Big Panda Boss

Chapter 898: Believe in the Holy Light and have love in your heart

Chen Fan originally thought that the White Bone Fort was just an ordinary castle, but only later found out that he was wrong.

Because what appeared in front of you was a city of undead covering tens of thousands of square kilometers.

Perhaps it was because it was in the extreme night, and the whole city of the dead was ghostly and full of flames, full of fireworks.

The skeleton mage respectfully said: "Under the crown, there are many low-level undead in the city, which can't withstand the heat from your treasure. Can you take the treasure first?"

"Okay, the deity should just go to the countryside and follow the customs." Chen Fan smiled and put away Baolian, jumped on the back of the bone dragon, shaking the bone dragon with fright.

In order to quickly send this plague **** to the place, the bone dragon fluttered its wings and flew across the vast city of the undead and flew towards a hill in the center of the city.

The mountain is about 100 meters high, and an old castle stands on the top of the mountain.

The bone dragon fell outside the gate of the ancient castle, the gate opened, and two rows of skeleton soldiers armed with spears and armored heights stood in line to welcome.

Chen Fan jumped off the bone dragon and followed the Skeleton Mage swayingly towards the castle.

Entering the empty main hall, Chen Fan only saw a statue standing in the middle.

Chen Fan stepped forward and glanced at the statue. It was a young swordsman. The name of the swordsman, Augusto, was engraved on the base.

"This is the owner of the White Bone Fort?" Chen Fan was familiar with the name, but he couldn't remember hearing it there.

Two ghost fires in the eyes of the Skeleton Mage fluttered, and he replied, "Mianxia misunderstood. This is not my master, but..."

"He is my love." Suddenly a soft voice sounded.

The skeleton mage immediately retreated in fear.

Chen Fan looked back at the person who spoke. She was a silver-haired female priest in a white robe.

"You are the Earl of Bone Fort?" Chen Fan looked at this female priest who exuded a warm and holy light, and it was really difficult to connect her with a group of undead.

"Yes." The female priest stepped forward and looked at the statue, and said lightly: "If Mianxia is here for the Kingdom's artifact, please leave."

Chen Fan said with a chuckle: "Actually, I came here for two things. The first thing is to see what the legendary Zhen Guo artifact looks like, but now I saw something beyond my expectations. I didn't expect the so-called artifact. It's actually you, the earl. Tsk tsk, the undead of the Holy Light, it's an eye-opener today."

"The world often thinks that the Holy Light and the undead cannot coexist, and I once firmly believed that." The female priest stared at the statue affectionately and whispered, "Until he let me understand the nature of the Holy Light."

Chen Fan asked curiously: "Dare to ask your Excellency what is the nature of the Holy Light?"

"It's love." The female pastor said affectionately: "Love is a mighty force that can accommodate everything."

Chen Fan almost blurted out and asked if she still had a brother with a filial piety.

"It's really a pity, I'm afraid I can't appreciate this power."

The female priest smiled softly and said, "That's because you haven't met the one you truly love."

"Stop, stop." Chen Fan said with an ashamed look: "I didn't come to ask the goddess of love to ask about marriage. Dare to ask you, do you know that there is a mysterious gray mist floating in the nearby galaxies?"

"I know." The female priest said frankly, "That is an alien fissure that I opened by mistake when I was studying the Summoning of the Undead. I have sealed it several times without success. Seeing it did not cause much damage, let it go. What does this do?"

Chen Fan smiled and said: "I want to go to the alien plane to see if there are any treasures to pick up. I wonder if you can open it again for the next time?"

The female priest shook her head and said: "That was a failed and unrepeatable experiment. If you want to go to the alien plane, go find the gray mist."

Chen Fan asked, "Then, is there any pattern in this gray fog?"

"I can't determine the location." The female pastor said: "But the interval between each occurrence can be as short as a few days or as long as a hundred years. As long as you have patience, you can always squat by."

For an undead, a hundred years may pass after a nap.

But Chen Fan obviously didn't have so much idle time to wait here.

"This is my phone number. If the gray fog reappears, please call me."

"Yes, but I want half of the treasures I get!"

"You are an undead priest who believes in the Holy Light!"

"Does this have anything to do with what I believe in?"

"Give you 10% at most."

"Thirty percent, otherwise no discussion!"


"Walk slowly and not deliver."

"It's dark, you won't leave me for a meal before leaving?"

"I don't make a fire here, and I don't have much food for the living."

"Then your excellency, what do you usually eat?"

"Believe in the Holy Light, with love in your heart, no need to eat."



Chen Fan drove the lotus through the atmosphere and returned to the spacecraft.

The red devil immediately stepped forward and asked, "Have you ever found out about the artifact and the gray mist?"

Chen Fan told the Red Devil what he had seen and heard, and he was surprised.

"The universe is so I didn't expect there were undead who believe in the Holy Light. No wonder the Terra Empire and the Supreme Heaven did not send anyone to destroy it."

"It's over here, let's go back first." Chen Fan sacrificed the space gem and tore open a portal to the British Empire.

"Yes, my lord."


Chen Fan came to the British Empire to reunite with the Black Horned Ghost King and asked, "What news is there at home?"

The Black Horned Ghost King took out a thick stack of letters and said: "Everything is well at home, these letters are all sent by your majesty. It is the British Empire that has happened recently.

"What's the matter?" Chen Fan asked after taking the letter.

The Black Horned Ghost King said: "The Great Demon King Beria was defeated by Samael and gave the entire British Empire and several surrounding galaxies to Samael."

Chen Fan was slightly surprised but didn't take it to heart. After all, it was all the gods fighting the Great King Banner at the top of the city, and it was the same for whoever paid the royal food. He opened the letter and wondered: "Your Majesty can just call me if you have something to do. What do you do to send the letter?" He opened the letter and took a look, and found that the girl actually wrote it to him.

After reading all the letters, Chen Fan was dumbfounded: "This girl is also sensible, knowing that she can share the worries for adults."

The content of the letter is almost Xiao Youyou's diary for the past six months, one every ten days on average, recording that she was panicked when she learned that Chen Fan was missing, and even ran away from home to find his whereabouts.

Fortunately, there was a **** staring at him, otherwise this girl might have made a lot of trouble.

Fortunately, Chen Fan sent a message to Hei Ba in time to tell him to return safely, so that the girl was relieved.

Then this girl seemed to have grown up overnight, no longer just greedy for fun as before, but started earnestly practicing with Miaoyun Demon King.

Most of the letters also described the girl's assiduous practice and missed him.

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