Chapter 215 Creator

The Chaser spacecraft has parked at several space stations several times along the way, but only stopped for inspection and applied for a pass.

Guan Yifan and others did not see anything shocking.

After all, they didn’t even get off the spaceship.

But here in the Ark Harbor, they stepped off the spaceship and were in the most magnificent port in the complex.

Looking at the scene in front of me, all-people were in shock.

Even though I was mentally prepared, I saw the busy commercial ships, the huge number of colonial material containers, and all kinds of magnificent space stations suspended in the cold space.

These starship humans seem to have forgotten how to breathe.

This scene was too shocking.

This huge port is so vast that there is no end in sight.

The scientific research team is as small as an ant standing on it.

Guan Yifan looked around, shock that could not be concealed in his eyes.

At a berth five kilometers away, a giant transport ship about forty-five kilometers in length is mooring there.

The work ship and the supply boat skimmed over the spire of its superstructure, as if the worker bees were feeding and caring for a bloated queen.

In addition, Guan Yifan also saw a long list of port mooring platforms and orbital defense platforms.

A large number of ships entered and exited in an orderly manner, loading and unloading cargo on the spacecraft.

“This is nothing short of a miracle.”

“Is this really a result achieved in 100 years?”

My goodness, this is incredible.

It is difficult for the scientific research team to imagine that everything in front of them was built after the destruction of the solar system and the escape of the earth humans.

For more than a hundred years, this time is neither long nor short.

It is really incredible to be able to achieve such a brilliant achievement in such a short period of time.

Several soldiers wearing gold armor, armed with weapons, came to the chaser’s spacecraft for routine inspections.

Guan Yifan looked at these warriors as tall as Zhou and felt the oppression they brought.

Are these majestic guys really human?

Tall and sturdy, born specifically for the battlefield, is the incarnation of destruction in the myth.

It is said that all genetic warriors come from the hands of the Archon, who forged this sword for mankind.

To ensure the survival of mankind in this world.

The golden armor warrior didn’t care about his gaze, he just looked up and down-Xia Guan Yifan.

“I heard that you are starship humans? Escaped the solar system for hundreds of years.

Guan Yifan nodded, be regarded as acknowledging his origin.

“You are welcome to join the consortium.” The golden armor warrior said, there is no deception in his sincere eyes, only trust and joy.

“Thank you.” Guan Yifan said.

The inspection soon ended, and the scientific research and exploration team members looked at the leaving Golden Armored soldiers and talked a lot.

The faces of the genetic warriors are very handsome, which is puzzled by other genetic companies.

No matter how they perfect the genetic template they have, they can’t create an individual that is full of temperament, strength and charm like a genetic warrior.

The Amit pursuit team was allowed to go to the Ark after being examined.

Naturally, the scientific research team members of the Starship Humans were also brought on. They needed to go to the Ark to meet the leaders.

“You are allowed to board the A75 transport spacecraft.”

The dispatcher’s voice sounded in the communication of the captain of the chasing squad, Amit.

At the prompt of the mechanical servant, he led everyone to the boarding area of ​​the A75 spacecraft.


“It’s hard to imagine that we recovered a civilization seed.” Xuanyuanyu said loudly, his voice made the other dispatchers look unhappy.

Many display screens floating in the air also showed the appearance of him shouting.

Until he was pressed by Tessa on the seat, let the light of the screen shine on his face again.

The data reappeared on those virtual screens.

“You should keep a low profile. Although this thing is really happy.”

Tessa, who is in charge of monitoring, said in a low voice.

Xuanyuanyu shrugged, and the screen in front of him locked the Starship Humans who were leaving, photographed each of them, and compared their identities.

“Let me go, there is a famous historical figure here, Guan Yifan, have you seen it?

Xuanyuanyu pointed at the screen, suppressing the excited voice for Tessa to watch.

“I saw it, so what?” Tessa said angrily.

“This is a guy who is older than the Archon. According to the information, this is a member of Gravity. They were captured by the other party while pursuing the Blue Space. This Guan Yifan is said to be the first man to come into contact with the four-dimensional world. people.”

“Even the current leader of Bi Gaofeng and the newly promoted Director of the Universe Observation Department, Kane, can only be regarded as latecomers in front of him.

Xuanyuanyu was excited to talk about a piece of ancient history, like a few Jiazhen, every detail is very clear.

It seems that he did well in the subject of human history.

Tessa looked at her friend and shook her head, helpless.

It’s just an ancient person, what’s so strange about it.

According to Kane’s theory, all the laws of the universe are creations born after being influenced by civilization or other universes or high-level civilizations.

This crazy theory allows mankind to break free from the original shackles and have the initial ability to spy on the secrets of the Creator.

At a distance of 150 astronomical units from the Ark, a project originally planned to build a large particle collider was changed to an experimental base for the meson instrument.

This kind of instrument can manipulate quarks, the most basic of matter. This is a microscopic field that already belongs to the microscopic field and belongs to the red line of energy and mass conversion.

At the same time, there is an electronic channel that is being constructed simultaneously.

Different universes will form basic gaps under different forces.

The gap forms energy, which promotes the balance of the fundamental forces of the two universes.

The electronic channel can obtain unlimited energy and accelerate the destruction of the universe.

The change in force is fatal to a universe.

The electronic channel is an important technological creation for mankind’s sublimation, and it is also a divine object capable of destroying everything.

In view of the importance of this experimental base, Zhao Yu had to personally take charge of this project,

For this project, he even cut off the scholars who were originally going to various departments and filled them into the pit of his own R&D career.

The group of psionic scholars who made psionic weapons were arranged by him to other places to learn how to forge weapons.

And he was checking the construction of the meson instrument laboratory with Luo Ji, Wade and others at this time.

Under the protection of the First Corps, the three people boarded the aircraft to check the details of each project to make sure that there were no problems with it.

The importance of this laboratory cannot be described in words. Once there is an error, it is undoubtedly more terrifying than the loss of the war by mankind.

This experiment is no longer a study of ordinary rules of the universe, but a study of the essence.

Just like the particle collider, human scientists need to continuously hit other particles with high-energy particles to obtain various data about basic physics.

The meson instrument experimental base also undertakes similar tasks.

Humans need to observe other universes, determine their influence on the main universe, and use the mystery of them to try to create a universe that belongs to humans.

…Seeking flowers 0…

Create a real world as huge as this universe.

And by modifying the laws inside, it can be transformed into a world suitable for human survival and development.

Both the sub-universe and the new universe are about the path of human development in the future.

The existence of high-level civilization is beyond doubt, and this universe is just the ruins left by them.

Leaving is inevitable.

Death is the destined destiny of this world, and high-level civilizations will only fudge the low-level to die in order to complete the universe cycle.

But why should human beings die and become a whole new universe?

Like the kind at the end of the book, give up the chance to live and complete the universe cycle.

It seems tall, but you are the only person who can move.

The invaders on horseback became able to sing and dance only after the peasants had guns, otherwise they would be the whip of God, invincible warriors.

Those wicked people who act recklessly and trample on the dignity of others have learned to behave with their tails in their tails when they have more violent legal institutions.

Any intelligent creature will not be moved by the sacrifice of the weak, they will only thank the strong for the occasional kindness and regard it as a divine grace.

Luo Ji and Vader stood behind Zhao Yu, shocked by the scene in front of them and could not speak.


They are the backbone of mankind, and naturally they have the right to know the true purpose of this laboratory.

The magnificent machinery has been assembled, and engineers are adjusting the relevant data on the display.

“Is this a miracle witness?”

Vader stood on the aircraft, looking at the busy robots and engineers, with emotion.

As long as this place is established, humans will begin to observe the universe and build the world.

Start building from a small world.

“Never thought that one day, we will become myths, or exist beyond myths.

Even Luo Ji couldn’t hide his inner emotions.

I thought that the sub-universe was already a very magnificent thing, and it was the pinnacle of human civilization and technology.

But now, a more magnificent project is unfolding in front of them.

“This project will be kept secret for the time being. Only the three of us know the purpose. The cutting-edge technology of Ark is far from the current popular technology of mankind. The technology is improving too fast, and the mind of ordinary people may not be able to control it.”

Zhao Yu looked at the space base in front of him, and the welding flashes kept on, like shining stars.

Vader and Luo Ji also deeply agreed with Zhao Yu’s words.

Many scientific research projects of Ark now have surpassed the limit of human imagination.

[This is not a pure science fiction, but a pseudo-science fiction essay that blends various fantasies of the novel. ][The Ark will become the ruling unit of a multiverse, and the protagonist will create various worlds to observe the development of mankind, thereby determining the path of the whole ascension and freedom][Guan Yifan and Nuriel’s research will produce a world that is different from subspace in real space, resulting in a world of pure technology, a world of steampunk, and a world of advanced fantasy][Makado is responsible for portraying various situations in human development, such as big data, corruption, and dissatisfaction with war. In the later period, I will also be responsible for the management of the multiverse, helping Ark clean up data errors, “traverser”][Mara is purely hydrology, writing about war. 】

[If you want to watch the pretend slap in the face, let’s have another month. When the Ark created all kinds of low-level worlds, each of the mysterious fantasy bosses, magic bosses, technology bosses, and the warriors from the sky, when they saw the warriors from the sky, they were just the preparatory military service for the multiverse war of mankind, his eyes widened, Gao Call the impossible picture, I will describe it in detail. 】

[In addition, thank you for the hundreds of brothers who have been chasing after, I guess they have been watching Kiliman come over. 】 Ni.

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