Chapter 188 A world that makes God desperate

Starship humans cannot be attributed to traitors.

At the time of the doomsday battle, when the solar system has already been defeated.

The escape of Space Blue was a very correct choice.

What’s more important is that when seizing resources, the Blue Space is a counterattack, not an active attack.

No matter from which point of view, the blue space number’s approach is impeccable.

They did not betray human beings, but followed Zhang Beihai’s last conviction and went to the depths of the starry sky to seek a bit of life.

With these in mind, as long as they consider themselves humans and do not attack automatically, Zhou cannot be tough on them.

Even if they are unwilling to give out information about other colonies, they are unwilling to express their views clearly and submit to the union.

Lost, only to survive in despair, there is no way out.

Starship humans can even be said to be a bit lonely and helpless.

They do not have the leadership of a consul, and they can only rely on themselves.

In such a difficult environment, it is not surprising what kind of cautious character has been developed.

After discussion with Amit, Nuriel and others.

The pursuit team decided to let the exploratory team follow them back to the complex.

“When they see the prosperous scene, they will definitely join in.”

At the end of the meeting, Zhou’s words resonated with others.

Starship humans are too weak in their eyes. Even if they master the lightspeed spacecraft, they are nothing but cannon fodder soldiers in the universe.

Compared with the alliance that has the qualifications to compete with the major civilizations of the universe for the final victory throne, it is too fragile and unbearable.

If force is really used, a fleet is enough to destroy them.

Such a decision is the best for the scientific research team and the pursuit team of the Starship Mankind.

In order to express kindness, the pursuit team gifted the spacecraft looted by the traitor to the scientific research team to prove their sincerity.

Although the fugitive spacecraft is a civil spacecraft, it is also a standard subspace spacecraft.

When Zhuo Wen and Guan Yifan were taken into the fugitive spacecraft, Zhou explained in detail the structure of each part of the spacecraft.

Knowing the role of these completely unfamiliar mechanical structures, Guan Yifan couldn’t help but exclaimed.

Everyone who visited had to admit that for the Starship Mankind, even the technology contained in the civil spacecraft of the Consortium was beyond their reach.

Starship humans have never had an understanding of subspace. In their opinion, how can a world that is so weird and does not follow physical definite numbers exist.

After watching the internal structure of the fugitive’s spacecraft, there is also an engine for subspace driving.

They had to admit it.

Subspace is like the back of a person.

You can’t deny its existence just because you can’t see it.

After deliberation, the scientific research team decided to let Guan Yifan lead some people to the consortium, and Zhuo Wen to lead another part to the next scientific research zone. After completing the task, they would return to the colony.

The spacecraft for the fugitives was left to the team that continued scientific research, allowing them to sail faster than the speed of light and speed up the completion of the mission.

As for the original light-speed spacecraft, it is set to sail automatically and send it back to the colony.

The members of the scientific research team watched Guan Yifan lead people onto the spaceship of the consortium.

Soon, they will be separated by 20,000 light years.

Even how Zhou explained, failed to calm the parting emotions of the research team and others.

Realistic distance has little effect on subspace.

The consortium can be reached in three or four years, and a round trip is only seven or eight years at most.

This is very little time in interstellar travel.

Even so, Zhuo Wen and others could not be at ease.

Twenty thousand light years is an unimaginable distance.

If you travel at the speed of light, it is the distance between life and death.

Once you set off, you will never see it again in this life.

[Detection of abnormal subspace fluctuations. 】

【Lock the target. 】

After the two subspace spacecraft left, a bright light appeared on the periphery of the dx3906 star system.

The light seemed to have one’s own will, and the luminous tentacles danced wildly in the real universe.

Several octopus-like creatures rushed out from inside.

The huge tail tentacles swing behind, providing power to the huge body.

On the head of the giant octopus, the head covered with a blood-red film is shrinking and expanding.

A series of thick nerves flowed with biological currents, and some nerves stretched out and wrapped some crystals, allowing the crystals to project light and display various pictures.

Some strange-looking creatures control the crystal and collect information about this galaxy.

“The cleaner was right. They must not let the humans go. They have mastered the way of sailing in the heavens, and they have also learned the power to move the heavens.

“They fled to different places, what to do.[?”

“Let’s pursue them separately, we must destroy them, and we must not let him develop anymore.

Accompanied by a brief exchange, the octopus turned its direction, and directly tore a hole in a different place, and disappeared again with the light.

Humans once explored four-dimensional space.

When the deterrence failed, blue space discovered the existence of four-dimensional debris and observed it.

They also sent a copy of data to humans, but after all, it was not comprehensive enough.

Bi Gaofeng has personally studied various data and information sent back by the Blue Space.

His cognition of four-dimensional space can be said to be a top-notch group of human beings, but research and personal experience are different.

The feeling of being in four dimensions is beyond words.

Imagine the person in the picture living in a two-dimensional plane painting in a three-dimensional space.

No matter how colorful the painting is.

The two-dimensional people can only see the side of the surrounding world.

In their eyes, the people and things around are just lines of different lengths.

Only when a two-dimensional person floats out of the painting and enters the three-dimensional space, and then looks back at the painting, can he see the whole picture. This analogy does not tell people how it feels to enter the four dimensions.

But it reveals that only when standing in a high-dimensional situation can we see the full picture of the three-dimensional world.

Two-dimensional people cannot see the whole picture on paper, so how can three-dimensional people see the reality of their own world?

People in the three-dimensional world can only see the surface.

To describe the three-dimensional world as a painting, a person in three dimensions can only see the painting when it is placed perpendicular to the plane of his face.

All you see is the side of the painting.

For example, there is a cube.

People living in two dimensions can only see lines.

The three-dimensional people can only see the face.

Only those who are in the four dimensions can see the complete cube.

Even though he was prepared in his heart, Bi Gaofeng still felt that his world had collapsed.

Like Ding Yi, Bi Gaofeng devoted his life’s energy to physics.

They have been working hard to find the eternal truth of the universe.

Unify all theories in the macro and micro fields.

Judging from the four-dimensional journey, this unified theory will never exist.

Humans live in a world where there will be no results.

A crazy, distorted, chaotic world.

A world more outrageous than all the ghost stories in the world.

Subvert the world of worldview than all myths and stories in the world.

Physics does not exist, chemistry does not exist, mathematics does not exist, and God does not exist.

There is only war in this world, only survival.

This is reality, this is the universe.

From Luo Ji’s understanding of the cruel nature of cosmic civilization in the icy lake, the Blue Space witnessed the destruction of four dimensions.

Now there are tears in Bi Gaofeng’s eyes. This is what the consul has been worried about.

The darkest nature of this universe is chaos, war and death.

Humans can win battle after battle.

But this endless world.

The destruction of mankind is also inevitable.

Even the ruling faculty reduces the probability of human destruction to one in a trillion.

Mankind will inevitably be destroyed.

In an infinite world, no matter how small the odds are, it is inevitable.

It is absolutely impossible for mankind to defeat all enemies and get rid of this eternal war.

The nature of the universe is enough to make God despair.

Bi Gaofeng concealed his emotions, these dark truths, ordinary people don’t need to know.

“”々Send an exploration team to investigate the entire small universe.

When the chasing spacecraft returned, only Zhentia the Soulless chose to fall asleep.

After all, even ordinary people will feel unwell when facing her.

If she is allowed to stay on the ship, ordinary people will be visibly weakened.

To be on the safe side, after killing Cheng Xin, Zhentia returned to the hibernation warehouse and continued to fall asleep with the help of the doctor.

Guan Yifan has been wandering around these days, checking various equipment on the spacecraft.

I saw the various weapons of the Consortium, as well as various super-luminous detection methods that the starships did not have (Li’s).

His shocked expression has not faded for several days.

In the past month or two, he slowly recovered his calmness and became accustomed to everything.

Then he developed a keen interest in subspace.

This space, which can help humans to navigate quickly in the universe and reach their destination, must contain a lot of secrets.

With a lot of effort, he succeeded in making a conversation with Nuriel, and obtained a lot of psionic knowledge from the opponent.

As usual, after the meal, Guan Yifan slipped to Nuriel again and worked with him on various psionic instruments.

“I feel that there is a secret being revealed in front of us, and that is the transformation between the real universe and the subspace. If it is true, it would be really crazy.

Nuriel said, with a hint of excitement in his tone, the excitement of seeing the secret.

“So what?” Guan Yifan placed a brass celestial body on the celestial instrument and let its gears start to rotate with it.

“Not long ago, we got in touch with Ark, and several major events occurred in Ark, including the famous Kane theory and the theory of cosmic uncertainty.

Different universes and civilizations can have an impact on the laws of the universe. There is no reason why subspace will not.

Nuriel said, we know that reality is about materialism, and subspace is biased towards idealism, but if subspace suppresses reality, what will happen at that time?

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