In Lu Xiao's memory, there was only one place that could match such a plain.

He turned to look at Dante and asked his doubts.

Mr. Devil, do you know this place in Africa?

Hearing this, Dante looked startled.

Never heard of this place.

After listening to Dante's answer, Lu Xiao had an answer in his mind.

It seems that this world is not the same as my previous world.

He thought to himself.

Now Lu Xiao is not sure yet whether this is Africa.

Even if the Mirror of Omniscience verified his suspicion that the Dark Prison was his previous world, Lu Xiao couldn't be sure.

Because he has never been abroad before.

Another ten minutes passed.

The driver stopped the car.

In front of them was an endless ocean.

There is no way.

The driver turned his head and said in a deep voice.

There is no road ahead. How about we try to cross the ocean?

Dante shook his head wildly.

Brother, when did you get infected by Lu Xiao?

How could you have such a crazy idea!

Have you forgotten what the dart said? The real depth of the prison is the ocean.

Hearing this, the driver looked at Lu Xiao.

Lu Xiao grinned at him.

The driver's hair suddenly stood on end.

Unconsciously, he seems to have become accustomed to doing things without thinking.

Then what do we do now?

Dante holds his forehead.

Brother, can you have some opinions of your own?

The driver looked confused.

He has never had such a thing as 'opinion'.

After all, he is just a driver responsible for driving.

Lu Xiao turned to look at Dante and grinned.

Mr. Devil, if you have no other choice, just say so.

As if his thoughts were revealed, Dante scratched the horns of his forehead in embarrassment.

People often feel uneasy in unfamiliar places and lose some ability to judge.

Dante is undoubtedly in this state at this time.

Lu Xiao turned to look at the driver again.

You continue driving in the opposite direction. We must first determine a direction.

The driver frowned.

What should I do if I accidentally stray into the territory of a powerful and strange being?

Hearing this, Lu Xiao fell into deep thought.

But then he patted his forehead lightly.

Mirror, which direction do we need to go to get out of this plain?

“What’s the cost of this problem?”

The voice of the Mirror of Omniscience rang in his ears.

A piece of your fingernail.

Lu Xiao did not hesitate to pull out a piece and put it on his chest.

After swallowing the fingernail, the voice of the Mirror of Omniscience sounded again.

The answer is one o'clock.

Lu Xiao told the driver the answer.

The driver immediately turned the car around and drove in that direction.

On the way, the driver asked Lu Xiao strangely.

You are obviously wearing the Mirror of Omniscience, why do you feel like you don't like using it?

Lu Xiao rolled his eyes at him.

I really don't know how you survived in the dark prison for so long.

Dante explained from the side.

All weird items, when used, in addition to the obvious price, there must be some price that you can't see.

“The most important thing is that it can make you dependent without even realizing it.”

Showed by data from multiple studies at The Jailer.

All contained objects will have the characteristic of assimilating to the user.

It's just that the assimilation is completed without you realizing it, just like boiling a frog in warm water.

The driver seemed to understand and asked another question.

New 𝐱.𝐜𝐨𝐦

Like R01

Dante shook his head.

It's not the same between the two.

R01's, because that itself is one of its abilities.

The Doctor once mentioned that he prefers to call that ability slavery.

Lu Xiao silently took Dante's words to heart.

The reason why he doesn't use the Mirror of Omniscience very frequently is not because of the reason Dante said.

Lu Xiao's experience of surviving in the dark prison for three years told him.

The abilities of weird beings are often weird and dangerous.

So he doesn't need it as much as possible.

The pendant made of the Mirror of Omniscience trembled slightly, as if it didn't quite agree with Dante's words.

Lu Xiao noticed something strange and took off the pendant.

The next second, the Mirror of Omniscience transformed into the size of a cosmetic mirror.

A face appeared on the mirror.

The face was facing Dante, with a strange expression.

Before Dante could react, a viscous liquid fell on Dante's face.

The Mirror of Omniscience then shrunk back to the size of a pendant.

Dante: ???

He stretched out his hand to wipe the sticky liquid from his face, then put it to the tip of his nose and sniffed it gently.

What just happened?

Lu Xiao said a little uncertainly.

It's like the mirror spat on you.

Dante again: ???


The car is very fast.

Half an hour later, Lu Xiao and the others finally left the plain.

But seeing the desolate desert around them, everyone fell into deep thought again.

Lu Xiao quickly searched for memories about the world map in his mind.

But he soon made a sad discovery.

When he was a child in school, he never attended a single geography class in a sober state.

This is embarrassing.

Lu Xiao turned to look at the driver.

Have you ever memorized a world map?

The driver was stunned for a moment, then said with a strange expression.

I'm a taxi driver, why am I carrying that thing on my back?

It's amazing to be able to memorize a city map.

Lu Xiao felt that this seemed to be the case.

In desperation, he had no choice but to turn to the Mirror of Omniscience again.

After paying the price of a fingernail, I finally got a direction.

Because the speed of the car is very fast, the weak and strange beings cannot keep up with their speed.

As for those powerful ones, Lu Xiao sensed their location from a distance and informed the driver in advance to avoid them.

He is like a humanoid radar, eliminating danger.

If nothing else, there should be an accident at this time.

The driver who was driving suddenly felt that his eyelids became heavy.

He yawned widely.

Dante laughed upon seeing this.

What's up, buddy, you're such a strange being that you still feel sleepy?

As soon as he finished speaking, the chef started snoring.

Lu Xiao frowned and turned around.

The chef was already asleep.

Even the chainsaw man's eyelids were drooped, as if he might fall asleep at any moment.

Suddenly, a wave of sleepiness hit him, and Lu Xiao couldn't help but yawn.

The same goes for Dante.

Something's wrong!

Lu Xiao immediately became alert.

At this time, Dante's lazy voice sounded.

I'm so tired, I don't want to move anymore.

The driver's hands had slipped from the steering wheel.

Yeah, I'm so tired. It feels like I stayed up all night without sleeping.

He felt like he didn't even have the strength to step on the accelerator.

Lu Xiao's brain started to work.

But the next moment, he looked tired.

I feel so tired from thinking.

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