Black Technology: Start with Ten Thousand Times Speed

Chapter 19 Su Xin deserves this perfect score

One o'clock in the afternoon.

All contestants are in their places, and the finals of the programming competition have officially begun.

The host held the microphone and showed a passionate attitude as always, loudly saying:

The content of the final stage is software development. Five contestants have to write a software that meets the requirements within a time limit of two hours. In the end, the final ranking will be determined based on the scores of the five judges on the software.

The theme of this Qianlong Cup National High School Student Programming Competition is artificial intelligence.

Therefore, the software developed by the contestants must be in the direction of artificial intelligence, whether it is language and text analysis, data deduction, etc.

Of course, all contestants remember to add the interference code on the desktop to the source code.

Okay, stop talking.

Game start!

As the host finished speaking, the five contestants started tapping on the keyboard at the same time.

Su Xin immediately turned on triple speed, his hands turned into phantoms, and he was completely immersed in the world of code.

In fact, although the final stage is only two hours, since the theme of the competition has been made public, everyone knows that the content of the final stage is software development in the direction of artificial intelligence.

Those who are confident of entering the finals have already started development, have clear ideas in their minds, and have even completed the development in private.

The current finals are just reproducing the software that has been designed in advance through memory bit by bit.

Therefore, in theory, the final is the easiest to cheat, as long as you spend money in advance to ask a team of experts to develop a software that meets the requirements, and remember the source code, and type it out during the final.

But in fact, it is impossible to win the championship in the finals just by memorizing the source code.

Because in the rules of the final stage, it is required to insert a specified code in the underlying code of the program, which is the interference code just mentioned by the host.

And this piece of interference code was broken up and inserted into ten different positions in order.

This requires contestants to know the underlying code of the program in a disguised form, and know where the interfering code is placed so as not to conflict with the original code and not affect the normal operation of the program.

Otherwise, even if the contestant has prepared the program in advance and memorized the source code completely, after inserting the interfering code, if the code happens to conflict with the preceding and following codes, the program may crash and fail to run.

This is naturally not a problem for Su Xin.

He developed Tiantian Smartphone Assistant step by step from scratch. He knows everything from the overall framework to every detail. After inserting the interference code into the appropriate position, it will only make the code a little bloated. affect any functionality.

2:45 p.m.

The five contestants ended their programming one after another.

Su Xin also completed his game.

Although he turned on the triple speed, after all, the program is much more complicated than others, even more complicated than most of the software in the market, so it took so long to reproduce it.

At the judges' table.

Lu Huaiyuan and other five people concentrated on reviewing the works of the five contestants.

This is completely different from the standard answer comparison in the main competition stage. The software developed by each person is unique, and they need to be reviewed in all directions in order to score as accurately as possible.

Moreover, in order to ensure fairness, the five judges have to cross-review the works of the contestants, so each judge has to review five software in just one hour.

This is also a great challenge for them.

During the one hour waiting for the results of the review, it is naturally impossible for netizens to wait for the results honestly.

Some people quit the live broadcast room.

Some people started talking about the finals.

Don't worry about it, Su Xin must have successfully won the championship.

Of course, otherwise you think cheating is just to get the first place in the race?

Since he has decided to cheat, and he has been so ostentatious throughout the whole process, if he doesn't win the championship, it will be unreasonable.

Everyone commented sarcastically.

At the same time, discussions on the Internet about Kung Fu Shaoxia are reaching their peak.

The most popular blog search is the entry 'Kung Fu Young Hero', and many people are discussing the identity of Kung Fu Young Hero.

At this time, a message attracted the attention of many people.

Huh? I found that Kung Fu Young Man and Su Xin from the Qianlong Cup Programming Contest look alike. Could it be that Kung Fu Young Man is him?

Some people immediately asked curiously:

Who is Su Xin?

Programming competition? I haven't paid much attention to it.

More people left messages to refute:

Are you kidding? Su Xin is just a sensationalist. How could a rich second generation who played shady scenes in the programming contest be a kung fu young man?

The kung fu young man is a chivalrous man, and he has such strong kung fu. He must have focused on martial arts since he was a child. How could it be Su Xin? It's just nonsense!

Someone specifically searched for Su Xin's video screenshots on the Internet, and compared them with Kung Fu Young Heroes, and found that they do look alike.

But thinking of the public opinion on the Internet, I feel that it is impossible for these two identities to be the same person.

After all, there is a gap between the pictures on the Internet and real people in reality, and the video of Kung Fu Young Hero is a bit far away and blurry. If you really want to use it to identify carefully, many people may be more similar.

Therefore, after a while of discussion, this message was quietly submerged in the Internet.

By about four o'clock in the afternoon.

The judges finally reviewed all the software and scored each contestant.

After Lu Huaiyuan took a deep breath, he looked at each other with the other four judges, their eyes were full of excitement and enthusiasm, as well as a touch of dignity.

Everyone, this scoring will put a lot of pressure on each of us.

Su Xin has been suspected of cheating by many people. Now we give him full marks regardless of public opinion. After the game, many media and netizens will definitely criticize us for being bribed. Even the school and Longwei Group may suspect us.

But what I want to say is that Su Xin deserves this full score, and it's what we should give.

The smartphone assistant he developed not only surpasses many programming geniuses who have participated in the competition over the years, but also surpasses all similar software currently on the market.

If such a software can't help Su Xin get full marks, that would be our biggest dereliction of duty and the biggest disrespect for the Qianlong Cup!

The other four judges nodded solemnly:

I see!

Su Xin's strength makes him worthy of being a champion!

With Su Xin's level of performance, he will definitely have great achievements in the programming industry. If we give him a low score now, in the future, when everyone knows Su Xin's strength, they will understand that we succumbed to public opinion and deliberately beat him. If you score low, that’s what will ruin our reputation.”

A few people chatted in low voices and handed the final results to the host.

After the host finished watching, he was shocked all over and showed surprise on his face, but he knew that his duty was to report the results set by the judges to everyone, and he had no right to question it at all.

So, he cheered up, arranged for various media to continue live broadcast shooting, and informed all the audience to return to their seats.

After an impassioned opening speech, the host began to announce the results:

Participant No. 6 Le Tingqian scored 386 points!

Participant No. 22, Yuan Yun, scored 295 points.

Participant No. 29, Wei Xu, scored 322 points.

Participant No. 42, Xie Wenbin, scored 445 points.

Contestant No. 18, Su Xin, won...

500 points! Full marks!

Hearing this, the whole place suddenly burst into uproar.

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