Black Lotus Daughter She is Not Easy To Mess With

Chapter 360: Tender meat long worker

  Chapter 360 The long worker with thin skin and tender meat

   After the two of them summed up, they decided to send a five-digit thing according to the original idea of ​​the third master.

   After all, the five-hundred-yuan red envelope was said, and some people who didn’t know the Xie family’s background might think that the Xie family was going bankrupt.

   It's the face of the third master anyway, even if he doesn't care much about it himself, it's better not to do it so badly.

   Shen Lingxi went to the bathroom to wash up. When she changed her clothes and went downstairs, she happened to see Jiao Yuanyuan holding a magazine and talking to Shen Yuxin.

   Seeing her come down, Shen Yuxin's expression was a little unnatural, but she still called her sister.

   "Xixi, we're looking at the dress that Xinxin will wear when she gets engaged the day after tomorrow. Come and have a look. I'll decide which one you like. I'll have it delivered to you on the third day of junior high."

   Jiao Yuanyuan's gentle voice came, gentle and generous, and she couldn't see how she and Shen Mingqi were crying and aggrieved last night.

   "No need, just look at it." Shen Lingxi went downstairs and looked around, "Auntie, have you seen my brother?"

  Aunt Liu, the nanny, just came out of the kitchen with a scent of herbs, and said with a smile, "I went to the backyard with the old man to feed the chickens."

   "Okay, I'll go look for them."

   After Shen Lingxi went out, the mother and daughter who stayed in the living room looked at each other, and both saw dissatisfaction in each other's eyes.

   What does she mean, who is she showing her face?

   Kindly wanted to choose clothes for her, and she was so shameless.

   Jiao Yuanyuan's face became a little colder, and she snorted coldly: "Don't worry about him, she doesn't need it, and it's like begging her like a rusher."

   Shen Yuxin's face was also not very good-looking, she said nothing and continued to look at the clothes.

   She had already picked out the clothes to wear at the engagement banquet, but two days ago, the Qin family suddenly said that they had contacted a well-known designer who would provide clothes, so she had to start choosing again.

   When Shen Lingxi arrived in the garden, Shen Yunci was wearing rain boots to clean the chicken pen, and was cleaning the chicken excrement with a large broom in his hand.

   Don't look at the dignified appearance of Young Master Shen, it's really like that when he works.

   That is, the old man Shen is a little disgusting, sitting on the rocking chair, with Erlang's legs crossed, holding a cup of hot tea in his hand, and looking at Shen Yunci at work as if he was pointing the way.

   There is also a small red plastic bucket next to the rocking chair for those chicken rations.

  The keg was empty, it seemed that the chickens had been fed.

   Shen Lingxi walked to Shen Shinian's side: "Grandpa, you are like a landlord now, and my brother is like a long-term worker who sold himself to you."

   Hearing this, Shen Shinian laughed: "Ou, if I were a real landlord, I wouldn't be able to afford such a long-term worker, a person with thin skin and tender meat can't do much work at first glance."

  Shen Yunci couldn't help laughing and laughing, and the bamboo broom poked the ground like a cane to support his hand: "Grandpa, you are going too far. You still think I'm bad at my work. Don't ask for so much free labor."

"Okay, okay, I'll forgive you if you don't want money." Shen Shinian said in a very generous tone, "I lost several hairs from my frightened chick, that is, I love you, otherwise I'll change it. Other bosses have already scolded you."

   Shen Lingxi was amused by the conversation between the two.

   It was almost eleven o'clock after finishing the chicken coop.

  Shen Shinian saw that the time was almost up, so he asked Shen Yunci to go back to take a bath, to get rid of the strange smell on his body and prepare to go out.

   "Dad, are you going out?"

   Jiao Yuanyuan stood at the door with a smile on her face.

   (end of this chapter)

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