“If the host meets the skill extraction condition once, will the skill extraction be turned on immediately?”


This is the reward that Shi Shen deserves for his efforts in the past two years, and he still has an expectation of unknown skills in his heart.

As soon as Shi Shen finished speaking, he saw a huge turntable appear in front of him, which was also the first time Shi Shen saw the system with his own eyes, and it was no longer just that voice.

Of course, the turntable is not real, and the stone god’s hand cannot really touch it, but it is similar to the retinal projection, which only appears in his own perspective.

The huge turntable shimmered with colorful light, and countless lines split the entire turntable into countless small pieces like cutting cakes, each of which was written those well-known tennis skills in the world of the Prince of Tennis.

“External spinning serve, burning serve, extinguishing five senses, there are actually thousands of tempering extremes!” Asura Shinto’s Other-Dimensional Black Hole! The more Shi Shen looked at it, the more surprised he became, and the huge turntable contained almost all the tennis skills he knew.

“If I can draw all these things, in this comparison, those unique abilities in the original black basket world are really nothing.”

Just as the stone god was still associating, the voice of the system sounded again, “Since the host has turned on skill extraction for the first time, an additional draw is hereby rewarded.” ”

Buy 1 Get 1 Free?

Sounds pretty good.

But, no, is the Starter Pack just one more draw? It’s too dark, right?

The stone god was still muttering secretly in his heart, and the turntable in front of him had already begun to rotate by itself, so fast that he couldn’t see the words on it, and the entire turntable turned into a brilliant whole luminous body.

The light became brighter and brighter, and the stone god subconsciously wanted to cover it with his hand, but where could he cover it with his hand directly on his retina?

The stone god could only endure this kind of naked-eye 3D stimulation, watching the speed of the turntable gradually weaken, and the light gradually became a little dim, and finally just lit up a blue color.

“Congratulations to the host for extracting the advanced skill – external rotation serve!”

Outside Spinning Serve: You can use the power of rotation to smash the basketball firmly into the basket, and the shooting percentage depends on the distance and your own shooting percentage!

Shi Shen knew that he had won the lottery, and it seemed to be a good prize, and Shi Shen remembered that it was originally a very powerful ball skill, but…

“What does this advanced skill mean? Are there advanced skills? ”

“The skills that the host can extract are divided into advanced, specialized and unique, which represent blue light, orange light and golden light, respectively, these three types of skills are the best and rarest unique special moves, and the probability of extraction is also the lowest…”

The system explained the rules of skill extraction and the characteristics of skills to Shi Shen in a serious way, but Shi Shen only listened to the first sentence of the system, and did not listen to anything else.

“That is.”

Shi Shen frowned, corresponding to the explanation of the system, obviously the extraction results this time were not so satisfactory, “The ‘external spin serve’ just now was drawn to the most substandard level?” ”

The first draw doesn’t seem to be very good, but the system said to give it away one extra time, so I can draw it again!

“Continue skill extraction.” Shi Shen did not hesitate to use the second chance directly, but the advanced skill was still far from his expectations.

“Do you want to use extra draws?”


After receiving the stone god’s affirmation, the dazzling light that almost blinded his eyes lit up again, and the turntable spun rapidly, and the stone god prayed in his heart at the same time.

Not demanding, can you give a specialty?

Shi Shen looked at the speed of the turntable had begun to slow down, the light was still undiminished, and he suddenly felt that there was a play, especially the orange light had intensified.

Seeing that the turntable was about to stop, the orange light suddenly faded the orange dimness a moment before the turntable stopped… Turning into a holy golden light, the pointer on the turntable crossed the range of the orange advanced skill and landed on the unique special skill next door.

“Congratulations to the host for extracting the golden unique killer skill, the body of Yakuzu.”

Body of Yakutsu: You can get the physique and talent of the king of nets sports genius Yakutsu!

An unexpected joy, an absolute surprise.

It wasn’t until the system said this sentence that Shi Shenfang released his frown before, and outlined it with a light smile.

“Yakuzu’s body, this sounds like a physical sublimation, Yakuzu, I remember it seems to be a sports genius?”

Ishigami vaguely remembers the Yakutsu Ren, who seems to be evil in the Prince of Tennis, has a short temper but has a unique athletic talent.

“If I really raised my body to that level, how much would my basketball level improve from now?”

The included lottery was a unique skill drawn at the highest level, somewhat dramatic, but not important.

“Detected that the host has extracted a trait skill, and is about to start undergoing body modification.”

“3,2,1, start the ‘Yakuzu no Body’ transformation!”

Is this a body modification?

In the process of systematically transforming his body, Shi Shen felt as if a warm current was tilting down from his heavenly spirit cover to irrigate his whole body, so uncomfortable!

Then there was another cool flow, and after this cold and heat, the whole body seemed to become a little lighter.

“The transformation of the body of Yakuzu is complete.”

“Is this the body of Yakuzu?”

Shi Shen couldn’t tell what kind of wonderful feeling this was, and he squeezed his fist like this, as if he could feel the explosive power contained in every inch of his muscles.

This is a change that can be seen visually alone, and the skin that was often exposed to the sun and became a little wheat-colored has now become as white as warm jade.


Shi Shen squeezed his arm, looked at the slightly pink fingerprints, felt the unprecedented elasticity from his fingertips, Shi Shen smiled bitterly, “I am probably the most beautiful one in basketball now, right?” ”

Both skills have been extracted, in fact, luck is quite good, but just like this, it is still difficult for Shi Shen to feel how much benefit this skill can bring him.

It was about to enter midnight, but Shi Shen wanted to have a happy ball game at this moment.

According to the note given by the system when the skill was extracted just now, the effect of the outward spin serve is a way of projection, which can change the arc of the shot with rotation and increase the shooting percentage, and this hit is determined according to its own hit rate and shooting distance.

At first glance, Shi Shen grabbed the basketball at his feet with one hand, and gently twisted it to make the basketball stay firmly on his fingertips and rotate.

“Try it and know, practice will make you know!”

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