Hearing this, Lu Xiao was stunned. ♡

He casually tore off a large piece of flesh and blood from his arm, and then said in a confused tone:

Is it that simple?

On the other hand, Liu Guang had a look of madness on his face.

Yes, it's that simple!

After receiving the confirmation, Lu Xiao threw away the piece of bloody meat in his hand.

Liuguang caught the flesh and blood, and then pulled out a dagger from his waist.

He used a dagger to cut open his abdomen and stuffed the piece of Lu Xiao's flesh and blood along the incision.

After doing all this, his figure slowly retreated and disappeared into the darkness.

Bai So looked coldly at the direction in which he disappeared, lowered his voice and said to the shadow:

It feels like he's going to be a huge scourge.

Shadow shrugged and said in a nonchalant tone:

He can't make it.

But it's a good chess piece.

Hearing this, Bai So was stunned for a moment and said:

Are you making plans again?

Shadow nodded, so he had no intention of hiding anything from Bai.

Time is running out, so the methods must be more radical.

Bai So was silent for a moment before continuing:

You just let him run away and didn't chase him. Aren't you afraid that he would run away and release the contained objects?

Shadow waved his hand, his eyes a little complicated and said:

Have you forgotten who's gene he used to create the experimental product?

I know him too well.

Hearing this, Bai Su's body froze for an instant, and then he stopped talking.

At this moment, the doctor and others in the room opened their eyes at the same time.

They saw such a scene as soon as they woke up, and the director and Huns were a little unresponsive.

The doctor skillfully took out a pair of monocles from his white coat and put them on.

After glancing at the group of staff, the doctor looked at Lu Xiao and the others.

What exactly happened?

Hearing this, Bai So and Ying looked at Lu Xiao at the same time.

Lu Xiao pointed at his nose and said doubtfully:

Why are you two looking at me?

I didn't do this.

Shadow shrugged and said, But it happened because of you.

Bai So wanted to follow suit and shrug, but considering that he was doing this action now, the picture might be a bit scary.

He simply shook his neck.

Liu Guang is right.

Lu Xiao sighed, and then repeated what Dante said to the doctor.

After listening to Lu Xiao's brief description, the doctor held his monocle and fell into deep thought.

After a while, he looked at the bone sculpture castle hanging on Ivan's skeleton.

Let Lucy out, we can only rely on her in this situation.

Ivan nodded, and then tapped the bone sculpture castle with his fingertips.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Qian's figure appeared in front of everyone.

The doctor said calmly: Lucy has a special ability called 'neighing'.

It contains an effect that has some effect on spiritual cleansing.

As soon as Lucy came out, she rushed towards Lu Xiao.

Lucy is now as big as an adult's head.

But she seemed to like lying on Lu Xiao's head.

Lu Xiao didn't care about her and just let her lie like this.

The doctor looked at Lu Xiao and continued: You ask her to sing a song.

Hearing this, Lu Xiao stretched out a finger and poked Lu Qian, who was lying on top of his head.

Let you sing a song.

Lucy nodded slightly, then lay on top of Lu Xiao's head and started singing.

As soon as the singing was heard, everyone felt warm all over.


But the staff didn't respond much.

Still looking that crazy.

If Bai So was not here, they might have pounced on them, tore this group of people into pieces and eaten them.

As for Ivan's skeleton, without flesh and blood, he is just used for drinking water.

The doctor held his monocle and fell into deep thought again.

Logically speaking, Lucy's ability can remove mental pollution.

But the staff didn't react much.

Then there is only one possibility, and that is that Lucy's current ability is not enough to purify the pollution they have received.

Then the doctor thought of another thing.

Lu Xiao once told him that the Mirror of Omniscience told him that the C03 shelter would be controlled by Lu Qian.

The doctor planned to twist the ending by making Lucy the nominal leader of the C03 asylum.

But before I could do that, too many things happened later.

Even he is crazy.

The Doctor is unsure whether this is what the Omniscient Mirror saw at the time.

But there is obviously no good solution at this time.

Thinking of this, he walked over to Lu Xiao.

Then he whispered to Lu Qian:

Can you talk like me?

Although Lucy didn't quite understand what the doctor meant, she still nodded her head gently.

The doctor raised the corners of his mouth, pointed at the group of staff not far away with one hand on his hips and said:

You should return to your duties immediately.

Hearing this, the madness on the faces of the staff froze for a moment.

Lucy took a deep breath, and then followed the doctor's example.

She stood on top of Lu Xiao's head, one hand on her waist, and the other hand pointed at the group of staff.

You guys... let's get so fat that we can find a job right now!

There seemed to be some strange magic in her voice.

As soon as this was said, the facial expressions of the staff members were still crazy.

But the next second, they dispersed and actually turned around and left.

This scene shocked others.

Even Shadow didn't expect that things could become so simple.

Shadow raised his hand and gave the doctor a thumbs up and said:

Your brain is better.

The doctor pushed up his monocle and then explained:

Lucy releases a pheromone in her daily life.

If you are under the influence of this pheromone for a long time, you will unconsciously become close to her.

“The impact is deep into the soul.”

When I learned about her ability, I consciously let her get along with the shelter staff more often.

Now it seems that it is somewhat effective.

Everyone was speechless.

The doctor said to Lu Qian:

Little Lucy, can you just stay with your godfather during this time?

Hearing this, Lucy hesitated.

After a while, she grabbed Lu Xiao's hair and shook her head vigorously.

Feeling his hair being pulled, Lu Xiao pulled it back out.

The expression on Lucy's face looked a little aggrieved.

He seemed to be wondering why his father was so arrogant today.

Lu Xiao was instantly amused by her expression.

Then he put her back on top of his head.

He looked at the doctor and said with a smile:

Forget it, I'll just stay with you during this time.

It just so happens that I also have a lot of things I want to ask you.

The doctor did not refuse, but nodded slightly.

Now there is only one last thing left to deal with.

That is Nini who is undergoing a change.

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