“Damn it!”

“Didn’t even open the score?”

Vulcan Big I clenched his fists, obviously he had suppressed the guy in Midorima, unexpectedly… The score still hasn’t opened.

“Vulcan, you’re too impatient!”

“You have to pay more attention to the next four weeks, not just defend one person!”

Koganai on the side said there, and Hinata Shunpei next to him also nodded: “Year, and you shouldn’t be hard just now, you should come back first…”

“What if you come back and pass the ball, that guy… That guy is the only one I can prevent, and now I am the only one who can fight against Xiude! ”

“Just like the coach in the first half, what we need is not teamwork, but to cut points as much as possible and open the gap!”

“Coach, didn’t he do that in the first half?”

Vulcan Dai I will always only remember the first half, when Shishin singled out Xiude’s entire team.


“You guy, how can you have such thoughts?”

“What do you mean? What is the difference between this and self-centeredness? ”

Several of the players of Cheng Rin all stood up, and just before everyone had time to react, a fist went straight to the face of the Vulcan and greeted fiercely.


Kuroko punched and hit the Vulcan Dame directly in the face.

“Black… Sunspot? ”


“Kuroko, you-”

Reiko and Hinata were stunned, they never thought that Kuroko would punch directly without saying a word.


“What are you doing?”

“Am I right?”

The Vulcan grabbed the Kuroko Tetsuya in front of him, but Kuroko said lightly: “Basketball is not a sport that can be played by one person, right?” ”

“What are you kidding!”

The Vulcan roared: “As long as everyone can unite and cheer together, it doesn’t matter if they lose?” ”

“Then what did the coach pull so many points for in the first place?!”

“It’s for us!”

Kuroko stood on the ground and looked at the Vulcan word by word: “It’s for us to win, it’s for our entire team, you won alone, does it make sense?” ”

“They also said that they would bring down the generation of miracles, but now you think exactly the same as them, how can you talk about defeating?”


“Is this really Kuroko?”

Everyone was a little incredulous, but Kuroko still stared at the Vulcan tightly: “Now we can’t trust each other at all, in this state, even if we can defeat Hidetoku, no one will be happy, right?” ”

“The coach gave us such a good situation, and you are still thinking about a person scoring to open the gap, have you forgotten what he said when he came off the field?”

“Keep the score!”

“He just kept us on the score, he didn’t let you do it here!”

Kuroko’s words made Vulcan Big My fist clenched tightly, but Kuroko shook his head in his ears: “As you like, you are actually the same as them, no matter how many points you win at the end of the game, if you are not happy, then what kind of basketball do you play?” ”

“It’s not a victory at all, what we have to do is have a good game, everyone is engaged in basketball, not … Personal hero ideas! ”

Kuroko Tetsuya snorted, and then stopped talking.

Syllable! Syllable! Syllable!

Applause, suddenly came from the direction of the dressing room, and a tall figure with a smile on his face came to the eyes of everyone who was sincere.


“Coach, have you recovered?”


Everyone shouted excitedly, and the stone god came to the Vulcan Damei step by step.

“You… Do you really want to score so much? ”


The Vulcan was speechless for a while, and just now Kuroko’s words, he listened to the rest in his heart.

He knew he had just said something wrong, but… I don’t want to admit it.

“Shoot the shot in the green room, happy?”

“Are you happy to break his ball again and again?”

“Are you happy that you are bouncing stronger and stronger, and your heart is getting more and more excited?”

The stone god asked three questions in a row, but the fire god’s head drooped lower and lower.

“Raise your head and answer me!”

The stone god roared, and the fire god looked up a little reluctantly: “Very… Very happy! ”

“But why do you still want to score? Is it just to prove that you can score points? ”

“Who won’t score points in this?”

The stone god pointed to everyone who was sincere, and the fire god was stunned, and finally muttered: “Coach, I was wrong!” ”

“Knowing it’s wrong, just give me a good watch of the game here, put on the weights, and double the training in the future!”


The Vulcan opened his mouth, unable to say a word.

“Okay, play, the position of the Vulcan will be replaced by me!”


Makoto Rin froze: “Teaching… Coach, is that okay? ”

“Don’t be stubborn!”

Riko said worriedly on the side.


“Do you think I’m the kind of person who can be stubborn?”

“Valuing every opponent, although it’s garbage time, but the other side … But haven’t given up yet? ”

Shi Shen looked up at Xiude’s bench, looked at the score, and finally said lightly: “The performance is good, at least… Didn’t let the score shrink! ”


The whistle of the fourth quarter of the game sounded.

Shi Shen took the sincere four people and stood in the center of the court again.

Watching Shi Shen walk onto the court from the players’ bench, the audience all whispered.

“That… That guy is on again? ”

“Has he recovered?”

“Oh my God, how is it possible, he actually played?”

Everyone was a little incredulous, and Xiude’s players also fluttered a little in an instant.

“This guy, physical recovery?”

“How is that possible?”

“Played like this in the first half, and recovered in 10 minutes?”

Everyone had a look of doubt on their faces.

“Impossible, he must be bluffing!”

Takao said in Midorima’s ear, and Midorima nodded: “Leave him alone, let’s try to finish this game!” ”


Everyone in Hidetoku drank in unison, and the stone god also came to Midorima again, and smiled at him: “In the third section, your performance made me a little impressed, but… It’s over! ”

“Just let you… Utter despair! ”

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