Big Panda Boss

Chapter 872: Hell Two-headed Dog

   Chen Fan's heart was stunned, and he said, "I have been taught, thank you, Master."

   The shop owner yawned and said, "Go, I won't charge you for the money, I hope you can use this magic piano to play real music."

   Chen Fan once again sincerely thanked him, and then returned to the spacecraft with the piano.

  "Where are the four of them?" Chen Fan asked when seeing Diva.

  Diwa said, "I used a lullaby to make them fall asleep, and they won't wake up before noon. Is this the magic piano you made? Show it out for me."

   "Then you can take a good look." Chen Fan smiled slightly, opened the huge piano box, and saw a strange magic electric piano inside.

   "This is the musical instrument from your hometown?" Diva stretched out her hand to get it, but found it was so heavy that she couldn't hold it with one hand.

   "Yes, this instrument is called the guitar." Chen Fan introduced: "But this is a magical change, because it has a double handle, so the name is **** double-headed dog!"

  Diwa just hugged it for a while and couldn't hold it, so he quickly put it back and panted and said, "How heavy is this piano? Wouldn't you make it all of metal, right?"

The appearance of this piano Chen Fan refers to the double-handled fire-breathing guitar in "Mad Max", but in order to pursue the ultimate heavy metal punk style, he simply asked the master to build this guitar with a kind of magic metal. Then according to his special requirements, enchant the flame magic pattern on the surface of the guitar.

   This cool flame magic pattern is not a simple decorative pattern, but a magic that can breathe fire.

   But this way, the weight of this piano has reached a terrifying 27 kilograms. Not to mention using it to play a piece of music, it will feel very difficult for ordinary brawny.

   But seeing Chen Fan relaxed with one hand, he picked it up and fiddled with a few strings at random to produce a rich sound.

   "Good piano!" Mona appeared, surprised: "Is this piano made by you?"

   "Yes, class master." Chen Fan proudly flaunted: "My violin is called a **** double-headed dog, is it cool?"

   Mona curled her lips and said, "Do all these bells and whistles. You don’t worry about getting stuck when you shoot so many nails in them?"

   Chen Fan laughed and said, "Master, these are not ordinary nails, look!"

   After he said, he flicked the strings hard, and a rapid melody popped up. Immediately, he saw electric snakes and nails sizzling on the piano.

   Mona was completely speechless: "Thunder Light Technique, are you planning to go to war with this piano?"

   Chen Fan said with a smile: "Master, my piano is not only a thunder light technique, but also enchanted with several spells. It will definitely be a blockbuster when I perform at night."

   Mona said with a black line on her face: "It's not bad if you don't scare the audience."

   "Oh, that's right." Chen Fan suddenly said: "I want six sets of costumes."

   Mona questioned: "Six sets? Don't you only have five people?"

   Chen Fan smiled and said, "Because my wife has already promised me a guest appearance on stage."

   Mona looked at Diva, Diva smiled and nodded.

   Mona said helplessly: "Okay, okay, just go to the costume supervisor for what costume you want."

   Chen Fan smiled and didn't say clearly, he was going to surprise her by then.

   "Okay, let's talk about business." Chen Fan looked at Diwa: "Madam, have the lyrics polished for me?"

"It's changed, you can take a look." Diva took out the modified lyrics and handed them to Chen Fan. Chen Fan took the lyrics and hummed lightly according to the tune, and found that the lyrics were more in line with the whole song after Diva polished it. The style is gone, and there is no bluntness.


   "Then let's rehearse."

   "Wait a minute, what do you two call me over during rehearsal?"

   "Be an audience."


   "Oh, I almost forgot, I specially copied several divine songs last night, do you want to listen to it?"

"hurry up!"

   Chen Fan nodded slightly to Diwa, took a deep breath and struck the strings hard!


   Lakeview Park.

   The entire park was already crowded early in the morning, and the city hall had to deploy more law enforcement teams to maintain order after learning of the situation.

   As it approached noon, several blocks near the park were almost crowded.

The deputy mayor who approved the note to Monat came to the door in person, hoping that Miss Fanya’s band performance could be incorporated into the live broadcast of the festival organizer for more people to see, otherwise many people would go There will be accidents if you don't watch live performances.

   Chen Fan didn't care, Mona didn't want to cause any trouble, so she responded happily.

   As the news spread, the number of live streaming channels for the Meadow Festival skyrocketed in an instant. After all, many people couldn't come to the scene at all. Now that there is a live broadcast, naturally you will not miss it.

   At one o'clock in the afternoon, the performance of the song and dance troupe officially began.

   The first person on stage was Mrs. Prava Laguna. At this time, she was the only one who could calm the scene, but the audience under the stage was still noisy, and many people clamored to listen to Fanya singing.

  Of course, there are many rational audiences. After all, the program list announced by others has already stated that the band "Hell Nightmare" will not be on stage until the evening.

   And the other party also gave a very strange reason: because there is no light in hell, so they want to be the light that illuminates the hell!

   is a declaration full of anger, but enthusiastic fans love this tune.

As the accompaniment sounded, Mrs. Prawara Laguna began to sing the first syllable, and the restless crowd immediately calmed After all, speaking of singing skills, Mrs. Prawara Laguna was put on the earth. That is definitely the existence of the diva level.

   Soon the audience was immersed in the singing of Mrs. Pravara Laguna.

   The number of viewers on live channels is still growing rapidly.


   "Are you awake?" Chen Fan quit the live broadcast and put away his personal terminal, looked at the four cheerful people, and said with a smile: "Very good, looks very energetic."

   Marco scratched his head and smiled, "Sorry, goddess, we all overslept."

   "It's okay, let's have something to eat first, I'll be waiting for you in the rehearsal hall." Chen Fan stood up and said, "Don't call me a goddess anymore, just call me Fanya."

   The four of them rushed to fill their stomachs and rushed to the rehearsal hall to rehearse the new song.

   Even if a band is an old teammate with a tacit understanding, if you want to rehearse a new song, it will take a long time to achieve the perfect effect.

   But in a hurry, Chen Fan simply implanted the tunes of a few songs into the four people's minds through mental hints, so that they had formed a proficient muscle memory without any practice.

   Then, after several rehearsals, the few people formed a perfect tacit cooperation.

   It's just that the four of Marco didn't realize this at all, and thought they were all good for Professor Fanya.

   The rehearsal process went smoothly throughout the afternoon. Chen Fan even secretly forcibly raised the mental strength of several people in order to refresh the four of them.

   "Okay, time is almost up, let's go make-up and change clothes, and eat more by the way, tonight will belong to us!"

   "Roar! It's a goddess!"

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