just formed a band called Hell Nightmare. Isn't it cool?"

"You are so cool!" Mona said with a black thread on her face: "You are embarrassed to form a band even with your incomplete tone? Let them go back quickly, don't follow the foolishness."

"Master, I'm not fooling around. If you don't believe me, we can play a song for you." Chen Fan said with a smile.

Mona sneered: "Well, if you don't listen to you, eat fruit for dinner today."

Chen Fan instantly ignited his fighting spirit!

"Little ones!"

"Yes, Lord Goddess!"

"Fuck you on stage with me!"


Mona watched this girl proudly lead a bunch of kids to the stage just set up, and couldn't help rubbing her brows.

Fortunately, the song and dance troupe only officially started performing tomorrow, and there were not many visitors near the dusk park, so let her go.

"Mona." Diva came over curiously and asked: "What is Fanya doing?"

Mona talked about her formation of the band, and immediately made Diva chuckle. As Fanya's music instructor, she knows how much this girl weighs. To put it bluntly, this girl doesn't even understand the most basic sheet music...

Mona curled her lips and whispered: "Speaking on the soundproof barrier, so as not to scare passers-by later."

Diwa covered her mouth and smiled, and the magic lines on her body lightened slightly to prop up a soundproof barrier around her.

At this time, Chen Fan had arranged the positions of the four people, and then asked them to take out their respective instruments.

Although the musical instruments of the Terra Empire are different from those of the earth civilization, the same human race must be quite similar in the way of rhythm, plus this is a magical world, and the perfect restoration of the Divine Comedy on the earth is just a magical thing. .

In addition, on the way back, Chen Fan stopped by to a musical instrument store to order a special musical instrument, but that musical instrument will not be available until tomorrow, so he now only holds a elven bagpipe from the backstage in his hand.

"Are you all ready?" Chen Fan patted the magic loudspeaker on his neck.

"Ready, goddess!" The four of them roared in unison, seeming to be caught in a frenzy.

"Start!" Chen Fan turned his gaze to the audience. Only the class leader Mona and Mrs. Diva and a few crew members who stopped working were the audience, but they were enough.

Chen Fan looked far away and ignored the soundproof barrier. Although he hadn't even learned the most basic music theory, he could ‘sing’ with his soul and perfectly restored this divine comedy.

This effect is like putting the original singers directly into the minds of the audience to start a concert, which is more restored than listening on the spot.

So tremble, aliens, listen to the death of the soul song king!

despair! despair! despair! Drummer Donoric took the lead to strike the drum rim three times, followed by the magic electric piano player Marco, who was excited to play a prelude.

Chen Fan opened his mouth and led everyone to sing with a high-pitched voice: "iwantmytearsback!"

Several people in the audience shuddered together, and all of them looked incredible.

On stage, Chen Fan played the elven bagpipe and joined the accompaniment with drummer Donoric!

The violent music instantly penetrated the soundproof barrier and resounded throughout the park.

Many tourists who were about to leave in the park were all attracted by the blast of music, and they gathered around in surprise.

When the first melody ended, hundreds of tourists had gathered under the stage.

These tourists were completely immersed in the explosive performances on the stage, as if they heard the legendary siren singing, their faces were excited and obsessed, shaking their heads along with the melody.

With a louder than a louder singing, more and more passersby were attracted to the underside of the stage.

Seeing that the audience attracted by almost a thousand people, Chen Fan narrowed the range of spiritual resonance, lest the two big guys also came to join in the fun.

After a long time, when the last syllable fell, Chen Fan put away his mental field, but the enthusiastic audience spontaneously cheered like a mountain whistling and a tsunami.

"Fanya! Fanya! Wow, it's really Fanya! I saw a living Fanya!" Someone in the crowd recognized Chen Fan's identity and shouted excitedly.

Immediately more people realized that the **** the stage was Fanya, who was a smash hit on the Monet some time ago, and immediately more people joined the cheers: "Fanya! Fanya! Fanya!"

At the same time, many tourists took out personal terminals to shoot.

Chen Fan let out a sullen breath, beckoned to the audience to calm down, and then smiled and said, "Thank you very much for the uninvited audience under the stage. It was just an audition rehearsal just now, so I won't charge your tickets. ."

"Hahaha." There was a burst of laughter under the stage. I didn't expect the legendary Miss Fanya to have a funny and humorous side.

When the audience gradually calmed down, Chen Fan continued to speak: "The first performance of the band will officially debut tomorrow night. At that time, we will invite all the audience to come and join us."

"Come on!" someone yelled suddenly, and immediately more people yelled with them.

"Fanya, come on one side!"

"Come on!"

Chen Fan raised his hand slightly to quiet the restless scene, and then continued to smile and said: "Well, that band will rehearse as a benefit for the audience, remember to come and buy tickets tomorrow."

"Next time!!" Many people burst into laughter immediately, and the scene was extremely lively.

Chen Fan turned his head and nodded slightly to the four young men, and immediately the prelude to the explosion sounded again.

Many viewers who have just been addicted to it have seized the opportunity to raise their personal terminal...

At night, in the most luxurious restaurant near the park.

"Eat, eat, don't be polite to me." Chen Fan said boldly.

Marco of Four has a cautious and dare not eat so unrestrainedly like her.

"Obviously it was the money I paid, what are you polite!" Mona said in an angry voice.

Chen Fan said with a smile: "The class owner, I have found a cash cow for you. How much is this table of wine and vegetables?"

Mona rolled her eyes.

Diva asked curiously: "Fanya, how can you sing so well, why don't you even understand the most basic scores?"

Chen Fan snorted triumphantly: "That's because of my talent. Besides, that rock and roll is a divine comedy from my hometown, and I didn't create it."

Diva shook her head and laughed again and again.

Mona couldn't help asking: "How much do you still have for a Divine Comedy like this?"

Chen Fan smiled slightly and said, "There is no end to it!"

Suddenly Mona's personal terminal beeped, and she clicked on it, and her face suddenly appeared strange.

"Who called you?" Diva asked, "Why didn't you answer?"

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