It was obviously a long-range three-point shot in the half, but what made people even more surprised was that Shi Shen’s shooting posture was still only to use the strength of his wrist to throw the ball.

“It can’t be!”

Just by the strength of the wrist, that distance, you can’t even touch the rebound!

However, today these guys have seen too much impossibility, is there another one?

When the basketball escaped from the stone god, everyone was dumbfounded.

“I… Am I blinded? ”

Hinata rubbed her eyes.

Twelve identical basketballs appeared in the air!

Everyone subconsciously blinked more, and they looked up at the incredible scene above their heads.

Not an illusion, a real twelve basketballs!

At twelve different angles, twelve irrelevant parabolas, shot at the same target – the basket!

Then, the twelve ball shadows all converged directly above the basket at the same time, falling firmly into the basket, and once again making that clean crisp sound!

Round table pumping.



“Is this the real strength of the coach?”

“This… Is this the level of seriousness of the coach? ”

“Coaching him … Is he really human? ”

The people of the first and second teams were all stunned in place, just because of Shi Shen’s almost mysterious shot.

Reiko Aida opened her mouth, completely speechless, if the previous dominance of the stone god over the five positions refreshed her cognition of the stone god, then this round table jerk just now refreshed Reiko Aida’s understanding of basketball technology!

She even forgot to blow the whistle that scored effectively!

Everyone looked at the back that had returned to defense, it was their coach, at this moment, what flying man, little emperor and even Chamberlain did not look tall as him.


Who is dribbling?

No one noticed that the Vulcan had already opened the ball silently alone, there was no pride on his face, he opened the ball by himself, pushed by himself, and he passed his teammates one by one.

“The game is not over yet.”

The teammates all heard the voice of the Vulcan, and saw a person rushing to the other half of the Vulcan, “Be shocked, blame yourself, regret, leave it all for me until after the game!” ”

Hinata Shunpei clenched his fists, how many times he had shaken today.


Hinata Shunpei followed the Vulcan with Kuroko and the others, “Even if you lose, at least let our team’s score, don’t be as ugly as it is now!” ”

Vulcan dribbled the ball facing the stone god and accelerated directly, his whole body showed a 45-degree tilt, and he protected the basketball in his hand with his entire body.

The Vulcan advanced like a chariot and directly broke through to the edge of the free throw line, and at this time the stone god also came to the front of the Vulcan.

“Be sure to score!”

The Vulcan roared, stopped and jumped up, wanting to face the stone god directly.

The stone god was about to jump the cap, but he didn’t expect that the Vulcan’s entire body twisted 180 degrees in the air and actually passed the ball out!

“It’s me or my teammates!”

Vulcan roared and shoved the basketball straight into Hinata Shunpei, who was outside the three-point line behind him.

“He actually passes… I really didn’t expect it! ”

The stone god was slightly stunned, the fire god used himself as bait to pass the ball out was indeed unexpected by the stone god, and at this moment, Hinata Shunpei who received the pass had already jumped quickly.

“Three points.”

Obviously, Vulcan’s behavior not only deceived Ishigami, but even Hinata Shunpei did not expect that due to the huge pressure accumulated in the center of the match, he was still self-doubting even when his feet were off the ground.

“At least this time, never hesitate!” Shunpei Hinata could think of how much Vulcan had pinned on him on this ball, as well as his teammates.

At the highest point, Shunpei Hinata throws the ball.

“This feel, this angle, this ball has it!” The moment the basketball came out, Hinata got the answer she wanted.

In his eyes, the basketball seemed to burn with a flame of hope, outlining an almost perfect parabola, Hinata clenched his fists and looked at the basketball in the air, “I will definitely be able to enter!” ”

This high-profile shot, the first team gave it hope to almost everyone.

This is their best shot so far, because Ishigami is far away from Hinata because he defended the Vulcan in the first place!

It’s completely too late to replenish Hinata Shunpei again!

The basketball was still rising in the air, and at this moment time seemed to stop flowing, and the ball in everyone’s eyes flew so slowly.

Vulcan’s gaze was also locked tightly on the basketball, so much so that he made the fatal mistake of not getting stuck in the position of the stone god!


A figure jumped up, hearing the movement around him, the Vulcan suddenly felt bad.

But it was too late, the Vulcan turned around and saw that the stone god had jumped sideways, what an incredible form it was?

Shi Shen’s whole person actually jumped out diagonally and went straight to the basketball route.

Yakutsu no Jump!

“What kind of monster is this bouncing!”

With a bounce of more than 110, coupled with the stone god’s super long arm span and the ability to stay in the air against nature, the stone god’s jump is simply no different from flying in the eyes of everyone!

The basketball is still rising, and it looks like it is about to reach the highest point, but what is waiting there is the cover of the stone god fan!


The basketball rushed towards the ground like a cannonball, hitting the floor with a second loud bang, and then popped high out of bounds.

After landing, Shi Shen did not go to chase the basketball, the ball was out of bounds, and it was still the ball of the first team, but no one from the first team went to serve the ball outside the court.

There was an eerie silence throughout the course.


Hinata fell to his knees, his head bowed and supporting his trembling body with his hands.


The Vulcan Daigo fell to his knees one after another, he supported himself with his fists, and hammered the floor with his other hand punch after punch, repeating the same words over and over again, “Abominable! Damn it! Damn it! ”

Kuroko, Rinnosuke, and Koganai were also dejected, their sweat-soaked hair draped over their foreheads, covering half of their vision.


No, it was the sense of despair after the flame of hope was completely extinguished!

The moment Hinata’s three-point shot was blocked by Ishigami in the air, everyone lost their strength, and psychological pressure and physical fatigue occupied their bodies at the same time.

They can no longer afford this training match, an exaggerated and hopeless training match!

Even if this second quarter is not over, even if the good half is far from it.

“Just give up?”

Shi Shen looked at everyone coldly, and no one dared to look directly into Shi Shen’s eyes, “You… It’s really disappointing me! ”

The scoreboard outside the field was like the second pair of eyes of the stone god, it had been standing there staring at everyone with the final score of 45-2, and no one dared to look over.

Five people, a total of 2 points, opponent Shi Shen alone cut 43 points in less than halftime, which is a pain in the hearts of each of them.

“Rest for ten minutes, then assemble!”

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