Black Ride

Vol 5 Chapter 731: Vanishing arrow

"Hey, are you okay?" Leicaon quickly smashed the arrow and walked to Wu Qi to condolence.

Wu Qi squatted on the ground. He heard that Lekaon came, his hands forced to support the body, his shoulders raised a little, and tried to stand up.

Wu Qi’s standing movement was not completed. His knees were crushed by arrows, and the arrows that hit the knees had been pulled out and placed in the quiver, but the crushed bones, which were only glued by gravitational abilities, could not support the body and stand up immediately.

"You can't stand up, don't be stubborn. Your training will stop here today," said Leicaon.

Although Leicaon was really serious in training, 20 arrows did not have a water release, and Wu Qi shot the body parts except the head, and the parts such as the hands and feet did not escape the bows he shot. However, after a group of training, Leicaon could not continue training after seeing Wu Qi’s state, and would not agree with Wu Qi to continue.

"I can fix the broken bones right away. Don't forget that I am the body of a dead person, and I can't die." Wu Qi refused to accept the tunnel.

Lycaon can feel the firm consciousness in Wu Qi’s voice. Wu Qi’s insistence on the will is false, but this cannot be the reason for his concession.

Lykaon put his hands on his hips and calmly said: "It doesn't make sense to continue. There are 5 groups of bow and arrow exercises, 200 meters, 300 meters, 400 meters, 600 meters, and 1000 meters. You can continue to hold on. Can you support the first group? You have 20 arrows in the distance of 200 meters, 300 meters distance, I can't hide if you want to shoot your head."

Wu Qi shook his fist. He was not willing to end his first training in the first group and ended in total defeat. If this body is not the body of a corpse, he can use his strong resilience to repair his body.

Moreover, he already has a "feel". Although it is a fact that one of the 18 arrows has not been seen and escaped, this "feeling" is like a threshold that can immediately touch the mystery of "disappearing archery". Feet and a little bit of time.

"Lakeon, I have already felt it. There is something on the arrow." Wu Qi lowered her head and suddenly said.

Lekaon stunned, and then he looked at the strange and grotesque tone: "Oh, this way. It seems that you have a good talent."

Wu Qi immediately looked up. Lekaon’s answer told him that the “things” he saw were real.

"Don't be so surprised. Every hunter in the hunting team will have this technology. The only difference is who has more technical training. When you learn, you can naturally see through and avoid my arrows, and you can shoot to hit. My arrow is up." Leicaon is a handkerchief.

"Well, you should rest on the side first. Routine training is done every day, you don't have to drag your body to make a quick profit." Leicaon dropped the last sentence and went to Harvey who had been standing outside the queue.

Harvey put down his arms around his chest without saying a word, and took his giant bow and Lycaon to stand 300 meters apart.

Lycaon knows that if he is practicing with Harvey, Harvey adults will have their own life with one arrow. But how to say that his hunting team's second-in-command is also step by step from the novice hunter to climb up and down, only the number of times that Harvey adults shot half-dead is not less than a hundred times, now how can they be afraid of Harvey adults again Practice it.

"Master Harvey, please enlighten me."

Leicaon made a "please" gesture. Harvey nodded slightly, and the action flowed through the arrows to pull the bow.

Wu Qi sat on the raised small sand dunes, and used the "gravitational" ability to glue the broken bones of the joints while watching the top training of the hunting team.

Harvey’s power to fill the bow of a giant bow that fits the body of his four-meter-high giant will be known immediately.


The morning training session finally came to an end as time passed. After the five groups were completed, nearly one-quarter of the hunters were bruised to varying degrees, and only two hunters were injured in the middle.

The gap between the hunting team's hunters still exists, but such a low injury rate also indicates that the hunting team's per capita "disappearing archery" is not low.

Wu Qi watched all the remaining training content and was deeply aware of the gap between his novice hunter and the hunter of the hunting team. He also carefully observed the other hunters' arrows and bows aimed at loose strings and other series of movements. It seems that ordinary movements have a certain technique of regular adjustment of the breath, but it is not as good as watching him for a long time. The efficiency of the arrow is improved.

"At noon break, patrol in the afternoon." Lekaon came over and said to Wu Qi, Wu Qi nodded, then followed the hunting team back to the camp.

After lunch at the camp, Wu Qishun organized the items needed for the living. After noon, the hunting team patrolled the sub-regional sub-squad. Wu Qi’s hunter team plus Wu Qi has a total of 5 people. The team leader is a leopard head. The other hunters are also all kinds of apes and beasts.

If there is no human language in the hunter squad, Wu Qi did not talk much, and the squad members patrolled the established patrol route on the endless desert.

In the afternoon, there is still only one blazing white arc on the dark sky that emits light and heat. The heat in the air is significantly higher than the "morning" desert, but it is still too far to reach the heat.

After a round of patrols, Wu Qi’s squad did not encounter an abyss creature crossing the border of the territory, and said that the beast did not even meet the birds. Wu Qiguang listened to other hunters talking in the afternoon, based on the basis of the wilderness language, understood almost 20%.

When returning to the hunter's base camp, the color of the arc has gradually changed to a golden red like the sunset. Wu Qi sat on the steps of a living house, looking up at the arc of the sky, silently counting the color after the golden red. Light blue, dark blue ~ ~ until all black.

When Wu Qi came to the abyss last time, he had already distinguished the all-day time corresponding to the sky-arc gradient color. In fact, he is particularly concerned about the change of the color of the arc of the sky, because it is sandwiched between the skylight of the night and the pale desert. The long-lasting black and white unchanging scenery will really strengthen his loneliness.

With his peers, Wu Qi will not be lonely anyway; even if he lives alone in the forest, he has enough security to fill the inner vacancy. These two things will never exist in the apocalypse.

Wu Qi once thought that he had already set a good goal in the apocalyptic abyss and would not go back. The throne, the thirteenth throne, the seat under the throne, the subordinates under the seat; and such a towering ladder waiting for him to climb, life should endlessly exercise and investigate to fill.

But after a day in the hunting team, Wu Qi found herself idle. Once idle, the **** emotion of loneliness is chasing up like a ghost. It is printed on the sky and the pale desert of the night, and it will be repeatedly fermented in the mind.

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