Big Panda Boss

Chapter 886: Tenjin Group

"Panda Brother (

Chen Fan stared at Haramad for a long time, and then slowly asked, "What about you?"

"Me?" Haramad said without knowing it: "Sir, what are you asking me?"

Chen Fan sneered at the corner of his mouth and asked, "I'm asking if you want to usurp the throne?"

"This..." Haramad didn't know how to answer for a while, because if he didn't answer, it would be questioning others' IQ...

But if the answer is yes, then he is suspected of using the other party.

So no matter whether he answered or not, there was a great possibility that Mr. Long Aotian would be offended and slapped to death by the opponent.

After thinking about it, Haramad immediately became wise and squatted his head and said: "Please show your lesson, the villain has decided to dedicate everything to the true **** after seeing the mighty power of the true god, and will no longer have any memory of the power of the mortal world. ."

This flattering behavior made Marduk standing on the side feel ashamed.

Chen Fan smiled and said: "Very well, your devotion to my lord makes my lord very happy. As a reward, I will give you strength for my lord."

"Thanks for the gift of God!" Haramad immediately thanked him.

Chen Fan opened his mouth and exhaled a cloud of black air and got into Haramad's body.

Immediately, Haramad's momentum rose steadily, and his size also swelled and became bloated. After a few breaths of effort, he became a Void Lord!

Marduk was taken aback and stepped back subconsciously.

"Woohaha! What a powerful dark power! Is this the mighty power that the true **** bestows on me?" Haramad, who was transformed into the Void Lord, did not hide his inner ecstasy. Wasn't it the reason why he bowed down for this? Naturally, I am a little overwhelmed.

But fortunately, Haramad was not distorted by the powerful force, so he soon woke up and quickly retracted into his human form to thank Chen Fan again and again: "Thank you, my lord, for giving me great power for the true god. The villain will definitely serve the true **** with all his heart in the future."

"Go." Chen Fan said lightly: "My lord does not need waste."

"Yes, sir." Haramad smiled grimly, and immediately floated away.

Two days later, the cruise ship flew to the ambush area.

Haramad personally took action and killed all the assassins ambushing here with absolute power.

After the news came back to Karesh Star, the Ethereal King was shocked, but the two sides had completely torn their faces at this time, so the Ethereal King immediately decided to send more masters to hunt down Haramad and must not let him live. In this world.

But the masters sent there were all gone, making the Ethereal King quickly realize that Haramad must have recruited some powerful ‘superhumans’.

However, this did not make the Void Spirit King retreat. After all, the Void Spirit Race's ability to gain a foothold on Karesh Star, where the Three Realms converge, is not simply relying on the slick and exquisite tactics, but also because there are big bosses on top. .


"Based on the villain's understanding of Brother Wang, once he decides things, he will definitely do whatever he can to achieve." Haramad analyzed: "The villain has frustrated his assassination one after another, and he will definitely invite the Celestial Team to come. Help!"

"The Celestial Group?!" Chen Fan was slightly surprised: "Can you Virtual Spirit Race actually get on line with the Celestial Group?"

Haramad said: "It's not all gods, but one of them, because that **** and our Void Spirit Race are considered to be the same origin."

"Let me guess who it is." Chen Fan sneered disdainfully: "Could it be the planet Devourer, right?"

Haramad admired: "My lord is really clever."

Chen Fan shook his head and laughed. He was really guessed.

Although the Celestial Group claims to have more than a thousand Celestial Gods, few can fight.

Because this organization is more like a loose alliance of countless false gods, Mao gods, and gods.

It belongs to the kind of organization that does nothing and pretends to be the best.

But pretending to be forced is easy to be struck by lightning, especially the Planet Devourer, known as the double bonus red stick gold medalist in this organization, the number of times the great **** pretends to roll over can simply be compiled into a textbook "Pretending to fail".

In fact, this great god, who was affectionately called Uncle Tun by countless people, said that he was strong and strong, after all, he was a super big bang who survived the Big Bang.

But the problem is that this great **** can only exert his true strength when he is full.

But every time he went out to fight with others, he was hungry...

"Are you sure your brother Wang can invite this god?" Chen Fan was a little expectant to meet this ‘legendary’ **** for a while.

Haramad affirmed: "It will, as long as you pay enough compensation."

The reward that Haramad said was not a huge amount of money, but a certain or even a few resource-rich planets as a tribute to the god.

It's better to be the kind of planet with many life species, which suits the appetite of the god.

If the Ethereal King is really willing to cut the flesh to feed the planet Maybe they will really leave the face of the gods and come to help the Ethereal King get rid of Haramad.

Suddenly a bracelet worn by Haramad on his wrist sounded a melody familiar to Chen Fan. It was a song sung at the Fanya Wine Festival celebration...

Haramad smiled apologetically and quickly connected the phone with a touch of his wrist.

Only a code word on the other end of the phone hung up, and Haramad immediately said to Chen Fan: "My lord, I really got what I expected. My brother Wang really sent someone to invite the Planet Devourer. !"

Since the Ethereal King can put a spy around Haramad, Haramad can naturally also put his eyeliner on the Ethereal King.

Anyway, it's the eldest brother and the second brother, let alone anyone.

Chen Fan only responded: "I see." Then there was no more.

Seeing that he hadn't given any instructions, Haramad guessed that the envoy of the gods wouldn't bother the planet devourer.

This made Haramad feel at ease, and at the same time, he was even more afraid of the unfathomable God Envoy.

The spacecraft sailed as usual, and encountered demon patrol spacecraft many times along the way.

But with Haramad's exquisite means, it can easily pass.

Halfway through the journey, the spacecraft arrived at Namek, and then prepared to rest here for half a day and then jumped through the star gate to a galaxy 200 million light years away.

Chen Fan once came to this galaxy. At that time, the planet was still the territory of the Mekman, but later because the various forces fought for the Dragon Ball and the Mekman was scattered and fled, the planet also changed its owner. The original name is still retained.

Perhaps due to the tension, the Namek Star, which is at the jumping node, is very guarded.

If it weren't for Haramad to have enough face, I'm afraid the Mozu would not let it go easily.

But even so, the original plan of only half a day's rest was delayed by one day.

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