Iron Wall Defense: When there are opposing offensive players within a radius of two meters, get 100% synchronization effect of defensive actions!

This is the purely defensive skill that the stone god acquired, turning himself into a movable copper wall and iron wall!

If in the official game, Huangse will already be judged to be a violation, because he has already exceeded 24 seconds from the time he holds the ball, but he can’t even break through the short distance from the three-point line to the free throw circle with the ball!

Huang Se, who had not made progress for a long time, already had some eagerness in his heart, but in the face of Shi Shen’s dripping defense, he couldn’t find any flaws at all!

“I can only shoot directly from afar!”

There is no way, after many fruitless breakthrough attempts, Huangse can only choose to jump directly, “But this distance, this defensive pressure, is a little reluctant!” ”

At the moment when Huang Se paused, the stone god seemed to see through Huang Se’s thoughts, and before he jumped, he came out of the hole like a spirit snake with one hand, and before Huang Se had fully jumped, he actually snatched the basketball directly from Huang Se’s hand!

Two meters radius, synchronization!


The ball in Huangse’s hand fell directly.

“What?! It won’t be such an exaggeration! ”

Huang Se looked at his empty hands in the air, the action of the stone god just now was like an electric flint, and it happened to be the moment he raised his hand, so that he had no chance to protect the basketball!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Huangse’s body has not yet fallen, and the stone god who has won the ball has already rushed to the basket, and under the extreme movement speed and the huge distance that the two have generated, there is no need for any fancy feints.


Shi Shen threw his hand, and the basketball had already fallen lightly into the basket.


Stone God steals and scores.

“Ju… Actually lost? ”

Huang Se lost his mind for a moment, but quickly adjusted his state, “No, it’s just that my ability doesn’t come in handy at all, and it’s not a loss!” ”

Huangse admits that Ishigami does have a high standard, but he firmly believes that it is because he has not seen Ishigami’s performance on the offensive end and has not imitated Ishigami’s skills.

“Kind of interesting!”

Huang Se looked at Ishigami, who was returning with a basketball, with that customary smile on his face, “In comparison, you are indeed quite good.” ”

“Want another goal?”

Shi Shen shrugged, as soon as Huang Se’s language skill of first raising and then suppressing came out, Shi Shen knew that the other party was not convinced.

“Of course!”

Huang Se nodded as if he should take it for granted, and he cocked three fingers, “Three goals and two wins, this time it’s your turn to kick off first!” ”

“Oh? Do you want to copy my technique? ”

The stone god raised his eyebrows, but Huangse’s expression was stunned, and then he laughed violently: “Ahaha, of course not, don’t misunderstand.” ”

“It’s not a skill I want to learn!”

Huang Se smiled and waved his hand, but his heart couldn’t help but sink, this guy… You actually know how to copy your own skills?!

Don’t…… It was Kuroko who said it!

“It’s really arrogant!”

Shi Shen grinned, but a sharp light flashed in his eyes: “Then I want to see, my skills… Did you copy it? ”


Shi Shen dribbled the ball to the top of the three-point line arc, and then shot sharply.

“Let me strike first, you won’t have a chance!”

As Shi Shen’s words fell, the basketball had been thrown violently from Shi Shen’s hands.

“Huh? Direct three-pointers?! Is it because you don’t want me to imitate his technique? ”

Huangse thought it was likely, but soon he realized that something was wrong.

“How is this guy so good at bouncing?!”

He was obviously almost sprinting and bouncing, and Shi Shen was just shooting and jumping in place, but the two reached the same height in the air!

This is not the end, at the moment when Ishigami shot the basketball, Huang Se was really dumbfounded.


If it weren’t for his abnormally awake brain, Huangse would have felt like he was dreaming.

He saw that after the basketball was thrown, it instantly became twelve completely identical individuals, not only that, but those twelve balls also slid high in the air at different angles and heights!

The hand that had been stretched out to block stopped swinging so stiffly, because Huangse didn’t know which ball he should block!

“Hahaha, appeared!”

“This trick of the coach is really unsolvable!”

“Hey, why do I subconsciously feel desperate every time I see this shot?”

The Cheng Rin players on the sidelines were all a little amazed.

In the end, Huang Se did not stop any of the twelve ball shadows, all of them passed through the hand that seemed a little clumsy at the moment, and flew to the basket in the distance.

“This, this is okay?”


Huang Se did not look back, and when he stood back on the ground again, the familiar sound of hollow falling nets also reached his ears.

What’s this called?

What kind of shot is this?

Is this still a normal natural phenomenon?

“Can you learn this trick?”

Shi Shen looked at Huang Se with a slightly cold look in his eyes.

It seemed that the questioning with some banter in concern woke Huangse up from the three questions about his soul, and the stone god in front of him just looked at him calmly, but Huangse felt strangely embarrassed.

“Obviously it’s just an ordinary shooting action, there is no hidden little action from beginning to end, but why can you shoot like that?!”

Huang Se was silent for a long time, but he still had no clue about Shi Shen’s round table pumping, let alone the principle of shooting.

“How so…”

The first time he had the idea that he could not recover, Huangse encountered such a situation for the first time!

I can’t learn it!

Even if it was once in the Diguang period, even if he couldn’t learn Shen Yun with characteristics such as Qingfeng’s ultra-high-speed dribbling, he could still learn the shape, why did this guy let himself not see through at all?!

“Huangse-kun… Doesn’t look quite right. ”

Looking at the two people in the field, Kuroko noticed Huangse’s inconspicuous demeanor.


Although Kuroko only muttered in a low voice, he was still heard by the Vulcan beside him.

“Nothing… It’s just a little weird. ”

Kuroko looked at Huangse, who no longer had a smile on his face, and said to himself, “The current Huangse-kun is not the same as the Huangse-kun I know who is always confident on the court, he seems to… Can’t tell. ”

“Your heart is out of turmoil!”

The stone god who controlled the ball again faced Huangse, and the solemnity on the face of this guy in front of him could not be more obvious, obviously he was hit by the inability to copy his own skills, and he was unpredictable about his actions.

“You can’t learn to see it, what if you can’t even see it?”

Huangse’s spirit has never been so tight, and he has never even felt pressure when playing games, but at this moment, he feels great pressure in the face of the stone god holding the ball!

This time, Ishigami did not shoot directly, and he protected the ball well with his side, so that Huangse could not find any chance to steal.

“Is it to break through this time?”

Huang Se guessed in his heart, he was cautiously wary of the stone god, but the stone god was not in a hurry to break through at all, and he was simply dribbling the ball slowly and methodically.

Pressure occupies more and more area in his heart, and Huangse can even hear his own heartbeat, all at once, as frequently as a clock.

The sweat on his forehead began to flow, and one flowed into Huangse’s eye sockets, and the sourness made him can’t help but narrow his eyes.

Suddenly, the stone god moved!

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