Chapter 158 Another wave of humans

“Why do you want to define human beings?” Natasha looked at the tired Mara, with a trace of distress in her eyes.

No matter how tall Mara is, in Natasha’s heart, he is always a child.

Hearing what his mother said, Mara just stood there holding the file and said nothing for a long time.

“Do you want to find a strong argument against your father? Prove that he is wrong, prove that every human being should not be given up for the so-called future, right?

Natasha is Mara’s mother.

She conceived this child and raised him as an adult, naturally understanding his inner thoughts.

Everyone who knows the inside story cannot ignore the scene when Mara was born.

The golden sun.

He is the destined leader of mankind. Perhaps after his father leaves mankind, Mara will become the new leader.

He will take over the responsibilities and tasks of his father and assume the mission of revitalizing mankind.

It’s a pity that he is still too immature and too well protected to realize the cruelty of this universe.

So he suffered the first setback and the first failure.

The Talos incident was a blow to him, shattering his naive dream of cosmic harmony in one fell swoop.

Mara was immersed in the archives room only to find a reason to refute his father.

He didn’t want to admit that, in fact, “Zero 17”, his father, the consul was right.

“Yes, I checked every file to find out the beauty of human nature, but I found that I was wrong. The dark side of mankind is unbearable. I have read every file here, just as Makado said. In that way, not every human being is worth saving.”

Mara put the file back, “I don’t understand why human nature is so complicated. They are sometimes kind and sometimes evil.

Natasha took Mala’s wide palm up and put her face in it.

The huge palm made Natasha’s face look very small.

sometimes. Natasha also wondered how she was born with such a tall Mara.

“Controlling everything, using conspiracy and force is not your father’s original intention. But freedom breeds corruption, and liberating nature also means that people will crave pleasure. This is very dangerous for a universe surrounded by enemies, and humans cannot There is a slight slack.”

“Your father must carefully pilot the big ship of mankind, so that it can survive in the dark and cold universe, so that human civilization can be passed on. Let those creatures who have not yet come to this world in the future have the qualifications to come to this world. He needs your help, Marathi.”

Natasha stretched out her hand to soothe Mara’s face and wiped his tiredness away.

“People like him don’t need anyone.” Mara lowered his head and said.

“No, Mala, you are wrong. Your father is very tired. He needs to control the evolution of mankind, but also manage those scientific research projects to ensure the rapid rise of mankind. He and several other leaders dare not rest for a moment, they know Mankind is threatened, and the civilization that destroyed the solar system is looking for us. Before we grow up to threaten them, we must

We completely erased. ”

“The wanton expansion of mankind over the years is bound to have been noticed by other civilizations. The new storm of war is about to come, and we must be prepared. So your father introduced the Supreme Law, expanded the army, and used resources desperately. Expand and build armaments.”

Hearing what his mother Na Natasha said, Mara sighed, “Does he really need me?”

“Don’t belittle yourself. You are the only one who has become a leader after human beings form a consortium. If they don’t see your potential, they won’t give you this position.”

“Don’t try to find excuses for those people anymore. No one can stand aside from the rise and fall of mankind. Everyone must be prepared for this. Including the consul, including you, everyone. Fight for survival. If he is unwilling, he can only be the enemy. 1

Natasha opened Mara’s heart knot.

Any human meaning is illusory, and only survival is the most important thing.

Choose to fight for humanity, then you are human.

Feeling that your life is your own, and wantonly spreading disasters on other innocent people, you can only treat you as an enemy.

The consortium does not allow those people to leave the rule of the consortium.

But once we leave, we will be the enemy when we meet again next time.

Those who are unwilling to leave, but are unwilling to abide by the core idea that ethnic interests are above all else can only be destroyed.

“I’ll talk to him.” Mara said.


A spaceship is flying in the gap between hypocrisy and reality.

“Please, I have helped you set the destination of the spaceship, don’t kill me.”

A man knelt on his knees, crying bitterly.

With fear and despair on his face, a greasy coat was wrapped around him.

“You monsters who support the Union deserve to die.

Ai AA looked at the kneeling man, pulled the trigger directly, and pierced his head.

Behind her are more than twenty strange-shaped people, each with tentacles and horny shells with flowing mucus.

“Can we go there really?”

A man looked at the woman who changed the most. Her face was full of tiny tentacles like octopuses.

This woman is the sinner of mankind, Cheng Xin.

She took these psionicists and escaped from the laboratory and grabbed a spaceship.

Cheng Xin didn’t look at the man who fell on the ground. In the psychic experiments of the past few decades, her mind was completely distorted.

There is also another possibility, that is, she showed her original appearance.

The so-called kindness and selflessness are just to deceive others and use them to get the appearance of praise and vanity.

Some people are very good at disguising.

Under the beautiful appearance, he looks simple, kind, and ignorant of the world.

Doing all kinds of seemingly kind but in fact hypocritical things for the so-called moral satisfaction.

Such people often don’t have any firm ideas, but just follow the trend and satisfy their noble emotional needs.

Cheng Xin is undoubtedly such a person.

She has never had any firm ideas, whether it’s sending Yun Tianming’s brain, or leaving her parents to sleep, or being elected as a swordsman.

She is a kind of following the crowd, is a kind of wanting to get other people’s attention, wanting others to think how noble thoughts are driving her.

She has never loved Yun Tianming, otherwise she would not have been without contact for so long, and even forgot Yun Tianming.

Everything she did was an illusion, whether she recommended Yun Tianming and then wanted to take it back, or after learning about Yun Tianming, she gave up her adoptive parents, went into hibernation, accepted the sword bearer, and stopped Vader.

Essentially there is only one purpose, and that is to forge fake images.

Forging her is very kind, forging her love for Yun Tianming, forging the illusion that she loves the entire human race.

But everything Cheng Xin does is just to get the approval of others, to gain self-satisfaction under the blind praise of others.

The humans of the solar system regard Cheng Xin as the incarnation of his mother.

They have forgotten one thing, not all mothers love their children.

Before meeting Zhao Yu, her disguise was very good.

Everyone believed her, but it’s different now.

Her true face has been exposed, and none of the colonies under the name of the Commonwealth will accept her.

If they knew her identity, those people would only kill her with one shot.

The disguise becomes meaningless.

Ai AA shot and killed the crew members who were threatened.

She was not moved at all, she was very calm.

“We will continue to send messages. As long as the Starship Humans still exist, they will certainly not be far away. They have no subspace spacecraft or Quyue spacecraft.

Cheng Xin said.

At the time of Pluto.

Before leaving the solar system for the first time.

Cheng Xin learned a very important thing from Luo Ji, that is, the Starship Mankind has not perished. They have survived, and it is very likely that they have reclaimed a new colony.

When Zhao Yu defeated the Federation, the powerful class also made a big escape.

There is not only one human civilization in the universe, the Commonwealth.

There are also two other civilization seeds taking root and germinating.

And Cheng Xin’s group is looking for them.

Dawn star.

With Joyna’s help, Makado quickly figured out the ins and outs.

In a psionic collection experiment, an error occurred somehow.

The psionic energy blended from the experimental body resonated with the Gaia fragments enshrined by the natives of the Dawn Star, and the huge psychic power directly blew up the laboratory.

The weird thing is that the psionicists used in the experiment escaped from the explosive psionic laboratory.

Search and rescue personnel did not find any fragments of their bodies.

A few days later, another colony heard an incident of an old spacecraft being held hostage by an unknown person.

Makado quickly linked the two things together.

Inferred a general truth.

The psionic explosion gave the test items a chance to escape.

They entered the subspace, and then used subspace to make them appear in a spacecraft.

This method has appeared before, when the natives of Dawn Star wanted to attack the Ark and reverse the situation.

As for why the test products can do this, it is most likely the ghost of the Gaia fragment.

For this reason, Makado applied to send a pursuit team to bring back the experimental subjects.


The sky is full of yellow sand, without a trace of life.

In such a harsh environment, several solitary human buildings stand on the surface of the planet.

These buildings do not have any sign of a consortium.

They do not belong to the consortium, but belong to another wave of humans, the starship humans.

Guan Yifan looked at the wind and sand raging outside, showing a trace of sadness.

“Are you okay?” said West, the psychologist on the Gravity.

“I’m just a little sad. The solar system is destroyed, and humans have no homes anymore.” Guan Yifan said with a bit of disappointment, “So many humans didn’t even have one escaped.

“This is not good, maybe there will be, but they didn’t contact us.” West said. “Maybe, they are still floating in space now, and they don’t even have a place to stay. Anyway, it is estimated that they are much worse than us, and the wolf and fox are very bad.”

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