“You’re a lunatic!”

Listening to the words of Seijuro Akaji in front of him, there was no unnecessary emotion on the face of the stone god, even if the person in front of him had struggled to raise his hand to completely block his shot, but all this was a wasted act in his eyes.


Looking at the people on the court without any hesitation directly threw the ball, all the spectators in the court couldn’t help but widen their eyes, and the basketball in front of them cut a strange arc in the air.

“Impossible! This goal will definitely not be scored! ”

Looking at the ball in front of him, Shi Wei Lingyang on the side shook his head while talking to himself, in his own cognition, the judgment drawn by countless experiences will naturally not be false.

It was with full self-confidence that the moment the basketball in front of him was directly caught in the net, Hinata Shunpei obviously saw that the eyes of Reiyao Shibu in front of him were unusually wide.

Looking at the person in front of him, Hinata Shunpei sighed slightly, the surprise of the person in front of him had already been expected, if it weren’t for the fact that Ishigami as his captain had surprised everyone countless times, Hinata Shunpei naturally knew that he would probably have the same feelings as Shibu Reiyo.

“You don’t have a chance anymore.” The audience in the field and the faces of the players in Luosan had a stunned look that could not be ignored, but the face of Seijuro Akaji in front of him was unusually calm, and the moment he landed, the opening of the stone god made the person in front of him directly raise his head.

“With eight minutes left in the game, do you think you can recover the difference?” It seems that he didn’t pay any attention to his last sentence, but Shi Shen clearly knew the meaning of Akaji Seijuro’s words, and at the moment, the difference between Makoto Rin and Nakusan is Akaji Seijuro’s biggest bargaining chip.

Looking at the eyes of the person in front of him who had become calmer, the corners of the stone god’s mouth were slightly hooked, since the person in front of him had lost his zone form, it was the best chance to give him the deepest blow.

“Well, seriously, people like you who think they are invincible in the world haven’t been taught a good lesson, have they?”

On the field is Luoshan’s ball, Akaji Seijuro is ready to turn around, the opening of the stone god behind him makes the atmosphere on the field instantly solidify, Shibu Reiyao nervously turned to look in the direction of the stone god, it is certain that the person in front of him is the first person to provoke Akaji Seijuro like this!


Listening to the inexplicable words of the person in front of him, before Shi Shen could react, the person in front of him spoke again.



“You lose the opportunity to apologize, then all you have to pay is the price of not being able to speak.”

Listening to the voice of the person in front of him, Ishigami could not see any expression on his face, the game continued, watching Seijuro Akaji walking in his direction on the field, Reiyo Shibu threw the ball in his hand directly in the direction of the person in front of him without any hesitation.

The moment he received the ball, the timeline on the field seemed to stand still, and everyone’s eyes were focused on Seijuro Akaji, “I really hope that all the annoying people don’t exist.” ”

Looking at the way the person in front of him was talking to himself, the sincere players on the field looked at each other, the eyes of the Vulcan Big Me became sharp in an instant, and the next second he was about to run in the direction of the person in front of him, and before he could make a move, the stone god in front of him had already taken a step ahead.

Looking at the two people who were in a confrontational position in an instant, the audience in the audience cheered again, and the stone god in front of him rushed in his direction with a sharp wind, and Seijuro Akaji’s eyes instantly became sharp.

The confrontation on the field was about to break out, and it was rare for the stone god to focus all his attention on the person in front of him, just the confrontation of eyes, and it was certain that Seijuro Akaji, who had already left the zone state, was no longer enough to pose any threat to himself in terms of strength and speed.

Bang, looking at the ball that fell directly in the hand of the person in front of him, the stone god directly reached out without any hesitation to directly cut off the ball in front of him, and where he didn’t notice, Seijuro Akaji’s eyes shone a little.

“I said, I’ve seen through your movements, all!”

Listening to the voice of the person in front of him, the corners of Ishigami’s mouth slightly hooked, facing Seijuro Akaji’s direct retreat in the next moment, the audience in the audience was amazed, but Ishigami completely dispatched his center of gravity in an instant, and once again rushed towards the ball in Seijuro Akaji’s hand.

The audience in the audience focused all their attention on the person in front of him, and Seijuro Akaji instantly widened his eyes, only at this time did he clearly know that even if he could predict the movements of the person in front of him, it was almost impossible to intercept everything about him.

Only at this time did Seijuro Akaji clearly know that the difference in strength between the person in front of him and himself was a gully that was difficult to cross.


The basketball in his hand had been intercepted by the person in front of him at some point, listening to the sound of the basketball hitting the ground behind him, Seijuro Akaji’s eyes instantly widened, and his gaze was even more complicated and stunned at the stone god.

“Hurry up and grab the ball!”

Kotaro Hayama, who was the first to react, stepped forward without any hesitation and wanted to pick up the ball in front of him directly, but before his hand could touch the ball in front of him, the figure of the stone god who directly crossed over on the side had already taken the ball in front of him directly.

“What a speed! It’s the stone god! ”

“Can’t catch the ball in front of you! What is Lingyang doing! ”

“It’s really infuriating!”

Looking at the scene that happened in front of him, the audience under the court was talking about it, and there was no way to stop the steps of Shi Shen, looking at the figure of the person in front of him directly carrying the ball towards the basket in front of him, the sincere players under the court could not suppress their cheers.

“Come on! Come on! ”

“The stone god is the most handsome! Come on Stone God! ”

“Awesome my God!”

Under everyone’s gaze, the stone god in front of him directly kicked the ground after crossing the free throw line, and then a large windmill dunk directly slammed the ball in his hand into the basket.


The basket in front of him vibrated and screamed, and the Luoshan players on the court looked at the stone god in front of him with trembling, everyone already knew that the stone god in front of him was an existence that Seijuro Akaji had no way to stop!

“Is there still a need to continue?” Seeing that Seijuro Akaji didn’t mean to speak, the game on the field was still continuing, and Dai Chihiro’s yin and yang strange opening on the side instantly attracted all the eyes of the Luoshan players on the field.

“What did you say?”

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