Big Panda Boss

Chapter 893: Deathmatch

???? Mammon quickly received the war book from Marduk, and he couldn't accept it, because the war book was handed over to him.

???? And the content on the war book is also very simple, betting on life.

???? Chen Fan won, Mamen left him at his disposal.

???? Mamen won, Chen Fan spared his life.

???? Mammon wanted to refuse, but the scumbag who likes to watch the drama helped him cope with it, and also helped him out of his own accord.

???? Soon people from all walks of life in the shrine heard the news and rushed to the Celestial Arena to watch this rare event in a century.

???? "My lord." Marduk replied: "The opponent has accepted the game, and has set a five-game three-win rule."

???? Chen Fan can guess that it must be that evildoer without even thinking about it.

????"Oh, I see."

???? "My lord." Haramad immediately took the initiative to ask: "The villain is willing to take the lead!"

???? Marduk twitched the corners of his mouth, and had no choice but to bite the bullet and ask: "My lord, the villain is willing to serve you and repay my life."

???? "Don't fight, you both have a share." Chen Fan said lightly.

???? Haramad immediately geared up.

???? Marduk has an expression of losing money worse than his dead father.

???? "My lord, if we win three games in five games, even if we count the two of us, there will be one less person." Haramad suggested: "Why don't I pay a lot of money to recruit a warrior, I believe in the joyful palace There is no shortage of such strong people."

???? "No, I have someone to choose." Chen Fan looked like a wise bead.

???? After half a day.

???? The Celestial Arena, which can accommodate millions of people, is already full of seats.

???? All the gods and gods under the sorrowful seat were all present, including the guest Qing, the clerks and the gods and devils who happened to have fun here, there were a total of 27 gods and devils gathered together.

???? After a while, Mamen took the lead on the stage.

???? Ordinary people cheered for joy, looking forward to this demon...Chapter 893 Deathmatch (page 1/4),. Bring them a wonderful performance.

???? And the gods and demons high on the seat of the gods have different looks, some gods are full of disdain, some demons nod their heads in greeting.

After the audience's voices gradually calmed down, the other protagonist of this gamble took to the high stage under the attention of the public.

???? There is no mighty divine might, nor monstrous magical might, just like a mortal, but wherever his gaze passes, the gods tremble, and no one dares to look at him.

???? Suddenly the holy light descended from the sky, and a beautiful **** wearing a tulle floated down on the highest seat.

???? He seems to have gathered all the best blessings in the world, and it is truly beautiful and suffocating.

???? Chen Fan has also seen several goddesses and fairies, but none of them can compete with him.

???? "Respectfully welcome my lord, holy driver." A group of gods got up and saluted, and other gods also got up to show their respect.

???? And mortals, male and female, are already deeply intoxicated in his beauty and cannot extricate themselves.

???? "Let's get started, two." He said with an elegant smile: "I hope it can bring us a wonderful game."

???? "As you wish." Chen Fan smiled slightly.

???? Marduk jumped into the field first.

???? Mamen snorted expressionlessly, and saw a demon popping out from behind him and falling in front of Marduk with a thud.

???? The regained audience immediately burst into cheers.

???? Chen Fan observed the thugs sent out by the Mamen, and a row of values ​​was naturally displayed on the sunglasses.

???? Race: Demon Guard

???? Gender: Male

???? Height: 6 meters

???? Vitality estimation: 11000

???? Soul power estimation: 3000

????Combat Effectiveness Evaluation: 8900


???? This demon guard is carrying a wheel and axe, and his long blue fangs are extremely vicious.

????On the other hand, only two meters high Marduk can be worthy of people's waist...Chapter 893 Death Fight (page 2/4), . It's like an adult hitting a child.

???? But the fighting power between demons is not always measured by body size.

What's more, Marduk, who had just received Chen Fan's power, now has more than 10,000 combat effectiveness.

???? At least there is no loss in terms of numbers, but only God knows the real fight.

????Because it is an unlimited life and death fight, so the rules of the game is that there are no rules.

???? I saw Marduk take the lead and drew a pair of double guns at the demon guard to shoot.

???? But seeing the demon guard laughed disdainfully, he charged with a sharp axe, and the bullet that pierced the golden cracked stone hit him like a tickle.

???? Marduk immediately put away his guns and exchanged a pair of daggers to deal with him.

???? The devil guard's stubborn wind is completely open and close.

???? Marduk relied on his agility to prevent the opponent from getting close, and tried several times to backstab the opponent, but they were all forced to retreat.

???? The demon guard's three axes swung down and saw that Marduk couldn't be pushed down, so he mocked: "You can try many times, but I only need to hit an axe."

???? Marduk immediately showed a look of fear, as if he was caught in the conversation.

???? The demon guard laughed loudly, rounded the axe, and suddenly spun at high speed.

???? For a time, the flying sand and rocks in the field seemed to rise up like a tornado.

???? Marduk immediately flew back, but was still forced to retreat into the corner step by step.

???? "Die, scum!" The demon guard screamed, jumped and smashed at Marduk.

???? Marduk, who had been shrinking all the time, gave a sneer, turned around and disappeared into the shadows.

???? The demon guard smashed the air with an axe, leaving a deep knife mark directly on the wall. The next second he suddenly snorted, his eyes widened.

???? I saw a sharp blade pierced his throat!

???? But this guy deserves...Chapter 893 Deathmatch (page 3/ is a fighting race among the demons , Even if the key was hit, he still made a Jedi counterattack, turning around and elbow hitting Marduk's waist firmly.

???? Bang!

???? Marduk flew out in half, rolling on the ground more than ten times before stopping, twitching in pain.

???? The demon guard pulled out the dagger stuck in the back of his neck and walked towards Marduk with a grim look.

???? "Kill! Kill! Kill!" The audience who was stimulated by the **** scene was excited and shouted in unison.

???? The demon guard walked in front of Marduk, grinning grinningly, raising the axe and slashing directly.

???? Bang!

???? The giant axe slashed again, it turned out that Marduk was a lazy donkey who rolled and avoided.

???? The demon guard twitched his cheeks, dragged the giant axe and swept it towards him to see how he would hide again.

???? But I saw Marduk a carp turning over and jumping upright, kicking on the forehead of the demon guard and jumping away, but when he landed, he slipped and fell a butt, attracting the audience. The stage was full of laughter.

???? The demon guard let out a hoarse roar, and raised his great axe to launch another charge at Marduk...

???? Suddenly I saw him rushing out a few steps and staggering, and he fell directly into a dog gnawing on the mud. He raised his head with difficulty and barked his eyes and snarled, "You actually poisoned..." He died of anger before he finished speaking .

The audience was quiet for a moment, and bursts of cheers broke out immediately. They didn't care about the means by which the victor won, as long as it could bring them sensory stimulation.

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