The game on the court continued, and Dai Chihiro in front of him naturally scored a three-step layup without any obstacles, and the cheers under the court continued, but the people in front of him did not have any happy gestures.

“It’s abominable! Let people take the initiative to fall into the trap! ”

The moment he turned his head, his gaze and the Kuroko in front of him looked directly at him, looking at the unhurried appearance of the person in front of him, Dai Chihiro involuntarily clenched his fist, in the eyes of others, his score is already an advantage, and only he knows what the score just now means.

“If I’m guessing correctly, Kuroko wants to make Dai Chihiro’s sense of existence far more than his own!” The Vulcan Dame, who had always been serious, suddenly stood up and turned around as if he had discovered a new continent, shouting to all the sincerity!

With the reminder of the person in front of him, at this moment, the sincere player had an instant epiphany, and his eyes looking at the field were full of hope again.

Right now, it was Cheng Rin’s ball, and Ishigami’s eyes narrowed slightly, and Seijuro Akaji, who had been defending him, could naturally see the appearance of the person in front of him, and his heart became more vigilant.

“With my defense, at least the confrontation between the two of us will not end so early.” With a strong sense of temptation and warning, Seijuro Akaji did not have any expression on his face, but his feet were full of strength and ready at any time.

The moment Izuki Jun and Kuroko met each other’s eyes, his heart became clearer, and the moment he received the ball from the referee’s hand, Izuki Jun narrowed his eyes slightly and unexpectedly threw the ball in the direction of Mitobe.

The holding of the ball by the person in front of him made Nemuya Nagayoshi instantly excited, and the smile on the corner of his mouth even more showed the thoughts of the person in front of him.

“Can you do it? Stop making any more trouble, or I’ll defend you!” Looking at the big man in front of him, Kotaro Hayama on the side was already impatient, but the response he received was that Netakeya Nagayoshi turned his head even more impatiently.

“Who the hell is the one who can’t do it?” Looking at the round eyes of the person in front of him, Kotaro Hayama closed his mouth in amusement, “If it weren’t for your negligence, how could the ball in your hand be broken?” ”

In front of him is Cheng Rin’s attack, but the player of Luosan has such a reality that is breathtaking, and Reiya Shibu on the side carefully looked in the direction of Seijuro Akaji, and the person in front of him did not react to make Shibu Reiyao couldn’t help but breathe a slight sigh of relief.

“Cheer up, what are you doing now?” Listening to Reiyo Shibumi’s words, Nemuya Nagayoshi finally ignored the people behind him and focused entirely on Mitobe who was holding the ball and preparing to break through.

“Come on! Let me see how good you are! ”

Mitobe’s brows furrowed tightly, but his mouth did not pay attention to the person in front of him, his gaze swept behind Nemuya Nagayoshi, watching Kuroko constantly entangled with Dai Chihiro, Mitobe couldn’t help but take a deep breath, and suddenly passed the ball in his hand in the direction of Hinata Shunpei on the side.

“Another three-pointer?” The moment the person in front of him took the ball, the audience in the field already had their own guesses, and Shi Wei Lingyang closely followed the rhythm of the person in front of him, even now he couldn’t figure out what Cheng Rin had planned.

“Bang, bang, bang.” Hinata Shunpei in front of him directly landed the ball on the ground, listening to the sound of the basketball constantly hitting the floor, Shibu Reiyao did not dare to relax his vigilance in any way.

It’s just that the person in front of him has no intention of breaking through at all, looking at the person in front of him, he directly retreated, and the next second Shi Lingyang couldn’t help but step forward directly.


Another fierce collision, seeing Shunpei Hinata directly smashing the ball behind him, and throwing the ball in an unknown direction with one hit, Reiyo’s wide eyes have said it all.


What everyone can see is that the ball in front of them has once again completed an almost impossible trajectory change in everyone’s sight, and the Luoshan players on the field all looked in the direction of Dai Chihiro for a moment, and the moment their eyes touched Izukijun in front of them, they couldn’t help but be stunned.

When has Kuroko been replaced by Izuki Jun?

Before he had time to wonder, the violent sound of the ball hitting the floor on the field made the audience’s eyes can’t help but focus on the stone god.

The two figures chasing on the field at the moment pushed the atmosphere of the stadium to a climax, and the audience below was equally nervous, no one could judge the next result, and the only thing everyone could do was wait quietly.

Nemuya Nagayoshi, who was close to the basket, immediately ran in the direction of the basket, wanting to directly stop the stone god who was holding the ball at the right moment.

Akaji Seijuro who followed closely behind the stone god had a speed comparable to the stone god, approaching the free throw line, watching the person in front of him jump directly on the ground, Akaji Seijuro was also not to be outdone, and closely followed the rhythm of the person in front of him.

Nemuya Yongyoshi in front of him also became a meat shield in front of the stone god, and the competition between the three people instantly turned into a confrontation in the air, and the tension in the atmosphere made everyone’s palms sweat.

“That’s a pinch! And he is still a player of Luoshan! ”

“No matter how powerful the stone god is, there will be no exception this time!”

“Didn’t you find out just now? That’s a free throw line jump, what kind of bouncing force do you have? ”

The audience under the field was full of discussions, but this voice did not affect the court at all, and the forced aura behind Shi Shen could naturally feel it, but the basket in front of him always reminded him of what he was going to do next.

“It’s hard for him.” Everyone was tense in the moment, and there was a sharp contrast between the carelessness of Daiki Aomomine off the court, and in his mind, the figure of the person constantly shooting in front of his eyes coincided with the person on the court.

Momoi May has not yet reacted to what the people around him mean, the stone god on the field has already given the answer, even if he is caught between the front and back, the person in front of him still throws the ball in his hand directly without hesitation.

Even if such an act seemed to be certain to be capped by everyone in the audience, Seijuro Akaji, who had been watching his movements, had no expression on his face, but Nemuya Nagayoshi was almost ecstatic, and his raised hand swung towards the ball without any hesitation.

However, the expected voice did not enter the ears, and the ball in front of him changed its original trajectory in everyone’s gaze, directly bypassing Nemuya Nagayoshi’s hand.

“This can’t be! What kind of ball is this? Nemuya Yongji’s eyes widened instantly, and there was infinite stunned in his eyes when he looked at the stone god in front of him.

In the field of view of the audience, the ball in front of them crossed an unbelievable track and went directly into the net without any deviation.

At this moment, everyone was stunned.

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