Big Panda Boss

Chapter 890: Boundless starry sky

"Panda Brother (

"Frieza?" Chen Fan was very curious about this famous villain. After all, it was full of childhood memories. I don't know if his strength is as powerful as in that little book.

After Chen Fan returned to the spacecraft, he told Haramad of the information he had collected. Naturally, he did not need to take care of such trivial matters. If Haramad can't even do such a small thing, then he will be taken aback.

The next day, eight o'clock in the morning.

The spacecraft started to leave the port slowly, lined up and slowly got into the huge star gate.

After a short while, the spacecraft jumped to a strange star field.

Chen Fan learned from Haramad that this star field belonged to a desolate area of ​​three no matter what, because there were no resources, it was sparsely populated. Except for a few star road nodes where star ports were stationed, the other places were almost silent.

This is the normal state of the universe, dead and endless.

Instead of being lively everywhere.

Because there is no Transient Star Path for the next section of the road, the spacecraft can only fly slowly at subluminal speed.

Two days later.

"My lord." Haramad said respectfully: "The sea of ​​nebula and sand I mentioned to you has arrived!"

Chen Fan squinted his eyes and sat up straight: "Oh? Is this sea of ​​nebula and sand really as spectacular as you said?"

"My lord, you know it at a glance." Haramad waved his hand and opened the transparent dome on the deck.

Immediately, a nebula resembling a flowing cloud looked beautiful under the shining of the two twin stars.

This is a magnificent view that cannot be seen on any planet, because it is a superb view that belongs to the universe and the sea.

Haramad said: “There was originally a Gemini galaxy here, but as the two stars got closer and closer, the chaotic gravitational torrent directly tore all the planets in the galaxy into pieces to form this length. The Nebula Sand Sea that is 0.5 light-years away."

"It's really magnificent, no compliment can be described." Chen Fan looked at this wonder, and said: "Who would have thought of how beautiful scenery there can be in the Devildom."

Haramad said: "Yes, it's a pity that this sea of ​​nebula and sand will not exist for long."

Chen Fan wondered: "How do you tell?"

Haramad pointed to the two stars in the center of the nebula that are getting closer and closer, and said: "Because these two stars are approaching the critical point of fusion, then the sky and the earth will truly collapse."

Chen Fan sighed in his heart that the universe is so vast, perhaps many wonders were annihilated in the vast starry sky before they could be seen by others.

Chen Fan immediately took out his phone and snapped it wildly...

The spacecraft slowly swept across the sea of ​​nebula and sand and entered a dark, dark star field, and then slowly decelerated to tens of millions of kilometers per second.

Because there are no stars as street lights in the dark star field, but there are many celestial planets floating in it.

The spacecraft can only slow down to avoid these celestial planets in advance, but even so, we can still see ripples on the spacecraft's energy shield from time to time.

These are the shock waves generated when asteroids or large particles of dust hit the shield. Even if the shield cancels most of the impact, Chen Fan still feels the bumps, giving him the illusion of driving into the country dirt road.

In fact, Haramad knew several closer and better roads, but the problem was that those several star roads were all connected to strategic locations, and there must be a demon fleet guarding them. If this was set aside before, he might be able to let the demons sell his face and allow passage with the status of the Ethereal Prince, but now people are busy fighting, it is estimated that no one's face will be good.

Three days later, the spacecraft finally flew out of this dark starfield to see the light again.

I saw only a huge red star floating quietly in the endless void.

This is a red giant in old age, wherever its light shines will be swallowed by it. There are no planets and no asteroids.

The whole starry sky is clean and only one lonely.

The spacecraft can also accelerate.

"My lord." Haramad clicked on the star map and said, "We will be able to fly to the next jumping point in half a day."

"Yeah, I see." Chen Fan swiped his personal terminal perfunctorily. Because it was beyond the coverage of Monet, he can only play some small games on his personal terminal that don't need to be connected to the Internet. As for the news in the Terra Empire, he has long been unable to receive it, but before leaving the country, he learned from the news that there was a huge disturbance due to Fanya's sudden disappearance.

However, all of this was in his expectation, and he arranged a reason specifically, saying that Fanya had returned to his hometown and would come back in a few years.

As for fans, believe it or not, I believe time will test everything.

However, with the spread of the classic songs that Fanya sang became wider and wider, Chen Fan found that the **** crystal belonging to Fanya in the sea of ​​knowledge had absorbed more and more power of faith.

And the power of these beliefs are almost pure, they are all fanatic fans who fall in love with rock because of Fanya.

More importantly, these fanatic fans are not like those religious believers who pray to God for rewards, but worship purely because of love.

This is the'best believer' that countless gods dream of recruiting, but unfortunately there are very few who can really recruit Almost every fan who worships Fanya is the best believer, so many gods Envy, jealousy and hate are not enough.

Fortunately, the Terra Empire was founded by magic. All the Dharma gods used their power to prove the Tao. Unlike those countries that build a country by teaching, they staged blood-breaking things every day in order to fight for faith. Therefore, the upper layers of the empire did not have a lot of rock music. What restrictions or suppressions are made for development.

Of course, there is the secret instruction of the lady of magic. What is more important is that the empire has just gone through a war. The people urgently need all kinds of entertainment to numb the suffering caused by the war and make life better again. Otherwise, once the people breed Anti-war sentiment is the worst.

"If you continue to develop like this, I'm afraid it will really be able to enshrine the gods in a few years." Chen Fan rubbed his brows and thought to himself what title should his trumpet take? God of rock or music?

Chen Fan burst into laughter for a while, feeling that he was thinking too beautifully. How easy is it to become a god, even the simplest way of gathering aspirations to become a god, in addition to the long process of gathering the power of faith, you also need to cast an altar to light the fire.

Then in order to maintain the immortal fire, you have to establish the kingdom of God to give believers a place to ascend after death.

It's too much trouble.

Chen Fan changed his mind and thought it was better to follow the fate, anyway, he was already a part-time matchmaker, and there was no difference between one more and one less.

Suddenly Chen Fan sensed that the power of faith gathered has increased a little bit. Under curiosity, he connected a ray of power of faith to check the source, and found that an avid fan was in a huge concert scene.

On the stage, Mona and Diva were singing loudly, driving a boil under the stage.

Fans did not forget Fanya because of her departure. On the contrary, there is a kind of sister who is no longer in the arena, but there are still legends about her.

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