A few days had passed since the battle between the field court and Aomine, and no one in the basketball club knew about their coach, and they had quietly clashed with the opponents they would meet in the Kanto tournament in the future.

In the past few days, Shi Shen has almost returned to the previous two years of life, because he does not need to go to class, so Shi Shen soaks in the basketball hall all day.

Special training!

In view of this current physical fitness, Shi Shen has formulated a brand new special training plan for himself.

People only call those who are unattainable geniuses, but do not know that geniuses, in addition to innate talent, have harder diligence than anyone else.

Although after fighting Qingfeng, Shi Shen thought that he already had top strength, but the strength never ended.

Many exclusive skills are still huge for the physical consumption of the stone god, and in order to be able to use those skills frequently, the stone god believes that it is very necessary to continue to improve himself.

And the special training of the stone god always lasted until the members came to the stadium to train, and occasionally they could catch up with the picture of the training that had not yet ended, which also led to an inhuman remark circulating in the Chengrin basketball department.

“I think I’ve gotten stronger again lately, and it’s not a problem to dump the average person a few streets, or I don’t know how long it will take to reach the level of coaching.”

“Hey, what are you doing with the coach?”

Since the first day of Shi Shen assigned everyone a personal special training, everyone gritted their teeth every day and insisted, and every other day there was a training match for one or two teams.

Of course, in order not to upset the balance, Shi Shen naturally did not play again, but only observed the performance of each player off the field.


Reiko Aida trotted all the way from outside, looking excited in front of Ishigami, “The school appointment for the next practice match is ready!” ”

Practice matches?

Shi Shen was stunned, and quickly reacted, “Haichang University?” ”

“Hey?” Reiko Aida was surprised, “You got it? ”

Reiko Aita didn’t care how Ishigami knew that the end was a practice match with Kai, and she couldn’t wait to introduce it to Ishigami.

“Coach, the strength of Haichang High School has always been top, belonging to the national level of the big schools, their team has always been a regular of InterHigh, but also the favorite to win various competitions, decent attack and defense, almost a universal team…”

Riko Aida was very excited, but seeing that Ishigami didn’t say a word, just listened to his own gushing smile, Aida Riko suddenly remembered that the plan written by Ishigami knew much more about HaiChang than herself.

“Ah, I forgot that coach you know this better than I do.”

Two blushing spots fluttered on Reiko Aida’s face, and she seemed to be a little embarrassed.

“It’s okay, you got it right too.” The stone god waved his hand without care.

“But coach, Hai Chang won a member of the Miracle Generation this year!” Reiko Aida thought that the stone god did not know this, and solemnly added, “Ryota Huangse! ”

“He was a small forward in the starting five during the Diguang period, and it is said that he had a short time in basketball, but he was a talented player, he qualified for the main selection in a short period of time, and the growth rate is very amazing!”

Reiko Aida almost spat out the information she had collected, and when she saw the smile on Ishigami’s face suddenly converge, she thought he was seriously analyzing.

“He’s already here.”


Reiko Aida didn’t react for a moment.

“Ryota Huangse!” The stone god gestured slightly in the direction of the stadium gate.

There were crowds of people, accompanied by the screams and exclamations of female voices from time to time, and a large group of girls in sincere school uniforms did not know when they came to the basketball hall, they were piled up in a circle, and there seemed to be a person in the middle.

“What’s the situation?”

Riko Aida looked at this scene in amazement, Makoto basketball club had not been so welcomed, and upon closer inspection, he found that there was a boy of significant size in the middle of the group, only wearing different clothes.

Ri Xiang had already noticed the situation at the door, and they all stopped the training they were holding and watched from afar.


Huang Se walked out of the encirclement with an embarrassed look and beckoned in the direction of Kuroko and the others, “Long time no see!” ”

“Long time no see…”

In the crowd, Kuroko responded flatly.

“That man, is it?”

“Why is he here?!”

“Ryota Huangse!”

Izukijun and the others had a guess in their hearts when they saw Huangse, and after hearing Kuroko’s response, they confirmed the identity of the other party.

No one noticed that the Vulcan, who was originally practicing one-on-one with Hinata, became extremely excited.

“I heard that the opponent in the next game was Makoto, and I remembered that this school was where Xiaoheiko entered, so I came over to say hello.”

Huangse walked up to Kuroko’s side with a smile on his face, “After all, we had the hardest relationship when we were in junior high school!” ”


“Our next fight is Haichang?!”

“I didn’t expect to be able to fight with the Miracle Generation so quickly, I’m simply so lucky!”

With Yi Yuejun’s reaction being completely different, the corners of Vulcan’s mouth rose wildly, “Excited, I can’t control it!” ”

“Well, I don’t need to tell them about the next game.”

Reiko Aida felt helpless.

Compared to Huangse’s warm greeting, Kuroko’s reaction was extremely flat, “Really? I remember it ordinary! ”

“It’s excessive!”

“In short, I just came to see the little sunspot and say hello by the way.” After being hit by Kuroko’s language, Huangse quickly changed his smile again, turned around and prepared to leave, “That’s it, I’ll go first!” ”


A basketball appeared out of nowhere, quickly shot at Huangse’s back, and sensing the whirring wind behind him, Huangse quickly turned around and stopped it.


“Sorry to disturb your reunion after a long absence! It’s rare to come once, it’s impossible to say hello and leave, right? A hint of fighting intent appeared at the corner of Vulcan’s mouth, and he looked at Huang Se darkly, “Fight with me, handsome guy.” ”


“Vulcan Kun?”

Reiko Aida all turned their heads.

Huang Se also smiled, his eyes stared at the fire god, and then nodded: “I can’t help if you say so…”


Huang Se was silent for a while, and suddenly took off his coat, “Just hit it, just thank you for letting me see the good things just now.” ”

“Coach, do you really let Vulcan fight Huangse?” Reiko Aida hesitated.

“Let him be.”

A cold gleam flashed in Shi Shen’s eyes, but on the surface it was calm as usual, “Just to let everyone see the strength of the miracle generation.” ”

Ishigami looked at Huang Se, who walked into the half with the Vulcan, and in his eyes, Huang Se seemed to be a brand new skill walking!

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