“Oh, here.”

Riko Aida opened her bag, rummaged through it, found her mobile phone and handed it to Ishigami.

“On May 16th, we will welcome the opponent of the first qualifier, Shinkyo Academy!” Shi Shen looked at Riko, “Reiko, you come and give them a brief introduction.” ”

Seeing Reiko Aida’s expression suddenly become serious, Hinata asked strangely, “Is this new Kyo Gakuen strong?” ”

“It’s not a question of whether he’s strong or not, he’s just…”

Reiko Aida paused, “The basketball department of the new association was not a strong team in the past, but this year’s new association has introduced a Senegalese international student, Papa Embai style!” ”

“Foreigners again…”

“Excuse me, where is Sergar?”

“This Pa is a strange name.”

Looking at the members of the ministry who were talking about it, Ishigami showed Reiko Aida’s mobile phone, and there was an unplayed video on the screen, and one of them occupied almost the entire screen, which was exactly what Ritko called Papa Enbai-style.

“This guy doesn’t look good, huh?” A group of people gathered in front of the stone god and watched Papa’s screenshot for a while.

“Papa Nbai, Senegalese, 200 centimeters tall.”

“2 meters!”

Hearing Reiko Aida’s words, everyone was shocked, they couldn’t tell in that picture just now that it was a two-meter-tall giant.

This couldn’t help but remind them of the Atsushi Zihara they met outside the Kaijo School last week, the 208 cm Atsushi Zihara looked like a giant to Hinata and others, this Papa was only eight centimeters shorter than Atsushi Zihara, and in their hearts they even had an image of their height difference standing in front of Papa.

“Not only height.”

Shi Shen added, “His arm span is also beyond ordinary people, and the weight of 87kg also makes him not weak in terms of strength in the center position, the bounce is average, and the speed is average, but he also belongs to the traditional center of the offensive direction, and only needs to stand in the three-second zone like an iron tower, which is not small for you.” ”

Then Riko Aida briefly introduced the basic information of the new association and the other four starters, including their captain Yusuke Tanimura.

When Reiko Aida finished speaking, Hinata and the others looked like the word ‘pressure’ was written on their faces.

Of course, their stress all comes from the same person, Papa Enbaishi.

“Here’s a video.”

Ishigami threw Reiko’s phone to Hinata, “You guys take a good look, this is a video of a match that Riko collected from Papa. ”

“For the new association, the focus of your attention is this Papa.”

While the members were watching the video, Ishigami also told his understanding of Papa, “For a 200 cm person, 87kg Papa is not a powerful center, but as far as you are concerned, except for Vulcan and Rinnosuke, it is difficult for others to beat this Papa, he has a strong desire to attack, and because of his regional prejudice, Papa often chooses to attack alone and abandon his teammates.” ”

“Abandon your teammates…”

Hearing this familiar word, Kuroko couldn’t help but murmur.

“By the way, one more point.” The stone god seemed to have almost forgotten, “His purpose in studying in Japan is to defeat the generation of miracles!” ”


In the generation of miracles, these five words can always provoke the excitement of the Vulcan, and this time is no exception.

“Hmph!” The Vulcan snorted coldly, looking at the active Papa in the video, his eyes unconsciously brought flames, “Just by him, the generation that challenges miracles is still far from it!” ”

“Not bad, since you said so.” The stone god suddenly said, “Vulcan, I will give you a chance, and then Papa will be handed over to you!” ”

“No problem!”

The fire god looked directly into the eyes of the stone god, and gradually hooked the corners of his mouth.

“Then from now on, there are still three weeks left for you to prepare for the qualifiers.”

Ishigami made a color at Reiko Aida, and Reiko immediately quietly walked to the equipment room of the arena, “Next, I will adjust your training plan!” ”

A group of people suddenly began to get excited, since the stone god gave them a special training plan for the first time, they have had a visible improvement in both individual ability and teamwork in this period of time, and the stone god said that there was a new plan, wouldn’t that mean that they could get a huge improvement again?

However, this excitement did not last long, until when Reiko Aida returned to the court, their mood suddenly sank to the bottom.

Coming out with Reiko Aida was a trolley, and the contents of that trolley were familiar to them.

The weight-bearing leggings who were punished by the stone god for running the playground in those years!

“Everyone, in the future, must wear a pair of weights every day.”

Shi Shen said without absoluteness, “Except for bathing, eating, sleeping, walking, training or attending classes, you are not allowed to take it off!” ”

I don’t know why, at this moment, in the eyes of Hinata and others, four words seem to appear on the forehead of the stone god, ‘Street Ball Demon’.

In addition to bathing and wearing it all day, isn’t this equivalent to leggings growing on yourself?!

“Coach, what about the game?”

Hinata asked with a reluctant smile.

“No, you can only take it off when I say take it.”

Shi Shen smiled and shook his head, “Those who disagree will receive special training methods from my Shi Shen’s private body, now, does anyone object?” ”

Private, especially, as soon as these two words came out, there were still people who disagreed, and they all shook their heads like a rattle.

“Oh, remind you.”

Shi Shen took the cart in Reiko’s hand, flipped it over to the ground, and the leggings on the ground fell in front of the members, “Last time your weight was 12 pounds, this time it was, 20 pounds!” ”


It seems that someone standing in the back row is so excited that he fell to his knees, and his face was filled with tears.

“Vulcan Jun, please don’t move, let me hold on.”

Before the Vulcan could react, Kuroko was already leaning on his side, and when he looked down, he found that Kuroko’s face was a little pale, and quickly asked, “Are you all right?” ”

“I think if you tie a 20-pound leg ginger all day.”

Kuroko smiled reluctantly, “I’ll die.” ”


Shi Shen clapped his hands, “Turn around and take two of them separately, start tying them today, no need to grab them, rest assured that each one is a full 20 pounds!” ”

I don’t know why, in the eyes of Hinata and others, the word ‘street’ on the forehead of the stone god gradually faded, and the remaining ‘demon’ became more and more obvious.

“Vulcan, Kuroko, and Kokanai, you three follow me to the playground!”


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