Big Panda Boss

Chapter 876: Fans

"Panda Brother (

Chen Fan smiled calmly: "What if there are more people? I don't sing to be famous."

Mona praised: "You will definitely go further in the future with this state of mind."

Diva couldn't help asking: "How many are there?"

Mona clicked on the personal terminal to enlarge the screen.

Di Wa took a look and immediately took a breath.

Chen Fan also glanced at it. In just one night's effort, the number of live broadcasts has exceeded 500 million views!

No wonder Mona would say that Fanya is a real hit this time.

Mona clicked on her personal terminal and said, “I didn’t sleep all night last night. I was not happy, but I couldn’t fall asleep because I was noisy by various contact numbers, and all kinds of text messages made me magical. The letter mailbox was overwhelmed, and I couldn't delete it."

Chen Fan smiled carelessly: "Wouldn't it be better? You are now the most famous agent in the empire, right?"

"You can still laugh." Mona said angrily, "Do you know how much negative impact your radical remarks have caused you last night? Now there are so many people on the Monet who praise you Scolding you!"

Chen Fan skewered a piece of barbecue and stuffed it into his mouth, and said calmly, "So what? Whether it's praise me and scold me, you can't let me eat less meat."

Mona looked helpless, knowing that celebrities are most afraid of negative scandals that will affect Qiantu, but this girl doesn't care at all.

Because if you care, you can't sing that kind of song that can shock your soul.

At this time, a crew member hurriedly reported: "Class owner, Mayor Bourko has been waiting outside for half an hour."

Mona was surprised: "Why didn't you inform me earlier?"

The crew member said: "The mayor did not let us notify you, saying that he was afraid to disturb you and Miss Fanya."

"Please come in quickly." Mona got up and wiped the corners of her mouth before heading to the living room.

Diwa guessed: "It is estimated that the trouble is coming."

Chen Fan jokingly said, "Neither is it." Suddenly he looked at the door of the restaurant, and saw a female mage wearing a white robe quietly appeared and walked to him and smiled: "Hello Miss Fanya, Madam wants to see you."

Diva was not taken aback by the other's magical appearance: "Who are you? How did you come in?"

Chen Fan motioned to Diwa not to be afraid, and smiled lightly: "I have already met the lady. If he wants to hear me sing, he can wait to see the show at night."

Amora didn't get angry, and chuckled lightly: "The lady said I want to talk to you about other things."

"Well, wait until I finish this breakfast." Chen Fan slowly started his breakfast.

Amora didn't worry, she just sat in front of Chen Fan and watched quietly.

It wasn't until Chen Fan finished eating and wiping the corners of her mouth that Amora got up and said, "Please follow me." After she said, she waved her hand and tore open a portal.

Chen Fan said to Diwa: "Talk to the class leader. I will meet Ms. Magic. I don't have to leave a meal for me at noon."

Diwa: "………………"

The two entered the portal and disappeared without a trace.

Diva hurriedly went to Mona to report the matter.


Chen Fan came out of the portal and found himself in a magnificent hall. The dome of the hall was more than a hundred meters high and a hundred meters wide. It seemed that he could feel his own smallness.

There are 36 constant portals on the walls around the main hall.

"Please follow me." Amora led Chen Fan to one of the portals.

Enter and then come out, again in a magnificent living room.

A goddess in a starlight robe was lying lazily on a bench, watching the live broadcast of last night.

"Come on, sit down, wine or tea?" The other party casually made Chen Fan feel like he was back at his own home.

"Thank you, wine." Chen Fan sat down politely, and Amora poured her a glass of wine.

Chen Fan almost laughed when he heard the smell of wine.

"Yes, good wine." Chen Fan praised without blushing.

Mistral paused, propped up and sat up straight to reveal a proud figure, tilted his head and looked at Chen Fan carefully.

"You are not a human from Midgard."

Chen Fan smiled lightly: "The lady is so insightful."

"You don't need to flatter." Mistral said bluntly: "I'm just curious why the Supreme Heaven keeps secrets about your identity."

Chen Fan asked with a smile: "Madam wants to know?"

Mystra shook her head and said, "No, I'm afraid of trouble, so you are Fanya here."

Chen Fan immediately understood and said: "As you wish, here I am just Fanya, an ordinary singer."

Mistral laughed and said: "You are not an ordinary singer. I have traveled all over the world. I have listened to the singing of siren and the performance of the mermaid clan, but none of them have the ability like you. I came to you today not to inquire about your abilities, but to be curious about where you copied those songs last night."

Chen Fan did not shy away from saying: "My hometown."

"Don't come!" Mistral said with a brilliant glance: "I just contacted Thor, the **** of thunder, and he said he hadn't heard those songs you sang on Midgard at all."

Chen Fan was stunned for a moment before he realized that the other party had misunderstood. His hometown is not Midgard...

"I'm not talking about but my real hometown."

Mistral said: "I'm curious what kind of world it is to give birth to such shocking music."

Chen Fan smiled and said, "If I have time that day, I will take you to play."

"Okay." Mistral did not refuse, but responded readily.

Chen Fan said goodbye: "If there is nothing else for the goddess, then I will leave first."

"Don't worry." Mystra flipped his hands and turned out a Fanya poster: "Come on, sign me."

Chen Fan asked politely: "Do you want to take a photo?"

Mistral stood up and said, "Wait for me to change my skirt."

Chen Fan smiled and said, "Okay."

Next, Chen Fan not only took photos with Mistral, but also left signed photos with each other.

And having this signed photo basically means that the trumpet "Fanya" will be able to walk sideways in the Terra Empire from now on.

When Amora was taken out of the magic tower, Chen Fan also took a group photo with the big disciple of the magic lady.

After leaving the door, Chen Fan suddenly recovered. The other party didn't even leave him to eat...

Let him go back by himself.


Chen Fan shook his head dumbly, took out a pair of sunglasses and put it on his face.

"Hello~~~" Suddenly a trembling voice sounded next to him: "Are you the Valkyrie Vanya?"

Chen Fan turned his head and pulled down some sunglasses. Seeing that it was a young girl with a lot of excitement, he smiled and said, "Hush, be quiet, I don't want to cause confusion."

"Ah, it's really you!" The little girl said with excitement: "I am your fan. I watched your live performance with my classmates last night. It was definitely the most shocking performance I have ever seen in my life. "

Chen Fan was afraid that she would attract more passers-by and couldn't leave. He smiled and asked, "Do you want an autograph or a group photo?"

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