Chapter 116 Irrelevant system

Astarte’s concerns are not without reason. Newborns can be cultivated in a culture chamber through fertilized eggs.

How to create a suitable environment for these children?

Adults already have perfect physiological functions in their bodies, even if they are sent to aliens all at once, they can live well.

Newborns are different. Before they are fully developed, they need a sterile environment to allow the genome to reproduce and form the human body.

After coming out of the mother’s womb, during the growth process, bacteria are essential for the growth of the child, and can stimulate the body’s immune system and the normal physiological indicators.

Vader couldn’t find any reason to refute Astart’s doubts.

And the other party is not denying the plan to use fertilized eggs to rapidly breed human populations.

It is only required to postpone the plan for one or two years and wait until the environment has improved before proceeding with this work.

“If this is the case, then restart this plan after one year. If a large number of newborns die, Antonov will need to be responsible, because one year is enough for you to study the environment of Dawn Star and know how to build a child The environment for growth.”

Zhao Yu, who was sitting on the main seat, spoke, setting the final tone for this matter.

“I will do it.” Antonov stood up. Although he was more than a hundred years old, his body was still very strong. He stood upright, saluted like a soldier, and spoke sonorously.

Zhao Yu waved to the other party to sit down and asked the engineer next to him to open the star map.

In an instant, the entire conference room was shrouded in countless white spots.

“This is a view of the star map centered on the Dawn Star. It is a real-time survey picture, which is much more accurate than the normal star map. The stars near the Dawn Star are in line with the star map observed by optical equipment, which means that nothing has been seen here recently. war.”

Zhao Yu stretched out the finger with the sensor chip built-in, clicked the light spot representing the dawn star, and explained to the people present.

On the cosmic scale, light-years are easily calculated. Even two stars that are closest to each other can take several years to transmit their own light to each other.

Optical observations have great limitations, and they are not real-time. The observations are only the state of stars a few years ago.

This backward observation method should have been swept into the historical garbage dump after the establishment of the cosmic membrane observatory.

Now it has unearthed a new role.

That is, by comparing the star map observed by optics with the star map observed in real time, we can know which places once had stars and were destroyed later.

There were no traces of curvature spaceships in those places, but now they do.

In this way, the scale of war and navigation routes of alien civilizations can be calculated, and the survival of mankind can be improved.

However, what Zhao Yu wanted to say at the meeting was not these, but about the basic conditions of the new colony, Dawn Planet.

With Zhao Yu’s finger operation, a galaxy was quickly zoomed in, and the stars and planets in it were seen, as well as various small meteorite objects.

“This is a star 7.25 light-years away from Dawn Star. There are two terrestrial planets and one wood-like gas giant. The two terrestrial planets that are slightly closer to the sun is Dawn 1, and the other is Dawn 2. Planet. The next colony will be selected here. Cao Bin, you are in charge of the astronomy department, and you can tell us about the Dawning Galaxy this time.

Cao Bin smiled and stood up, nodded to everyone at the meeting, and then took the holographic projection console from Zhao Yu.

“The stars of the Aurora star system are yellow dwarfs like the sun. They are located in the constellation of the constellation of the solar system. The existence of this galaxy has not been discovered before. Only recently has it been discovered that there is a star system with three planets. The main reason is that , There is also a dust cloud on the periphery of the Dawning Galaxy, whose mass is 20 times larger than the asteroid belt of the solar system.

The cloud covers the dawn star system without dead angles, shielding most of the radiation in the star system, and optical means cannot see it at all.

“It means that this world cannot use stars to broadcast, it will be reflected by dust clouds, and it is difficult to be observed by other civilizations. This is a very safe galaxy. If it is not with the help of cosmic membrane observation technology, there will be The comparison of optical star maps revealed the anomalies of gravitational waves in the background of cosmic radiation at close range.

I haven’t found a hidden star system here. ”

“The trajectory of Dawning 1 planet is similar to that of the Earth, which means that it may be a first-class world with life. But according to our observations, there is no electromagnetic radiation, but we still need to be prepared if the other party has any The armed forces of the United States are likely to lead to the outbreak of conflicts.

Cao Bin looked at Vader. The rest is his business. He is now responsible for helping Zhao Yu manage the army.

Vader stood up after Cao Bin sat down. The five constant-star battleships previously controlled by Quantum Technology are still externally hung outside the Ark’s hull, making the Ark look bloated, like a remote with a backpack Walker.

These five warships are the only space force unit of the Ark.

“At present, we have 80,000 armed personnel, of which 5,000 are genetically modified fighters. Such force is enough to easily destroy all the land resistance forces of the Solar System Federation. This is just a comparison with humans. As for aliens, it is not good to compare. , There are too few samples. At present, I have only fought against alien creatures that invaded the solar system. Genetic warriors can defeat that one-on-one.

These ugly guys don’t know the front.

“In the case of space ships, there are only five constant-star battleships, and the rest are some unmanned space aircraft. To be honest, this kind of force is relatively weak, even if they are equipped with energy shields and the latest laser weapons, they are not considered. Strong. Our only reliance is the Ark spaceship. If the enemy does not reach the strength of the federation in the past, we can easily win.”

Vader’s tone is cold and sharp, giving people a strange illusion that this gray-haired old man does not seem to have any human emotions in his body.

The Dawn Galaxy may have civilizations that have entered the interstellar age, but Ark also decided to go to that place.

Regardless of whether there is life or not, mankind will have this world.

Human beings have colonized the dawn star, and the Ark spacecraft has also observed the dawn galaxy.

If human beings let the civilization of the dawn galaxy develop.

According to the law of reversibility of detection, you can see others, and others can definitely see you. It’s just a matter of time and energy.

One day the other party will surely be able to detect the existence of human beings, posing a threat to human existence.

In any case, mankind will go to the dawn galaxy.

No life is best. If there is, then see if you can ruin the other person.

At the meeting, only some clarifications were made and the situation was already well known.

After the decision is made to recover the equipment, the Ark will set off for the Dawn Galaxy.

When Zhou Lu completed the exploration mission, he heard the roar when he returned to the base.

Looking up from the car window, some large transport spacecraft were found hovering over the base, sending those huge Titans to the Ark in low-Earth orbit.

The booming giant boom was lowered from the spaceships that turned on anti-gravity, grabbed the Titan and slowly pulled it to the bottom of the spacecraft to fix it, and then sent it back to the ark.

This work was carried out outside the base to avoid any accidents that would kill a large number of people.

When Zhou Lu looked up, he could still see the dazzling white light from the anti-gravity device at the bottom of the spacecraft. Even in the daytime, the white light was so conspicuous.

…々The Ark is leaving. “There was a trace of sadness in a player’s tone, “They left us here.

“Don’t be so sad, they will come back. It is impossible for the people in the leadership meeting to spend so much time sending us here, and then ignore them. We need them, and they need us. Besides, the general will not do it. For this kind of thing, he has a bigger plan for mankind.”

The geologist comforted the sad team member.

“Do you think the general will be the emperor?” Another female team member looked at the others and said.

“I don’t think there is anything wrong with this. He proved how accurate his vision is, and he also built an ark to take us from the ruined solar system and come to this world to start again. This is a rare leadership quality. .”

“I don’t agree with this approach. It took our ancestors hundreds of years to sweep the emperor into the historical grave. You actually want to restore it, let those who do not respect freedom, democracy, and prevent the development of science. The thing reappeared.

“But the previous federation almost didn’t kill everyone, and almost all mankind was wiped out. We created illusory prosperity, and then everything was destroyed at the touch of a man. We couldn’t even see the enemy. I was defeated and ran away from my mother like a dog.”

“What do you think?” Zhou Lu looked at the geologist and asked the other person’s opinion.

After all, geologists are the most intelligent of their group.

“Scientific progress has nothing to do with the system, but lies in the ideas of the society (Nonno’s) society. In human history, there have been two so-called technological advancement reforms. Do you think this is brought about by democratic ideas and free ideas?”

The geologist smiled and continued.

“No, the first emancipation of the mind was in 1789. After the increase in productivity, a large amount of labor was released, capitalism sprouts, there will be subsequent emancipation of the mind, the economy takes off, and mankind quickly enters the steam age. During the downturn, people panicked about the three-body system and went to extremes, destroying the environment, resulting in reduced food production, and the people were not able to make a living.


“But before the second ideological emancipation, countries invested a lot of manpower and material resources to research basic science and technology. The progress brought about by ideological emancipation was actually just the things that were studied by the countries before the trough. , Without any cost, the emancipation of your mind will inevitably bring about the wrong view of technological progress.

Point change.

The geologist paused and continued: “The general public is useless for the development of science and technology, but it will become an obstacle. Science and technology needs a strong academic atmosphere and a large number of talents dedicated to scientific research. Whether it is a totalitarian world that oppresses scholars, It is a free society where entertainment is paramount, which is a terrible thing for scientific research. Scholars must cater to the public

Only by catering to capital can we get financial support. The fiery genetic fine-tuning of the Federation at that time had little effect on science. “.

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