Bizarre Detective Agency

Chapter 283: One hundred and ninety-eight. The eve of the rainy season

   Chapter 283

   Ten minutes later, Lu Li appeared in the lobby of the tavern.

   His calm expression was as if nothing had happened before.

   Only the psychic gun in the holster at his waist was silently describing something.

  Matthew was also in the hall, sitting alone at the dining table. Her wet brown hair was loose, and her cheeks were flushed from the bath.

   She's done washing, much faster than these men.

  Lu Li didn't sit there, he sat down under a table on the edge of the tavern, waiting for the alliance personnel to deliver food and medicine.

  Price was the third one to come out. He whispered something to Matthew, took a glass of beer and sat down opposite Lu Li.

   "If I'm not mistaken you shouldn't go through a lot, but well done."

  It was not surprising that Pulis could see that Lu Li was very unfamiliar in every aspect of the event, but his excellent performance almost covered this.

  The food was brought up quickly, hot sausages, bread and broth, and a glass of milk that Lu Li specially asked for.

   "Where are you going next?" Lu Li asked.

  The door of the tavern was suddenly pushed open, and the team members that Price had left on Elm Street walked in. Pulis nodded at them, then turned to answer Lu Li: "Take a break and continue patrolling."

  Price didn't talk too much on the subject, and when the words fell, he raised his beer glass.

   "Respect you."


  Lu Li picked up the milk cup and signaled.

  The members of the Night's Watch came to the hall one after another after taking a shower, and Price said in a low voice his apology and returned to his team.

   The imaginary noise and noise did not appear. Even if they were not on the mission, these night watchmen kept as quiet as possible and only spoke in a low voice.

  After eating, Lu Li finally put bread covered with broth into his mouth, picked up the handkerchief on the side and wiped his fingertips and the corners of his mouth.

   An alliance staff came over to clear the table and told Lu Li that if he wanted to leave, he just had to tell them, and they would prepare a carriage to take Lu Li to where he wanted to go.

   "Get me a carriage, and now I need a phone and contact information for Petra's best friend."

   "Petra? Excuse me, who is she?" The alliance personnel, who had always only been in charge of logistics, didn't know what Lu Li said.

   "The hostess of 33 Elm Street, the protagonist of this incident."

"OK, just a second."

   After waiting for a few minutes, the alliance staff led Lu Li to the tavern owner's room.

   This place was simply placed, but it was still a mess, and the boss was nowhere to be seen.

The microphone was placed on the desk and kept connected, and the alliance personnel said to Lu Li, "We have already helped you contact the person you are looking for. Her name is Luna, Petra's childhood playmate, and she is still very much up to now. good friendship."

   went to the desk, picked up the phone, and asked Lu straight to the point, "Does Professor Petra usually have any hobbies?"

The    Alliance had already told Luna what happened before, but the old voice in the microphone didn't find Lu Li's question abrupt: "Hobby? Let me think about it... What are you referring to?"

   "For example, I like to read books naked."

   The expressions of the Alliance personnel who had not yet had time to leave the room suddenly became strange.

   The microphone was silent for a while, before a faint sigh came.

   "...I thought this thing would go away with's really unbelievable, right?"


  The rain that fell on the roof of the carriage completely drowned out the crisp sound of the horse's hooves.

   The groom outside the carriage was driving the carriage, on the way back to the detective agency.

  Lu Li looked out through the curtain of the carriage, and a strange scene appeared in his eyes. Many residents stayed outside in the torrential rain, standing in front of walls and smearing on roofs, or cleaning gutters under their eaves.

   "What are they doing?" Lu Li asked.

   Ana, who was sitting side by side with Lu Li, explained, "Prepare for the coming rainy season. Some people in Shymfast used to do this when the rainy season came, but not as many here."

   "Is it the rainy season..."

   Remembering that the rainy season will last for one to two weeks, Lu Li asked the groom to temporarily go to the department store and the market.

   He is going to stock up on some food and supplies for the rainy season.

   It can be imagined that the situation will become more difficult when the already bad environment encounters the rainy season.

   Just in case, Lu Li has to do some other preparations.

   So when the carriage stopped at a department store, in addition to purchasing kerosene, waterproof rain cloths attached to the walls, and sandbags blocked at the door to prevent water from entering, Lu Li hired another mason.

  Only two cubic meters of deep-sea stone is not enough to cover the detective agency, but it can barely cover the four walls in the bedroom, which can come in handy.

  If the events of [Cries for Help in the Alley] and [House that Can Eat People] can be completed in time, Lu Li can also lay down the third cubic meter of deep-sea stones before the rainy season.

   It was agreed that the masons would come over in the afternoon, and Lu Li returned to the carriage with the purchased supplies.

  The carriage moved, leaving a line of ruts on the wet bluestone road, which disappeared in an instant.


   After half an hour, the carriage stopped in front of the longhouse.

   The same as what we saw along the way, the Sailor Street is also laying rain cloth to prevent the rain from leaking after the rainy season. In front of the longhouse, the landlord, shirtless, loudly instructed the residents of the longhouse to check where there might be rain.

Lu Li was not here. After burying the carriage, the landlord greeted Lu Li with a smile that was almost flattering. He learned about Lu Li's identity and the meaning of his identity through some gossip. With him, there is no need to worry about the longhouse. Something weird happens.

   The weirdness in Belfast has been on the rise lately. If it weren't for more outside the city, many residents would consider leaving here.

   The only problem is that the exorcist seems to be planning to move out of here.

   "You bought a rain cloth? Don't worry, we have already covered your outer wall for you." The landlord noticed what Lu Li was holding in his hand and said graciously.

   "Thank you." Lu Li nodded his thanks and returned to the detective agency.

The    newspaper was delivered and lay on the floor behind the door of the detective agency.

  Lu Li gave Anna what was in his hand, picked up the edge of the newspaper, and put it on the desk.

  The smell of damp and rotten wood in the detective agency is strong, not good, but bearable.

   "You stay here, I'll go to the investigator base."

   Lu Li had already told Anna about this when he was on the carriage. Completing the incident requires recording everything and handing it over to the investigator base, and this time was no exception.

  In the case that a piece of paper could not write the content of this incident, Lu Li could only go to the base to describe it.

"come back earlier."


   Thinking of something, Lu Li stretched his palm into his arms, put the book that fell on the shop on the desk, and turned to leave.

   Anna, who had forgotten about this, stared at the book on the desk for ten seconds, then looked out the window.

  The figure that made her depend on got into the waiting carriage, the wheels turned, and slowly left the window.

   (end of this chapter)

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