Blackstone Code

Chapter 729

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After a more detailed information, the Finance Department will no longer block the company.

The APTITUDEs they have in line with the minimum standards of the listing, and there are also aristocrats to drive. After the Finance Department is just a meaning, I decided to agree to the round capital.

Although the business model of the round capital is a little … Not too strong, there will be no business accidents so far.

Whether it is the first batch or the last batch of people who bought a round troll, they are enjoying the bonus of Continuously.

and some physical stores have gradually spread, and they organize a group of customers to go to the gold mine experience “miners” life, so that people really meet “gold mines” in their mouths.

Everyone who visits to experience the miners’ career has also given some souvenirs, for example, they raise photos of horses digging in the mine, such as various words with “round capital”. Gold ore.

Plus the jewelry shop and business, this company has set the last project.

Lynch looked at the end of the report, just like it is the day they officially listed.

He put down the newspaper, sitting on the couch, looking at the wall to think about something.

I have to say that Richard is a very good “salesman”, from him that he knows Richard, it is deeply understood.

Richard is much higher than the desire of everyone, and he never hides his desire, he worshiped, obeying the desire, so he has the power to support him more than others more Terrifying.

One for money can abandon any bottom line, a purely desired domain.

In other salesmen, Richard has begun to recognize the client of the older, and some women maintain improper relationships with no lower limits. Maintain relationship.

His customer group loyalty is the highest, because he doesn’t have a lower limit, because he can meet most customers’ needs while without lower limit.

just let Lynch can’t think of it, he actually wants to promote the capital and listing, it is successful.

The idea of ​​Lynch is to let him financing such a game here. Gaffra’s financial Economy market is high, and the aristocrats have not been expected by the aristocrats after the war. .

Once the aristocrats find that the wealth of the Society underground can be easily and easier, they will be unscrupulous from this way.

When the Time Comes A noble SPOKESPERSON crazy absorbed funds on Society, and then a thunder.

For the nobles, they are nothing more than one or two of their own heart, and even if Will No has caused a lot of money, it will get a lot of money, even if there is a danger, they will take it in.

There is a person to do so, there will be a second, there is a third.

The high-rise, emperor, the minister, the minister, the ministers, the Economy, the entire country’s Family Property layer has collapsed!

A large amount of funds flow into the hands of the nobles, the nobles will only put these money into the treasury, they will not squander in a short time.

The flow of wealth will have an unprecedented entry to the lowest point. The new round of the chalptery will appear. Gaffra’s Economy will soon be fragile, like a layer of paper, just a touch!

This is the Plan of Lynch, he wants to treat Gaffra and then harvest these wealth through international finance.

just he really didn’t think that Richard actually had courage to drive the round capital, and put it out of the sun to take it out of the sun.

This will make some people see some of the problems, which is not conducive to the original idea of ​​Lynch.

Harvesting Gaffl is not completely based on the concept of “patriotism”, just choose the most suitable way to make more wealth and reputation in the most suitable way.

harvesting Gaverla will become a “national hero”, this benefit is much higher than the benefits of money, and there is no such performance in harvesting other countries, and will even be treated as “vicious squad” .

I glanced at the Richard, Lynch silently SIGHED, this guy …

“Help me to make an appointment of the IMPERIAL FAMILY bank, I want to see him as soon as possible.” Lynch looked at Steward and told him a sentence.

The reason why Empire Hotel is the highest in Gaverra, that is because the hotel’s builder and the current operators are royal members.

There is no “royal family” in this country, even if it is some low-grade, it is worthless, as long as the “royal family special” is, it can easily harvest a stroke from Society. wealth.

The background of the hotel is deep enough, the relationship on the Society is wide enough, and the temporary Steward owes itself and turn around.

Nothing, he returned to the room, “Baron, the President of the Imperial Family Bank will be at 3:30 pm, with twenty minutes of rest time, he will meet you in your office. “

Steward does not use “waiting for your visit”, indicating that the bank’s leader is also a nobility, Gaverla’s Society class system is strict, and there are different expressions between different classes. This is the federal person. One of the reasons for them – they always think of the federal people as the lowest.

Although this is a fact, they are indeed ORDINARY Commoner, but this will also be angry.

After a while, a moment, a little bit of local characteristics and not good lunch, wait until two or a half, Lynch took the team, and went to the Imperial Family Bank.

Bank of Gaverla has a lot, how much a wool is, but it is really able to take the three.

The first is the bank established by the Empire Royal House, and the holders are royal and some big guys, have a very long history.

The second is the Alliance Bank, and the shares of this bank are numerous aristulations.

Before Gaffra entered the modern, they also implemented a Liex, each of the people had their own banks in their own, which also led to a hundred and hundreds of various hundred Noble bank.

After entering the modern, the noble power is minimized to the lowest point of history, and these Large and Small’s aristocratic banks have become a round of union, and eventually become the Union Bank.

The third is the “Jinfan Bank” established by the capitalists. The stockings of this bank also have many artruies, but most of them are in the capitalists of Large and Small.

Bank was born on the terminal, the initial business scope is to borrow money to some business people, in addition to the interest, it is necessary to charge a certain commission.

This is also the online banking in the non-aristocratic hand in the ONLY ONE.

Apart from this, some personal banks, family banks also exist, but it is clear that the capital of these three banks is gradually a history symbol.

In the federation, any financial activities can be separated from these three banks, no matter what.

At 3 o’clock in the afternoon, Lynch has appeared in the hall of the Imperial Family Bank, and Gaverlla’s awareness of time can accurately to the first minute of the agreed time.

They will not appear too early, but it is absolutely not late. The federal people have been amazed at the Time of Gaverla.

Those who are traveling often will appear in the agreed time, there is no exception.

Of course, those who don’t follow the time are not here.

This is also a habit, the habit of the nation.

from the downstairs to the upstairs, temporary Steward stood in the office of the office, and the wall clock hanging in the distance is not far from the three o’clock, and there is still a minute.

Second, it is more than 50 seconds.

“please enter …”

The door is pushed by Steward, but he didn’t go in, just standing aside.

The leader stood on his seat. He is an earl, standing is the respect for the nobility to express the nobility, he didn’t get around, or grew up, because his aristocrats were much higher than the Lynch.

“Mr. Lynch, you are very on time!”, his extend the hand and the Lynch came and held his grip, and invited him to sit down, “Please sit.”

The two are separate, and the middle is a low-key introverted but extremely luxurious office desk. The leader raises his hand on the phone. “Send two cups of coffee and some pastries come in …”, he looked up Towards Lynch, “Do you want to add milk and sugar?”

Lynch Shook the head, there are more smiles on the face, “Don’t make milk and sugar.”

He has a little behind his hand, “I heard that the federal people like to add a lot of milk and lots of sugar in the coffee until it completely changes the original taste of the coffee.”

This looks like explanation, in fact, is a proud and arrogant ironic, Gaverls and federal people have long been a for a long time, which has become an international culture.

Lynch said that it is like a lot of emotions, “it is like our lives, sweet, happiness.”

President Laughd, did not continue to discuss this problem, his irony did not have a fire, the Lynch’s counterattack was the same.

has a preliminary understanding of each other, commonly known as First Impression.

Almost at this Time, a girl has a coffee and pastries.

The coffee is very strong, the bitterness is heavy, the oil is also heavy, but there is no step, the coffee beans will exceed the treatment of federal coffee to coffee beans at the time of baking.

So the pastries of Gaverra afternoon tea is very sweet. Sweet federal people sometimes feel a little greasy, which is used to neutralize coffee.

Gaverl is not adding sugar, just add sugar, not only the same – they directly add them.

After leaving the girl, the leader is holding coffee, holding a stir bar, “Mr. Lynch, is there anything I need to help?”

Lynch also turned around and directly put forward his own requirements.

“there is such a few things.”

“First, I need to open a bank account and exchange account.”

“Second, I need to honor my bonds, deposit into the trading account, and the other part continues to put in the bank.”

“Third, I need to share!”

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