Black Technology: Start with Ten Thousand Times Speed

Chapter 82 Huge profits from short selling (710)

Except for the shareholders who lost the most.

In addition, a large number of employees of the three major traditional car companies have been laid off, and some upstream and downstream affiliates have also faced desperation and chose to go bankrupt or lay off employees.

You know, there are as many as five million people in the country directly engaged in automobile-related industries, most of whom are in the fuel vehicle industry chain.


The three major car companies resolutely and resolutely abandoned the fuel vehicle industry chain, which not only caused great losses to the company, but also had a great negative impact on the entire Cherry Blossom Country. Many people and companies suffered huge losses as a result.

Under such circumstances, the Sakura Country officials can only urgently order people to negotiate with major car companies, and use various measures to keep the major car companies as much as possible.

As for the large number of stockholders and laid-off employees affected by this storm, we can only try our best to appease them, and then... suppress the news.

Minimize further negative effects.

All of a sudden, there was an undercurrent in the entire Sakura Country, and in corners that many people couldn't see, tragedies happened one after another, as well as the small turmoil caused by these tragedies.

Sakura Country can be regarded as the most affected country in the storm caused by Thor's battery.

The second is the kimchi country, which is also small in size and also uses automobiles as its pillar industry.

There are also several major western countries such as Romantic Country, Beer Country, Eagle Sauce Country, etc., but their auto industry proportion is not as exaggerated as Sakura Country, and the impact is relatively small.

A terrible storm triggered by Thor's battery gradually demonstrated its unstoppable terrifying power all over the world.

As for the Dragon Kingdom.

Although there are also many fuel vehicle companies and related industries that have been severely damaged in this storm.

But after all, Longguo made efforts on the new energy track earlier, and its emphasis on and investment in new energy vehicles is at the forefront of the world.


When the Raytheon battery was born, most people firmly believed that the future automotive industry will be dominated by new energy, but many people began to pursue several major new energy car companies in Longguo.

In particular, car companies led by the three major new energy and new powers of Geyadi and Longguo have been sought after by a large amount of capital at home and abroad, and their stock prices have not only not fallen, but have continued to rise.


Judging from the general environment of the Longguo auto industry, the turmoil caused by Raytheon batteries did not cause much negative impact.

Three days later in the morning.

Zhenwu Pavilion, inside a VIP training room.

On the ring in the middle, three figures were entangled together, and the sound of fists and feet colliding could be heard endlessly.

At this time, Xiang Lianyun quickly walked over with a cell phone that was ringing, and said:

Boss, Mr. Luan is calling.

Hearing this, the two figures immediately withdrew from the battle circle, and one of them, a burly and inch-cut man, said politely: President Su, let's go out first.

Slightly bowing, the two exited the room.

Su Xin walked down the ring, took the mobile phone from Xiang Lianyun's hand, and took a towel with the other hand, wiping the beaded sweat on his body.

After Xiang Lianyun also exited, he casually ordered:


After the call was connected, Luan Weiliang on the other end reported: Boss, the stock prices of the three major car companies have fallen again today after falling to 50% yesterday, leaving only 42% of the original stock price. I don't think there will be too many shares. There’s room to go down, boss, we can’t wait any longer.”

Su Xin knew that when repaying shares, he would need to purchase a large amount of stocks, and such an operation might cause the stock price to rise.

Therefore, it is best to buy when the stock price still has an obvious downward trend, and not wait until the expected lowest point of the stock price.

Okay, then start buying stocks and return the shares tomorrow at the latest, just in time to transfer the funds back before the summit forum is held.


Luan Weiliang responded excitedly.

Although the time spent in the Cherry Blossom Country was not too long, he had never experienced such a large amount of short selling and such a huge profit in his more than 20 years of career.

Being able to lead such a short-selling transaction was an experience he would never forget.

After hanging up the phone.

Luan Weiliang ordered to start buying the stocks of the three major car companies, starting from the lowest price, and stopped after buying 100,000 shares in a row.

In the stock market, many stockholders were already in despair, and seeing that no matter how low the price was listed, they could hardly sell it, and the stocks they held in their hands almost turned into a bunch of useless numbers.

But now, I suddenly saw someone starting to sweep up stocks below a certain price, which immediately caused many desperate people to go crazy.

A single low-priced stock was listed, and Luan Weiliang immediately ordered someone to buy it.

But after buying the stocks below this price, he didn't move any of the remaining stocks, almost telling all investors openly——

I am willing to buy shares of the three major car companies in large sums, but only below this price.

Under this clear indication, although some people feel that the stocks of the three major auto companies still have room to rebound, more people just want to cash out as soon as possible.

As a result, more and more low-priced stocks were listed and traded on the stock market.

This series of transactions actually temporarily halted the downward trend in the stock prices of the three major car companies.

Okay, stop trading.

Seeing this scene, Luan Weiliang ordered.

He knew that with the little funds he had on hand, it was impossible to save the stock prices of the three major car companies, otherwise Sakura Country officials would have come to the rescue long ago.

Now that the stock has stopped falling, it is only because of the large number of transactions that many people have a wait-and-see mentality, and there is a temporary improvement trend.

Once the market is closed, after the impact of various negative news, everyone will still have a very unoptimistic view of the three major car companies.

Therefore, he only needs to use a bottom-line price calculated by himself as a reference.

Wait and see when it is high.

Buy low.

No need to think too much about it at all.

Such generous acquisitions continued until the afternoon of the next day.

After Luan Weiliang bought all the stocks of the three major car companies, he returned all the stocks to the brokerage as promised.

After deducting interest and commissions, the remaining funds were converted into Jackie Chan coins and all were deposited into Tianqi Technology's overseas account, amounting to 21.3 billion!

Compared with the original principal of 3.1 billion, it has almost increased seven times!

The entire short-selling operation netted 18.2 billion!

You know, from the beginning of the securities lending to the completion of the stock repayment today, their entire transaction process only took less than a month!

The profit rate is close to 600%!

Moreover, this is still with such a huge capital base.

Such exaggerated profit margins and such exaggerated money-making efficiency would probably make many people go numb with shock if word got out.

Taking a deep breath, Luan Weiliang reluctantly calmed down and reported the final profit to Su Xin.

Hearing this number, Su Xin couldn't help but get excited and said with a smile:

Okay, transfer this money back to the domestic account as soon as possible. When this matter is finished, I will give you a month's paid leave and have a good rest.

Okay, thank you boss.

Luan Weiliang also smiled.

During this period of time, the few of them had been staring at the stock market with great intensity almost every day in Sakura Country and operating with high frequency. They were indeed exhausted physically and mentally.

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