Bizarre Detective Agency

Chapter 699: 276. People sing the name of the exorcist

  Chapter 699 Two hundred seventy-six. People sing the name of the exorcist

  The carriages of nobles and rich men were mixed in the crowd.

   They are dressed up and enjoy people's envious and respectful eyes, as if they are not fleeing but will attend a noble gathering.

  The order in front of the city gate is barely maintained, because there are always some residents who are greedy and want to take everything away. The guards had to yell and urge them to drop most of their stuff or die in the wilderness.

   There was someone who was dragging at least 100 pounds and trying to get out of the city. If it wasn't for the guards to stop him, he wouldn't be able to walk ten miles.

   Soon, the village chief Abdel and others appeared and said goodbye to Lu Li.

   "See you at Storm Point."

   When they left, there was some confusion in front of the city gate - a family of three wanted to return to the revolving city after receiving three boxes of cans. The guards stopped them and said there was no food in the revolving city and there might be danger to stop them.

   "Why don't you lie to the people here?"

  Gulian asked Lu Li next to him: "If there is a strange attack here, maybe those who don't want to leave will leave obediently."

   "Because it might really lead to weirdness." Lu Li said.

  The city lord of Enwa Ebili stood on the high platform, overlooking the dark crowd on the street, and sent guards to rearrange the team: women, children and children were given priority to leave the city, and young adults were in the back.

   They have better physical strength and walk faster.

   The evacuation lasted for half an hour, and half of the city's population left. But they were soon told by guards that some residents had secretly returned from other gates after receiving the cans.

   "Why?" Gullian asked in confusion.

   "They are not in good health, some are children, some are too old... They can't get to Storm Cape before dark..." The guard said with his head lowered.

   Lu Li swept through the crowd in front of the city gate, those old people, those who stumbled. There seemed to be helplessness and despair in their eyes.

   "City Lord." Lu Li tilted his head to look at Enwa Ebili City Lord.

   City Lord Enwa Ebili bowed his head slightly, indicating that he was listening.

   "Collect all the wagons in the city and let those who can't get to Storm Cape before dark sit on them."

   The slowest carriage is also faster than both feet.

   "Many carriages are in the hands of nobles and wealthy businessmen, and they want to carry their belongings..." The city owner of Nwaebili hesitated, he did not think those nobles would give up their belongings, even if they were on their side.

   "Weirds aren't interested in those things, they can come and get them whenever they want," Gullian said.

   "I'll try it."

  The city lord of Enwa Ebili summoned the guards and asked them to sign the carriage.

  Most aristocratic and rich people were dissatisfied, but due to Anna's "magic", they could only free up the carriages with unimportant goods, and let the city lord arrange for the elderly, children, and disabled people.

   An hour later, the last group of people evacuated from the city.

  In the early morning, the mist-filled revolving city was empty and silent. The empty wooden boxes beside the city gate were piled up in a mess, and the figures of the nobles and rich people on the high platform had disappeared, only Lu Li and Anna were left.

  The guards lined up in front of the city gate, and a carriage came, and inside sat Lord Enwaebili and Gulian.

   "Are you really not leaving us?" Gullian asked complicatedly.

   "As I said before, we are going to solve the silent time." Anna replied.

   Gullian has long known. But the first time I heard about it, the city owner of Nwaebili and the guards were shocked, and finally turned into respect.

   City Lord Enwa Ebili took off his hat, put his palms on his chest and bowed deeply: "The people on this land will remember you."

   "I'm waiting for your good news at Cape Storm," Gullian said.

  After saying goodbye, the city owner's carriage was surrounded by guards and left the city gate, catching up with the migratory crowd that stretched for more than ten miles.

   And the rumors that the demon slayer named Lu Li wanted to solve the silence spread in this land.

   "Let's go to the dungeon." Ana looked back.

   and Lu Li walked off the high platform, and they walked side by side on the empty, cluttered street.

   Another city that disappeared because of the weirdness.

   The dungeon is under the city master's mansion.

   The iron door leading to the dark dungeon was open, and the iron key of the prison door hung on the wall and no one cared about it.

  The guards gave up here, and no one thought of and ignored the prisoners in the dungeon. When the torches on the walls went out, the darkness would engulf everyone here.

  Lu Li took off the torch key and walked into the dungeon with Anna.

   Pairs of eyes looked from behind the iron fence. When they found that Lu Li was not a guard but held the key, they crowded in front of the iron bar to ask loudly, or begged Lu Li to let them out.

   "Only those who commit the felony of the same murder will be sent to the dungeon, but you have the final say." Anna said softly.

   Some subtle sounds in the dungeon will also spread. The prisoners who heard Anna's words cursed loudly, and some people shouted that they were wronged.

   A gust of breeze blew past Lu Li, and a muffled sound came from the cells where the scolding was loudest, and the sound stopped abruptly.

   The remaining prisoners were silent.

  Lu Li and Anna walked to the cell where the believers of the Silent Hours Church were imprisoned.

  The five figures in cloaks behind the iron fence gathered in a circle and murmured something, which was very recognizable.

  Anna stepped forward and recited the motto of the church in silence: "People only think in silence."

   The murmur stopped, and the figures looked up at the iron fence.

  The wise old man looked at Lu Li and Anna, his kind tone made it difficult to associate with the cultists: "The guards left an hour ago, what happened outside, child."

   "Everyone in the city was evacuated, leaving an empty city."

  Ana replied, took the key from Lu Li, and opened the cell door after a few tries.

   "Thank you children, although it is a good ending to disappear in silence." The old man said with relief.

  The four members remained silent, as quiet as the name of the church.

   They went out, the courageous prisoners begging again.

  The old man stopped, swept across their faces, shook his head gently and said, "A group of sinners..."

Surrounded by    cultists, the old man ignored the cries in his ears, stepped on the steps, and the silhouette disappeared at the entrance of the dungeon.


   A bunch of keys crossed the arc and landed in front of the first cell. A few seconds later, a dirty palm grabbed the key and retracted into the darkness behind the iron bars.

   "The lost people have all left..."

   On the street, the old man said with emotion.

   After looking for some food and clothing in the empty city, the old man asked Lu Li and Anna if they would go back to the Silent Time Church with them, where they would be baptized and also meet their "Lord".

   Lu Li and Anna came for this and did not refuse.

   After a morning rest, Anna Lu followed the believers and set off, the destination was the oasis where the body was located when it was silent four hundred miles away.

  In the afternoon, people on their way in the wilderness encountered silence.

  The devotees were indifferent, only Lu Li stopped at the sound of the bell and answered the devotees' eyes: "I'm not devotion to the Lord enough, and I can't get rid of His rituals."

  Lu Li's calmness makes the words more credible.

   (end of this chapter)

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