Chapter 147 Talos world out of control

Makado realized that something was wrong, and controlled his spacecraft to rush towards the world of Talos, trying to warn others.

I wanted to use the communication to publish the video, but found that garbled codes were generated in the communication, and a strong interference source was nearby.

While looking for the source of interference in Makado, he saw a desperate scene.

Under the guidance of the human rights organization spacecraft, the crystal spaceship of the Naphiris came to the Talos star field.

The huge crystal spacecraft exudes a faint gleam, and it looks particularly bright in the cold and dark space.

Makado originally wanted to stop the spaceships, but thought of the people who had been transformed. He didn’t know how many people had been transformed, but he was afraid that he would be regarded as an enemy.

Thinking of this, he no longer paid attention to the crystal spaceship, but accelerated towards the world of Talos.

The surface temperature of the high-speed spacecraft rises rapidly under the friction of Talos’ atmosphere, turning it into a huge fireball.

Makado completely violated the safety rules of the spacecraft and took the risk of using the thrust of the propeller to rush into the atmosphere.

The systems at all levels on the spacecraft made piercing buzzing sounds, the red warning lights continued to rotate, and the intelligent system kept issuing warning sounds.

[Alarm, alarm, temperature is too high. 】

Makado ignored the warning of the intelligent AI and frantically increased the speed to a terrible point.

After rushing into the atmosphere, Makado immediately issued a warning to everyone and forwarded the video to their communications.

He drove the spaceship to rush towards the place where the Pegasus was, hoping to use his influence to prevent this terrible catastrophe.

On the other side, the unimaginable carnival is still going on.

With the arrival of the crystal spaceship.

Members of human rights organizations from various colonies burst into tears in cheers.

Many people cried because of excitement and couldn’t control their emotions at all.

This is a scene worth remembering in history.

Mankind will build a civilization in which all races coexist in this dark universe, and now it has taken the first step.

Everyone feels lucky and proud to be a member of the pinnacle of human civilization.

They used their actions to resist the oppression of the union and proved that there is sunlight in the dark universe.

A new era has arrived, and they will rebuild their dream of universal unity in the ruins.

The crystal spaceship is as big as the Ark. After all, the crystal spaceship is the same as the Ark, and it carries the last seeds of a civilization.

The crystal spaceship presents a perfect crystal shape.

The rhombus crystals on the surface all present an extremely smooth, total reflection mirror surface.

The twinkling stars printed a smooth light pattern on the smooth crystal surface, making the entire spacecraft look pure and beautiful.

All human rights organizations have sent spacecraft to contact the crystal spacecraft. The main purpose is not to investigate, but to communicate and broadcast images of the crystal spacecraft to others.

Everyone sinks into its beautiful appearance.

The crystal spaceship is really beautiful. Its shape is extremely sophisticated and complex, but it also carries an amazing beauty.

In the darkness of the universe, it emits its own light.

This is an exquisite work of art.

How can a race that can make spaceships into works of art is a race that likes war.

The arrival of the crystal spacecraft has made people feel a stronger sense of identification with the Nafigliari people.

The same civilization whose home planet was destroyed is also drifting in the cold and dark universe.

The support rate of civilized assimilation programs that help the non-profits to be recognized by the consortium like robots and obtain equal civil rights has risen sharply.

More and more human rights organizations tend to regard non-profits as their companions in inviting the universe together.

Many human rights organizations even began to send out invitations to other colonies in an attempt to set off a massive petition movement.

Strive to fight for the equal rights of the Nepheles as human beings.

“We must unite, boycott coalitions, boycott governors, and create a better home. War is a savage method that only backward civilizations can use. We must resist these terrible ideas and create a better universe.

The survivors of the Blessing of Gods followed a man in a speech. He called on people not to be ensnared by the consortium and commit unforgivable crimes against the entire universe.

“We must fight for the right to survive for this poor civilization, and we must be responsible for our children and grandchildren, and we must never leave them a world full of war and chaos.”

The speaker’s words evoked a lot of resonance.

A woman rushed to the high platform and found next to the speaker.

The woman looked very excited and seemed to have finally found a chance to vent something.

“We are determined not to allow the consortium to turn human beings into ugly and barbaric. They encourage disorderly expansion, encourage people to use firearms, artificially create anxiety, and prompt those people to run to the stars desperately, and between the sexes. The beauty is gone. The union has completely abandoned the truth, goodness and beauty that belong to human nature. We can never compromise anymore. This is

Our last chance, if we can’t accept even such a friendly civilization, then human beings are really dying. ”

After the woman’s voice fell, the other woman also stood up. “My name is Grea. If I can’t fight for equal civil rights for the Nepheles, I will give up the civil rights of the Commonwealth. I don’t want to live in such a sinful world.”

“If the means of peace cannot allow us to get what we want, then we will resort to war. For the sake of beauty and peace, we must stop the ambitions of those so-called human leaders. The dictatorship, they want to destroy mankind, destroy the beauty of human nature.”

The other man also stood up.

“Yes, the consortium is a super scam, and we are all victims of it. This scam is huge and terrifying, and it is unimaginable for the world.”

The words of countless people are getting sharper and sharper.

They criticized the various actions of the consortium, and even began to personally attack Zhao Yu, the strongest wise man who had ever protected mankind.

Think of him as a complete lunatic, an arrogant careerist.

Makado arrived in the rest room where Mara was in the shortest time, and found a spacecraft with a consortium logo moored high in the sky.

Before he could think about it, he rushed in.

“Something big happened, we need to go right away.”

Before Makado finished speaking, he saw the Skynet Terminator fighter in Mara’s room.

A Skynet warrior raised the laser gun in his hand to him, and if he moved slightly, the opponent would directly press the trigger.

……For flowers………

“Relax, he is just my friend.” Mara started to stop the bloodshed that might happen.

“You must leave this planet, Leader Mara, this is the highest order of the Archon.” The Skynet soldier standing aside put away the laser gun in his hand and said.

The speech is very mechanical, and it is made by the terminator using the sound generator in the body.

All Terminator soldiers have now been upgraded to robot fighters with autonomous AI.

They have equal civil rights with human beings.

Mara didn’t care what the Terminator soldier said. He just looked at the panicked Makado and asked, “What happened?”

Makado showed the video of the three victims of the Tianyou.

“Impossible.” After watching the video, Mara couldn’t believe what Makado showed.

“This video was found on the Tianyou. The victims hoped that we could avenge them, so they left this video to prevent human society from being assimilated by those monsters but no one knew it.

Mara was too late to listen to Makado’s next words. He rushed to the door. Addo, Milani and other partners are still trying their best to maintain the order of the Talos world, and control the situation as much as possible to prevent it from getting worse.


If the survivors are all enemies, what is on top of the upcoming crystal spaceship?

All are hungry monsters waiting to eat.

The world of Talos is over.

“Damn it.” Mara cursed in a low voice. He called Addo and others to return to his side, but showed that they could not communicate.

The crystal spaceships of the Nephili people are constantly approaching the world of Talos, and the slight psychic light emitted prevents electromagnetic communication, making it extremely distorted and unable to effectively convey any information at all.

A few Terminator fighters had not been able to stop them in the future, and Mara had disappeared, and they could only follow.

Makado looked around, gritted his teeth, and chased after him.

In the highest ruling hall of Talos.

Countless screens show scenes from all over the world at the same time.

“They are crazy.” Addo said helplessly, looking at the emotional people.

Everything was out of control, and Mara and them were completely out of control.

After a brief madness, those who gathered began to work on Zhao Yu’s statue.

All human rights organizations spit on Zhao Yu’s statue, smashing the huge statue with various debris and rocks.

He even saw a little girl scratching the surface of the statue desperately with the knife in her hand.

There was crazy anger in her eyes.

In the ever-increasing human rights movement, Zhao Yu has become a crazy, hopeless lunatic.

Some people even attribute the destruction of the solar system to him, saying that the reason why he is unwilling to save other people in the solar system is because he wants to build a dictatorial empire.

Just when these boycott coalition campaigns reached their peak.

Everyone received Makado’s message at the same moment.

That’s a video of the victims from the Tianyou.

The human rights leader watched the video, and then watched the Captain of the God You, Alton next to it.

The other party smiled at him, dull and weird. Several.

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