The assistant was stunned. He didn't quite understand the meaning of Anti's words. ☜♦

Mr. Anti, you?

Anti directly interrupted what he was going to say next.

I can handle my students' matters myself, but not now.

Hearing Anti's words, the assistant's expression froze slightly.

But after we help the doctor complete his plan this time, his reputation and status will be even higher.

In his eyes, this was nothing less than an act of capitalizing on the enemy.

Anti's eyes became colder and colder.

It seems you don't know who the enemy is.

The assistant's expression froze, and then his eyes gradually lost their luster.

Anti took his hand out of his chest, and then wiped the blood on the assistant's white coat.

He muttered to himself with a somewhat regretful expression.

You really let me down.

Soon, soldiers came forward and dragged the assistant's body down.

Anti ignored the gazes of others, but looked straight at the transparent cover that was slowly lifted up.

The transparent cover rose smoothly into the air, and only after the helicopter lifting the cover left everyone's sight did all the staff heave a sigh of relief.

[No. P02-Angel]

[Containment level: P]

[Target Ability: Top Secret Rules]

[Containment Conditions: Highest Secrecy Rules]

[Combat Ability: Top Secret Rules]

[PS: The sleeping angel, never let him wake up. 】

Looking at the helicopter gradually disappearing on the horizon, Anti took out a white handkerchief from his breast pocket.

He carefully wiped the remaining blood between his fingers.

In the list of items the doctor gave him, there was only P02.

Anti thought for a while and decided to contact the doctor.

Thinking of this, he took out his communicator.

I'm Anti.

The doctor on the other end of the communicator was stunned for a moment when he heard these words, and then he said calmly.

Good afternoon Mr. Anti.

Hearing the doctor's greeting, the director next to him was also stunned.

Anti's words came through the communicator again.

P02 has set off. The route was arranged by me personally. No one knows the route except the pilot and me.

Hearing this, the doctor just nodded slightly.

I see.

After saying that, the doctor hung up the communication directly.

The director on the side was a little curious.

Why would this guy tell you this?

He should be eager to tear you alive right now.

Is there any conspiracy in this?

The doctor pushed up his monocle and his tone became serious.

I haven't had any contact with him, so I don't know what kind of person he is.

The director thought for a while and instantly came up with an idea.

Ask Mr. Warden, he has been rivals with Anti for decades, so he should know him very well.

The doctor nodded slightly, and then sent a message to his teacher.

The communication was quickly connected, and the warden's old voice came.

I'm the warden.

The doctor immediately replied.

Mentor, I am a doctor.

I have a question for you?

There was silence on the other end for a moment.

You tell me.

The doctor recounted the content of the phone call with Anti just now.

The warden fell into silence again, and after a long time he slowly answered.

It's okay. Although this old guy Anti's city is very deep, he knows what to do when.

He will not attack you until the sacrifice plan is completed.

As for the meaning of his words, I guess he probably wants to tell you.

New 𝘹.𝘤𝘰𝘮

Don't worry about the mole. If there is an accident during the transportation of P02, he will bear the responsibility.

Upon hearing the warden's words, the doctor and the director were stunned.

What a worthy opponent.

The doctor sighed.

The warden continued.

When do you plan to leave?

The doctor said softly.

I plan to set off in a car one day in advance. At the current speed of the car, it will only take about two hours to reach the battlefield.

But my troops have already set off.

By the way, are you leaving for the battlefield?

The warden replied with a smile.

I won't go. I'm an old man and can't stand the fright.

I have already sent people to deliver the items on the list.

I'll be waiting for your good news at the shelter.

After saying this, the warden hung up the communication.

Then his eyes fell on an old man with an Asian face sitting in front of him.

The old man held a teacup and gently sipped the tea inside.

Shadow, this tea was given to me by the doctor. He said it was picked from the dark prison. What do you think?

Shadow's eyes narrowed, and he nodded after a long time.

Yes, you have accepted a good student.

Hearing Shadow's words, the warden's smiling eyes narrowed into slits.

he said modestly.

Wherever he is a good student, he is a lunatic.

Shadow clicked his tongue.

What's wrong with being crazy? You were also a lunatic when you were young.

What this crumbling world needs right now is a madman.

As he spoke, his tone paused, then he looked at the warden and teased.

You old guy, you're not being modest by co-authoring.

Upon hearing this, the warden laughed twice.

Haha, did you just react now?

It seems you are getting old too.

Shadow didn't say anything and just poured a cup of tea.

The atmosphere was silent for a while, and Shadow said leisurely.

I heard that Lao Bai is awake?

The warden nodded slightly.

The director injected Lao Bai with P292 blood.

This guy's filial piety is really touching.

Shadow nodded, then sighed.

My student was also injected with P292's blood, right?

Hearing this, the warden shook his head in confusion.

I don't know, I haven't contacted him for a while.

Shadow sighed.

From what I learned, he has undergone a mutation.

The warden looked surprised.

No communication was issued from the top office.

The warden fell silent as soon as he finished saying this.

Having been in a high position all year round, he instantly understood the plans of the top office.

The top office concealed He Shang's disappearance, so it should be preparing to take action against He Shang's seat.

You know, the number of seats in the highest office has always been fixed.

There is a pit for each carrot. Only when you pull out a carrot will a new pit appear.

Now that He Shang is missing, the seat will soon be vacant.

The fact that the top office concealed this news was probably because there was some action against this seat.

Thinking of this, the warden looked at Shadow.

Then what are your plans? Do you want to go back to serve in the highest office?

Shadow shook his head.

It's not necessary. That position will soon be useless.

After hearing Shadow's words, the warden quickly understood.

Has your godhood ceremony reached the final stage?

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