Chapter 140 There is no kindness in the universe

Li Wan is a recorder with the army, responsible for recording the deeds of genetic warriors.

Most of these deeds will be selectively disclosed to the public, and some involving secrets will be hidden for decryption in the future.

Standing in the training room, Li Wan watched Hobbes’ training.

The warrior’s majestic posture and the muscles and scars of the past made her secretly amazed.

Moreover, this person is quite handsome, with short light blond hair and looks sleek and capable.

Bronze skin is dotted with faint freckles.

Those dark gray eyes were very deep, with high fighting spirit and unknown fatigue.

The naked body particularly highlights his superhuman nature. In addition to his sturdy and unusual body shape, the wide face unique to the genetic warrior is revealed in his horse-like appearance.

And the heavy torso of that part of the ribs is as tight as a canvas on an easel.

This powerful soldier is undergoing dangerous and deadly training.

Li Wan watched the sharp sword stab Hobbs.

She was a little anxious in her heart. If she could not escape, this blow would be enough to end the genetic warrior’s life.

But it was natural that she was more concerned.

In the next second, Hobbs easily dodged and avoided a dangerous sweep.

Then he raised his weapon in time to ward off the offensive coming from sleep.

That swift skill didn’t match his sturdy body as a genetic warrior, and a heavy club swung at his head.

But Hobbs obviously had expected it, and easily leaned over to dodge.

The steel frame of the training room clanged 23 times, and various weapons flew up and down, whizzing through the air, blindly and mechanically trying to dismember the genetic warrior in it.

Kebus’s muscular body was covered with shiny sweat, he hummed suddenly, and his shoulder was hit by a sharp blade.

Sensing that the target was injured, he controlled the smart A1 in the training room and immediately stopped all attacks.

Intelligent AI can control all weapons to ensure that all training dangers will not harm the genetic warrior.

On the display next to him, there was a voice prompt that Hobbes failed to train.

Li Wan stood on the synthetic steel bench in the training room, with a double memory spiral device built into her eye.

This device can save her from needing to take real-time photos like ordinary recorders.

The memory spiral device will automatically extract pictures from the images received by her eyes, and she only needs to edit and organize them afterwards.

This technology of combining genes and machinery is most common in today’s consortium development.

For convenience, a little modification of the body is allowed.

In view of her outstanding work performance, she became the recorder of the Second Corps.

The First Corps is controlled by Li Dachao, and this Corps never accepts interviews.

The First Corps is very mysterious, and occasional legends add a different color to that mysterious legion.

It is said that the soldiers selected by the First Corps are even more terrifying, and only recruit children under the age of twenty who have completed basic education.

Genetic modification is more thorough.

The completely transformed First Corps soldiers possess extraordinary combat effectiveness.

Rumor has it that they can sleep and survive in a vacuum even without the need for equipment.

The First Corps never appeared in front of the world, they were responsible for guarding the Ark in the void and guarding the human leaders.

In view of the importance of human leaders, the First Corps has such a terrifying combat effectiveness.

The rest is the Second Corps. The consortium has created ten genetic warfare regiments with a size of about 100,000.

Responsible for destroying alien civilizations for mankind, prestigious colonies that intend to become independent and endanger the overall interests of mankind.

In addition to the gene warfare regiment, there are more levy regiments, skynet omnic regiments, Titans regiments, combined fleets and many other units.

Accompanied by the pleasant sound of the prompt, the door of the training room slowly opened, and Hobbes walked out of it.

His short blond hair was stuck to his scalp, which was a little longer than what he had seen last time, and his pale face dotted with freckles was flushed with fatigue at the moment.

“You are injured.” Li Wan handed out a towel from the chair.

“It’s nothing, this kind of injury is not fatal, and there is no toxin. I have many comrades who died under the enemy’s toxin, only a slight wound. Anyway, in order to take those worlds.”

Hobbs wiped off the clotted blood. The genetic warrior’s blood was mixed with a large number of healing factors. This factor allows them to quickly stop bleeding when they are seriously injured.

“I heard that the leadership meeting issued an order to ask you to go to the Talos colony. Is the war going to begin again?” Li Wan looked at Hobbs’ tall body sitting on a chair and put a bottle of high-nutrition The concentrate was drunk.

Genetic warriors seldom eat food from ordinary people. Their huge body and high consumption physique make them have to grab more calorie food.

If they eat the food of ordinary people, they need a large amount to be able to meet the needs of their bodies.

You have to spend at least 1/3 of your time on eating every day.

In order to increase efficiency, they eat special high-calorie foods. Even if it is drinking water, a lot of nutrients are added to quickly replenish water and nutrition.

“An alien spaceship was found in the Talos colony, but fortunately, their location has not been exposed. So we need to go there and we will clean up those guys if necessary.”

Buss wiped his body and wiped the sweat from his forehead and torso.

“The consortium will not try to communicate with them, right? Maybe we can communicate with that civilization, so that there will always be fewer wars and no need to fight all the time.”

Li Wan asked, “Why does the Commonwealth always think about peace instead of war. We can completely avoid war. Human beings have so many powerful weapons that they can protect themselves.”

Hobbs looked up at the narrator. Relative to his huge size, he was short and thin, and probably could be called beautiful.

He knows very little about women, he is a fleet human.

After birth, he chose soldier training, and then he followed the consul to complete the cause of saving mankind in secret.

In the beginning, no one supported them, and even the most beloved consul was humiliated and attacked.

Even forced to compromise with politicians in exchange for development resources,

Political enemies are looking for the consul’s shortcomings all the time, and want to push him into the abyss of immortality in one fell swoop.

They can only hide in the dark and develop silently, waiting for the opportunity to fight back.

For a while, even the leaders of Vader had to calculate the drinking water carefully. One can imagine how hard it was at that time.

As the genetic warrior who first followed the Archon, Hobbs had only the Skynet base at that time.

Because once they are exposed, according to the federal law at that time, they will inevitably be sentenced to death.

Hobbs seldom came into contact with women. After becoming a genetic warrior, his desire was suppressed, and he became even more disinterested in women.

“What about after peace?” Hobbs asked, and he took out the sharp knife he used.

The seemingly ancient weapons combined with modern technology are far more powerful than the world can imagine.

This kind of sword is composed of oscillating molecules, which can destroy the target’s organizational structure from the microscopic field.

Even steel or other solid things can be destroyed.

Such oscillators will change the force of the target’s infrastructure, forcing them to disintegrate,

Even the three-body detector that once destroyed the human fleet, made of absolute metal with strong force, can be destroyed.

As soon as this weapon was launched, it quickly replaced the laser sword and installed genetic warriors in an all-round way.

But this weapon also has its drawbacks. The activated weapon has a sense of shock and can only be used by genetic warriors, and ordinary people can’t even catch it.

“After peace, we can develop together and jointly develop the entire universe.” Li Wan said naively.

“Then what if there are civilizations that are unwilling? Their civilization may be stronger than humans, and their armies are more than humans. They think that humans taste very good, and other races only need to betray us to continue to get peace. You think it will happen later. whats the matter?”

Hobbs was very calm. He wiped his weapon carefully.

“It’s impossible that the chance is too small.” Li Wan said.

“No matter how small the odds are, it may happen. Your thoughts once appeared in the human era. At that time, it was called the War of the End. Those who died were as optimistic as you. In the end, the fleet was destroyed. 003, if it weren’t for Luo Sir, I’m afraid that humans will be destroyed at that time.”

Chong Booth didn’t lift his head, and casually talked about a piece of history.

Gene warriors are generally extremely knowledgeable, proficient in spacecraft, astronomy, galaxy navigation and many other subjects.

They can control the entire spacecraft alone, complete the maintenance and overhaul of the spacecraft, and assemble powerful weapons with simple equipment.

This is the strength of mankind’s strongest warrior, and the greatest guarantee for mankind’s survival in this galaxy.

“No one likes war, little girl. You can’t understand how much pain the soldiers endure, and how much pressure the consul is burdened. I even think I will choose to end myself one day, but I need to fight before that, make sure Humans have no enemies. Maybe my words cannot convince you, but you can follow the fleet to Talos,

You will understand that there is no good in this universe.

Kebus said.


The spacecraft was moored in the outer orbit and after necessary inspections.

The Talos colony welcomed the arrival of Mara and prepared a grand welcoming ceremony.

Although he was dismissed, Mara is still a member of the leadership meeting.

“You may be able to keep a low profile, Mara.” Addo said helplessly as he watched Mara put on a set of gleaming power armor.

“Humans like these things, I have to make myself look big and shiny, so they will feel that I am full of power, like a redeeming angel. Only this kind of dress can win me more support and help me. Convince my father.”

“I will prove to him that there is still hope for peace in this universe.

Mara didn’t care about Addo’s complaints.

Milani and several other companions helped Mara put on his gear.

Mara is a very special existence, without genetic modification, he can also drive the power armor that can only be used by genetic warriors by his own ability.

Powerful strength, profound knowledge.

He is the future of mankind and the best successor to the consul.

This is the consensus of everyone. .

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