Big Panda Boss

Chapter 906: Blessing in disguise

"Panda Brother (

Tyrael, Thor, and Morgan were also in a trance when they heard this magic sound, as if at this moment they had lost the meaning of existence, it was better to plunge into this nihility and return to eternity.

Tyrael was the first to be surprised, and quickly pulled Thor and Morgan out of the range of influence.

"What the **** is going on?" Thor returned to his senses and said in horror: "I just had the idea of ​​suicide. It's terrible."

Tyrael said in a condensed voice: "It is Old Chen's nihilistic realm. All laws will fail, including the truth and beliefs we believe in!"

Thor was horrified: "Is there such a terrible realm in the universe?"

"This is not a force in the universe." Tyrael kept secret, staring closely at the shadow sun, only to see its huge figure rapidly dissolving.

Diablo was screaming, screaming, roaring, trying to fight to the death, but any resistance was futile.

Soon ‘Void’ erased all the magic patterns on the Shadow Sun, and the entire Shadow Sun disappeared completely with a pop like a bubble.

Chen Fan reached out his claws and grabbed Diablo with a look of horror. Suddenly, the yin and yang Pisces spinning behind him suddenly fixed, and even his whole person was frozen.

In the next second, a treasure ding flew out from the center of his eyebrows, and fell on his forehead with a loud clang in the wind.

Followed by a flame golden lotus opened from his feet and wrapped his whole person in.

The scriptures shone on the lotus cover, echoing with a small voice.

Upon seeing this, Diablo immediately turned his head and walked away, blinking and disappearing without a trace.

Tyrael and Thor are determined to pursue them, but they are unable to pursue them.

The two gods looked at each other and flew to the flame golden lotus cautiously.

I saw the golden scriptures on the golden lotus petals gleaming, causing Baolian to slowly shrink back to its normal size.

Through the lotus cover, the second **** saw Chen Fan lying in it, not knowing his life or death.

"Is he alive?" Thor whispered.

"Definitely still alive." Tyrael said firmly: "He won't die if we die."

Morgan woke up at this moment, was dazzled by Jinlian Baoguang, and exclaimed: "What kind of treasure is this? It's so dazzling!"

"It's Old Chen's treasure." Tyrael explained: "Old Chen ran away out of control just now. It was this treasure that made him quiet."

Thor asked, "Can you wake him up?"

Tyrael shook his head.

"Ah!" Morgan exclaimed suddenly: "My sharp gun is also in it."

"Don't act rashly!" Thor still warned it was too late.

Because Morgan had already issued a call to the Gunslinger, the Eternal Gunslinger immediately jumped up inside the lotus hood after receiving the induction, but it ran around like a headless fly and couldn't get out.

"Quickly let Gangnier calm down!" Thor said in horror: "If he wakes up and walks away again, we are all dead!"

Morgan immediately did so, but the eternal gun slammed into Chen Fan's forehead.

The three immediately took a breath of air-conditioning neatly!

The next second, Chen Fan sat up straight, his mouth still drooling, and looked at the three with sleepy eyes.

"Damn! Run!" Morgan turned and ran, but Tyrael was caught.

"Quiet, he is awake again." Tyrael chuckled lightly.

The lotus cover slowly opened, and Chen Fan yawned and said in a daze: "Why am I falling asleep? It's already dinner?"

The three were silent.


On the return flight.

"How do you say I almost killed the big pineapple?" Chen Fan grumbled and drank the wine, wiped the corners of his mouth and said, "It seems that this guy is really the son of luck.

"Old Chen, you really don't remember anything?" Tyrael asked.

Chen Fanyi shrugged and said, "I have amnesia."

Morgan said with a black thread: "Your acting is too perfunctory, you are obviously pretending to have amnesia!"

Chen Fan bared his teeth and said, "Well, I have no memory loss. I am the evil villain. I am going to destroy the universe. Are you happy?"

Morgan glared at him, picked up the phone and hid in the corner to play a game.

"It's okay to see you anyway." Tyrael chuckled lightly.

Thor sighed: "It's a pity that Diablo, the great demon god, has run away. I don't know what terrible conspiracy he will make next time."

Chen Fan chuckles and said, "This may be a good thing."

"What do you say?" Thor looked puzzled.

"There are no outsiders here, I'll just say it straight." Chen Fan threw the wine gourd into Thor's hand and asked, "What kind of **** do you think Archangel of Courage is?"

"Imparis crowned?" Thor drank a few sips of wine and handed it to Tyrell, commenting: "The Archangel of Courage is the most heroic **** I have ever seen. What do you ask this for?"

Chen Fan smiled and looked at Tyrell without saying a word.

Tyrell took a sip of spirits silently and handed the wine gourd back: "Thank you."

"You're welcome." Chen Fan smiled slightly.

Thor frantically said, "Hey, what are you two playing dumb puzzles?"

Chen Fan smiled lightly and said: "The Archangel of Courage is indeed worthy of the four words of bravery and skillful battle, but he is not a qualified leader. If we really succeed in slaying Diablo this time, then How would you feel about the heroic archangel who just came back from Diablo? Do you think he would be grateful to Tyrael for helping him get revenge? Or would he be suspicious that Tyrael was hitting him on purpose face?"

"..." Thor was speechless for a and finally understood why Tyrael would thank Chen Fan.

And the development of the matter was as expected by Chen Fan. When Tyrael also came home with a feather, the injured Imparis actually greeted him personally, and staged a good show of brotherly respect in front of everyone. It has set a good example for the world, and it is truly a harmony and friendship.


"My lord, you're back." The Black Horned Ghost King greeted Chen Fan back with a flattering look: "How well did things go?"

Chen Fan said lightly: "It didn't work, let the big pineapple run away. What are you doing like a villain with a smile? What's the fart?"

The Black Horned Ghost King rubbed his cheeks and smiled dryly: "My lord, I see that **** is not peaceful lately, so I want to take the brothers to practice. After all, staying at home can't train strong soldiers."

"Do you want to return to your old business?" Chen Fan turned and sat on the sofa, "You should ask your Majesty for instructions on this matter."

The Black Horned Ghost King took out an imperial decree and said: "Your Majesty said this matter, you can make up your mind."

Chen Fan took the imperial decree and looked aside, and immediately understood that Hei Ba was giving him the right to release troops.

King Noire smiled and said: "Your Majesty also asked me to bring you an oral message to the King. Your Majesty said: Third brother, you can just let go and do it, don't have any scruples, just treat it as opening up territory for the empire.

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows and said solemnly, "Did something happen at home?"

"Ah? No, no, everything is fine at home." A panic flashed in the eyes of the Black Horned Ghost King.

Chen Fan threw the imperial edict back to him, and said lightly: "Prepare a spaceship for this king, I want to go back."

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