Take a closer look, only the lighthouse country, there is no way to buy, people in the rest of the countries, can buy!

“This is discrimination!”

“Why is there no way to buy !!! in our lighthouse country”

The big man of the Ministry of Science and Technology of the Lighthouse Country roared out at this time.

He was so angry that his body trembled.

Only they banned the sale of other people’s shares, when did it be the turn of the technology companies of Yanlong Country to ban the sale on their side?

“By the way, I remembered that the boss wanted to sanction the technology company of Yanlong Country and asked to buy this company!”

One of the researchers from the lighthouse country seemed to have thought of something, and immediately slapped his brain.

“That’s right! Yekong Technology was engaged in intelligent desktop before, and still has a certain business in our country. ”

He continued to type on the keyboard, and then quickly searched for relevant information.

“Oh? In this way, this Yekong Technology is still a company in our lighthouse country? ”

The big guy of the Ministry of Science and Technology was overjoyed.

The group of technology companies that were on the list almost all chose to be acquired by American companies.

But it’s just not yet negotiated.

But in his opinion, this is also a matter of time.

Those companies, as long as they are scared, do not believe that they are not afraid.

“Yekong Technology, refused.”

The man spoke up at this time.


“Aren’t they afraid of their business and completely banning it in our lighthouse country!”

When the man heard the man’s words, his face became extremely difficult at this time.

Dare to refuse!

“Yekong Technology, since last month, has directly withdrawn from the Chinese market.”

The researcher continued to speak up.

Hearing his words, the big man of the scientific research department suddenly widened his eyes, his mouth opened slightly, and he didn’t know what to say for a while.

Because in their bones, they didn’t pay attention to the technology of the Yanlong Kingdom at all, so they had not investigated Yekong Technology’s previous back before.

Now after carefully inspecting, I found that Yekong Technology was actually in their lighthouse state-owned company before.

And because of the refusal to buy, it was directly delisted!

“Damn Yanlong Countryman!”

The big man of the scientific research department clenched his hands into fists at this time.

“Crack, you must crack this Yekong Technology software for me!”

“Use IP from other countries, buy it for me!!!”

He roared hysterically.


“Discrimination! This is the discrimination of Chiguoguo! ”

“Why can’t we Lighthouse Nation use this software!”

“Isn’t it just asking for money? We have money! ”


At the same time, the major forums and Twitter in the Beacon Country completely exploded.

This smart desktop girlfriend has been so good lately.

It’s like a real person.

After the three-day free trial, many people can’t wait to continue using it.

However, some people in the lighthouse country found that this software could not be used at all!

But at this time, a new announcement from Yekong Technology appeared!

[Because the Lighthouse Country prohibits Yekong Technology, the software cannot be used in the Lighthouse Country area].

Take a closer look, the information in this describes the fact that Yekong Technology was forcibly acquired, and forcibly banned if it refused to be acquired.

“Good! Yekong Technology is really hard bones! ”

“I didn’t expect that on the list of enterprises that were forcibly acquired, there was Yekong Technology, and Yekong Technology directly refused to negotiate and withdrew from the market!”

“Lying groove, don’t want a billion meters of gold, really worthy of President Ye!”

“Upstairs, he said a billion do you really believe it will be given to you? Don’t look at what happens to other companies! ”


On the Chinese side, after knowing this news, they had a more favorable impression of Yekong Technology.

Have a backbone!

And the main thing is that the people on the side of the lighthouse country are not that you can sell it obediently, once you agree, others will think that you are like a sheep and continue to slaughter you.

Maybe in the end I will sue you where there is a problem, but lose money!

“Damn BOSS! Who let you forcibly acquire Yekong Technology! ”

“shit! Ask Yekong Technology to enter our lighthouse country again! ”


And the lighthouse country looked at this message, and suddenly became even more angry.

But this anger is not against Yekong Technology, but against the boss of their country.

Many people waiting for other countries, in order to use this desktop can only girlfriend, have begun to change IP addresses to buy.

But soon, they found that if they used other tools as a springboard to replace the national IP, it was useless!

It seems that Yekong Technology’s official website can be directly detected!


“Through the deep intelligent optimization of Yelong Technology’s artificial intelligence, our company’s software has been improved, and the manufacturing capacity has been increased by 30%!”

“Artificial intelligence, intelligent analysis of results, can improve hospital efficiency by more than 20%…”


At the same time, Yekong Technology’s artificial intelligence began to cooperate with major companies, and through deep optimization of artificial intelligence, the software efficiency of many companies has been greatly improved!

“Yekong Technology, to subvert the world.”

At the same time, the high-level conference room of Yanlong Country.

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