Chapter 113 Harsh alien environment

People with sad faces formed a long line on the airborne deck of the Ark.

At intervals, there are soldiers holding weapons to maintain order.

The entire airborne deck was full of noisy sounds, and the people who were to be sent to the Dawn Star were pessimistically talking about the terrible things they were about to encounter.

“I have watched many sci-fi movies. There must be monsters on these damn planets.” A white male whispered: “Just give us an oxygen shield, a laser cutter, or a concussion machine. Go down here and build the world in disgrace.”

“It shouldn’t be a problem, right? Several groups of people have gone down before us.” The woman’s face showed a trace of disbelief, and her delicate face had already been wrinkled because of the suffering of the past few years.

Ark’s medical conditions are limited, and it is impossible to perform various facial-based surgeries for them.

Without a variety of genetic fine-tuning or facial adjustment operations, some people also have an aging appearance that matches their age.

Those people who went down before all had mechas, and they were seven or eight meters tall, even if there were any monsters, they couldn’t beat them. But what do we have? Just a laser blade for cutting stones and an oscillator for crushing stones.

The white male talked endlessly about the complaints in his heart. “Perhaps we shouldn’t come here, even if it is destroyed along with the solar system, we will not ~ to suffer these ghost sins.”

“They exiled us to those desolate and vast alien surfaces, and then stayed on the ark to enjoy, this kind of thing is very unfair. Maybe we should propose that everyone go down. As long as we work hard, we can definitely change theirs. idea.”

“If you feel hurt, then I can help you.” With the rumbling sound of heavy steel feet hitting the deck, Zhou Lu walked over from the hangar.

The transformation of the spider mech is not perfect. The driver can only sit on Zulu’s seat and use the neuron system to connect himself with the main control data core that controls the mech.

In order to better sense nerve signals, even the driver himself needs to expand an interface for connecting nerve endings on the basis of the original biochip.

Behind Zhou Lu’s head, a data cable extended from the interface and connected to the inside of the mecha.

Various sensor modules that monitor nerve signals and body data are attached to his naked body.

When others saw it, it was as if the dense cables all extended from Zhou Lu’s body, looking like a strange robot.

The team members followed Zhou Lu, probably because of the Spider Mech. These people have a much better mentality, and occasionally they can tell some jokes.

“If we survived, we should be grateful for this. No one has to save you. Now this new world can only be created by ourselves. If you are just a spoiled and used to living in a society that is carefully taken care of, maybe I should Throw you out of here, so that you can meet those compatriots in the solar system.”

Zhou Lu sat in the 7-meter-high mecha cockpit, looking at the white male underground and said.

“Are you threatening me?” the white male yelled, “I can tell law enforcement officers to detain you.”

Zhou Lu glanced at the white male contemptuously, “Those law enforcement officers are all in the solar system, not to mention whether they can live after they fall into the two-dimensional. Even if they are alive, the solar system is almost 20,000 light-years away. How long do you think it will take them to arrive? here?”

“The times have changed. Everything we need needs to work with our hands. No one will be used to you. Either pick up your own tools and queue quietly, or I will throw you off here and let you Reunite with the compatriots of the solar system.”

Looking at the huge 7-meter-high mecha, the white male’s face was ugly to the extreme.

He can only bow his head, pick up his tools, and enter the waiting team.

On the surface of Dawn Star, Antonov and his team are discussing the transformation of Dawn Star in a newly built stone house.

“Dawn Star has a dry climate. Not only is gravity only half that of the earth, but the pressure is only 15%-20% of the earth’s atmospheric pressure. The atmosphere is mainly composed of carbon dioxide accounting for 95%, hydrogen and hydrogen accounting for 3%. The water vapor content in the air is even thinner. , Only 0.01%.

The former Russian Vice Admiral Antonov listened to a survey report of the planet by a staff member next to him.

As a former candidate for swordsman, Zhao Yu entrusted him with the important task of letting him be the director of the first colony of mankind.

It is impossible for Zhao Yu to be in charge of everything in person. That would only exhaust him alive and not make anything.

“The situation is really bad,” Antonov said, his pale eyebrows squeezed together with his frown.

The environment of the dawn star is really much worse than that of the earth, and it is not at the same level as the planets seen on the journey of the previous jump.

During the transition, the Ark also surveyed the world along the way to obtain relevant information for future expansion.

Biologists classify these surveyed worlds according to the habitability of carbon-based organisms on the planet.

The first level is suitable for planetary orbits, and it already has primary life. This kind of world is perfect for colonization, and it allows humans to survive without too much modification.

I found a lot during the jump, and each one is very good. If it is used for colonization, humans can easily build a new world.

The second level is the planetary orbit is suitable, there is no life, but the necessary conditions for these life in the atmosphere. Although this kind of world is not comparable to one level, as long as humans cultivate plants for a period of time, these worlds will also become paradise.

But Dawn Star definitely does not belong to these two types. It belongs to the kind of position that is not good, the atmosphere is also bad, and there is no life at all at the third level.

Level 4 is the kind of extreme planet. It is either lava or frozen for thousands of years. Such a world is simply a nightmare.

Antonov can also understand why Zhao Yu dared not choose those planets with good congenital conditions, but went to the edge of the galaxy to find these remote worlds.

There is only one purpose, and that is safety, absolute safety.

At first glance, the number of 7 million humans who escaped seems a lot.

In fact, the number is pitiful.

This is the lowest population in the interstellar era.

No matter how small the number of people is, it can only go back to the information society or the industrial age.

Many people may think that the more developed a technological society, the fewer people are needed.

This idea is ridiculous.

The more developed the technology, the higher the productivity improvement, and the more people should be needed.

The increase in productivity only allows robots to replace the repetitive production actions of humans, liberating a large number of people to flow into other fields, and promote development.

When the apes on the Great Plains of Africa stepped down to the ground and freed their hands, the ethnic group expanded for the first time. They learned to hunt together, use fire, and build houses.

……For flowers………

Human beings have entered the industrial age, and the interstellar age is no more meaningful than the first time humans walked and gained the power of fire for the first time.

From these previous cases of progress, it can be seen that every advancement in science and civilization will liberate the productive forces in society and make the division of labor in society more refined.

The refinement of the social division of labor will also lead to a surge in population demand.

The population of seven million is the number that maintains the minimum standard of an interstellar society, and it has even reached the point where it is crumbling.

The division of labor in the interstellar age has also reached a very detailed era.

Even with the assistance of Skynet, people are extremely important in this process.

These seven million people are really too few.

Once you encounter a little crisis, it may be a catastrophe.

Antonov felt the harshness of building the colony, the harsh environment, and the scarcity of manpower.

“Is there any liquid water in this world?” Antonozhov asked.

The engineer shook his head, “The gravity of this world is too low to restrain the atmosphere. The water is taken away by the planet’s orbital movement. Maybe there will be some under the geological layer. According to our survey, there is no liquid water on the surface of the planet. trace.


“Is there any solution to this problem on the Ark?” Antonov asked.

“The plan is to first create an ecological circle. A group of magnetic restrainers will be built near the colony base, which can restrain the atmosphere and moisture. On the other side, there is a spacecraft that will go to the meteorite belt surrounding the Liming-2 wood-like gas giant planet to collect ice and send it away. Come over to Liming Star and form an ecological cycle.”

The engineer clicked on the virtual screen, which showed the detailed transformation plan of the Ark for Dawn Star.

From the atmosphere to geological improvement, there is a very complete process.

The Dawn Star colony will mine various precious minerals on the Dawn Star, and at the same time collect liquid fuels such as hydrogen and ammonia from the two liquid gas giant planets to maintain the interstellar society and the navigation between the spacecraft.

The transport spacecraft on the Ark transported people and equipment to the Dawn Star one after another, and the entire colonial project was also carried out indiscriminately.

When Zhou Lu’s team came down, the base had already established a magnetic field restraint.

The six towers are silver-gray, hundreds of meters high, and the surface is smooth, and the giant towers full of flashing lights stand in six directions of the base. At night, the giant towers also assume the role of lighting to ensure that the base can be used even in the dark. Work started normally.

When I approached the giant tower, I could feel the static electricity in the air, which made the pioneers’ hair hardened.

A simple atmosphere has been generated around the base of the magnetic field restrainer.

Without trees, humans can only use machines to ionize the carbon dioxide and water in the atmosphere of Dawn Star to obtain oxygen while reducing the carbon dioxide content.

The atmosphere is thin, and without an oxygen shield, I feel chest tightness and shortness of breath after a few breaths.

The pioneers all wore beak masks, not space suits.

Using magnetic field technology, the base can control the loss of temperature and ensure that the temperature of the base is in a proper state.

As for the problem of dry air, just wear a few more clothes to avoid excessive exposure, which can cause wrinkles and chapped skin. enter

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