Chapter 243 escape?

Even if I have watched it many times on the observer, I have analyzed the planet’s orbit, gravity, composition of matter and many other factors.

But when you see it with your own eyes, the shock brought by the four-dimensional planet is hard to describe.

As one of the exploration directors, Tsuburaya looked at the four-dimensional planet with respect when approaching the four-dimensional planet.

This is the low-dimensional creatures looking up at the high-dimensional world, the kind of world that can never be touched.

There is no way for human beings to survive in the high-dimensional world unless they wear various equipment.

This four-dimensional planet has no significance for humans to colonize, but it allows humans to see what the celestial bodies in the four-dimensional universe look like.

How does it work, how does gravity work.

It allows mankind to see more possibilities and more pathos.

Tsuburaya felt a sense of wanting to scream crazy in his heart. Only in this way can he relieve the depression in his heart.

The universe was ten-dimensional at the very beginning, and it was a world that humans could not imagine.

All the laws of physics are completely different from the current three-dimensional universe.

The only words used to describe the universe of that era were sacred, beautiful, and heaven containing good wishes.

But now, only darkness and death remain in the universe.

The reduced speed of light makes the distance between the two galaxies unreachable, and makes the galaxy become as terrifying as a dark abyss, and cannot be crossed.

Tsuburaya didn’t know whether to hate this terrible war or to praise it.

Human beings were born when the universe descended to three dimensions.

This war that lasted for tens of billions of years destroyed everything and turned the entire universe into an expanding corpse.

The countless civilizations that were born later were all trapped in despair and pessimism.

Losing in the long killing and extinction is like an eternal curse, no one can escape.

But it is also this magnificent, desperate battle that gives mankind a chance to be born.

Otherwise, there is absolutely no place for human beings in the ten-dimensional universe.

The basic conditions do not meet the requirements of the birth of mankind.

Tsuburaya felt entangled in his heart, and human beings always wanted to define a purpose for their lives.

Where am I from? What am I going to do? What is my mission?

Religion, philosophy, etc. are all born for this, and countless people have guessed and figured out.

From life given by God, life is sacred, life is the gift of destiny, to nihilism, realistic hedonism, etc., countless values ​​are born from these thoughts.

But now, Tsuburaya has a new definition of life.

Life is useless, and the universe doesn’t care.

The universe doesn’t care what God thinks.

Whether it’s war or peace, the universe doesn’t care.

Whether alive or dead, the universe has no ideas.

The small life faces the humble feeling of being born in such a magnificent and profound world.

Let them understand that everything in the world is meaningless.

Human survival and destruction have nothing to do with this universe.

“Have they ever imagined that they are the only darling of the gods. It is the unique existence of this universe, the universe is born for them, and the universe exists because of them,

Tsuburaya looked at the world of death in front of him. As for the world of wreckage and corpses, this thought emerged in his heart.

Humans have had this stupid and naive idea.

All civilizations may have had this idea, until the sense of superiority of ignorance was completely crushed by the reality of the universe.

As the exploration spacecraft approached slowly, mankind observed four-dimensional celestial bodies at close range for the first time.

Similar to the sense of high-dimensional space, they felt the magnificence and profoundness called high-dimensional texture.

The celestial body is also completely enclosed, and you can’t see the inside of the celestial body, you can only feel a huge sense of depth and inclusiveness.

In the eyes of the exploration team members, the planet they saw was not a three-dimensional planet seen in a three-dimensional universe, but an all-round superposition of countless three-dimensional planets.

This four-dimensional texture is breathtaking and difficult to describe in human terms. If you have to describe it, it is a word of the Buddha that can barely describe it.

The meaning of this sentence is to hide the boundless things in a small space.

But this sentence is Zen, which refers to the existence of thousands of heavenly paths in everything.

The original intention is that no matter how small things are, they have value for their existence.

In many fantasy novels that emerged in the AD era, there is often a kind of storage magic weapon.

But these descriptions and imaginations are only very superficial reveals for real four-dimensional objects.

Every point in the four dimensions contains infinite three-dimensional point superposition.

The reality is more absurd than human imagination.

The exploration team members looked shocked at the planet that could be observed by the naked eye.

This magnificent, infinitely overlapping three-dimensional planet forms the four-dimensional planet in front of it.

If you don’t see it with your own eyes, you can’t express the true appearance in words.

When many exploratory team members were shocked by what they saw before them, the warning lights in the spacecraft came on.

The rapid alarm sounded, and the noisy sound instantly filled the cabin.

Before reacting, there was a violent shaking of the spacecraft.

Everyone was suddenly shaken upside down.

[In case of an emergency, all members are asked to go to the emergency ejection bay. 】

[In case of an emergency, all members are asked to go to the emergency ejection bay. 】

[In case of an emergency, all members are asked to go to the emergency ejection bay. 】

Hearing this sound, the players did not hesitate, they ran towards the ejection area.

But no one knew what was going on. They all saw confusion on each other’s faces, how suddenly an emergency alert appeared.

Only Tsuburaya, Park Jun, and the robotic squad with armed forces received some necessary information from the spacecraft.

On the surface of the planet, several damaged turrets slowly turned, and blazing light accumulated on the top of the muzzle, just like infinitely superimposed suns, emitting brilliant light.

The human science and technology creation is very fragile in the four-dimensional world. They have only mastered some basics and have not yet applied them.

“Damn it, how come this planet still has military defense.” Pu Jun just unplugged the nerve cable before he could walk away.

It’s really unlucky mom opened the door, unlucky got home

In this case, the best way is to go to the ejection area, directly eject and escape, and wait for follow-up rescue.

After running two steps, Pu Jun seemed to have thought of something.

He cursed in a low voice and returned to the console.

“The system starts to connect.” Park Jun shouted.

[The spacecraft has been locked, the chance of avoiding blows is only 3.33%, it is recommended to escape]

“Don’t talk nonsense, start quickly.” Pu Jun shouted.

It took several years to design and produce this spacecraft. If it is destroyed, human exploration will be delayed for at least one year.

It is necessary for him to keep this spaceship for mankind. The equipment on the spaceship is too important, more important than his life.

Researchers who can explore four-dimensional space are the top scholars in the consortium, and they are not as excited as ordinary people for the current achievements of mankind.

The more they develop, the more they feel terrified.

Fear that a civilization that cannot be described in words discovers the threat of mankind, and then erases it at will.

Space warfare is not a game, and certain levels will not correspond to certain monsters and certain boos.

Even more will not be like the novel, one by one in line to send experience, let the protagonist defeat the boos behind the scenes.

In this kind of war, as long as a slight threat is found, the other party will directly exterminate the attack, leaving absolutely no trace of future troubles.

A civilization that has just stepped out of the interstellar world may be hit by those god-level civilizations.

Cruel, chaotic, without any fluke.

The longer a civilization lives, the more it understands the threat.

Once shot, they will not leave any problems.

Just like the spirit walker civilization, extinction, hunting, the whole process is rigorous, leaving no criticism.

As long as human beings develop a little slower or react a little slower, they will be directly destroyed by subsequent hunts.

There are no fools, no idiots, every one is a cunning, vicious, unscrupulous hunter.

Mankind must be fast, so fast that all civilizations can’t respond, and stand tall in the universe.

Before becoming someone else, you need to weigh whether you can bear the strong presence of revenge.

Park Jun does not want mankind to lose this spacecraft aimed at exploring the four-dimensional world.

There are many spacecrafts that can be used for four-dimensional flight, but there is only one spacecraft in the consortium that is equipped with various advanced and top-notch equipment like this exploration spacecraft.

The spacecraft was destroyed, but the sophisticated equipment developed was destroyed.

Humans can only waste time rebuilding.

[The spaceship has been locked, it is recommended to escape, the energy shield cannot support it for too long. 】

~Start the neural connection for me. “Piao Jun yelled firmly. He lay back to the console again and fixed his head with the fixing ring.

【Accept instructions and prepare for neural connections. 】

The thread of nerves that had just detached spread to Park Jun’s head again.

The thin thread covered his head like a worm.

Pass through the nerve interface that has been reserved for a long time, and access the nerve endings,

There are some thin lines along the corner of his eye. Climb along the optic nerve, go straight into the skull, and finally connect with the cerebral cortex.

The fleeting icy pain inside the head made Pu Jun groan.

A vast array of information and data flooded into his mind.

Those cerebral cortex tentacles filter and shunt them and send them to areas of the brain that are not normally used.

At this moment, every component of this spacecraft seemed to be an extension of his own flesh and blood.

Various data lights up in his mind to display the spaceship information, shield status, and fuel level.

“Let me see how you can escape this little baby.”

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