Bleach: Stir Up the Situation

Chapter 70: You may not understand me

   Three days later, in Liuhai District, the 80th District of Dongliuhun Street, Hongjiang visited this place when he was exploring the Star Cross fortress. To be honest, there is not much difference between it and the Shangmu District.

   Even with a ghost mask, finding someone here is not much easier than finding a needle in a haystack. But there was still something to gain. On the next day, he found the place where Kenpachi Kariyashiki and Mojo Shuang also fought.

   This is not luck. Through the mask of a ghost, Hong Jiang noticed that the concentration of spiritual power was significantly higher than that of the surrounding area. The cut marks on the ground and the land that was obviously lifted by spiritual power did not seem to be made by virtual energy.

   Of course, this may have been made by the death gods stationed in Liuhai District, so what really made Hongjiang sure was because Molecheng Shuang also came forward and admitted himself.

   When Mole Cheng Shuang also appeared from the ground like a liquid person, and condensed into a human form in front of him, Hong Jiang was frightened to be honest.

  Because the Mole City Shuangya in front of me is actually formed by the spiritual power of the surrounding ground and the air. Hong Jiang finally understood how Moecheng Shuang had attacked Room 46 at the time. It turned out that his spiritual power was alive.

Hong Jiang's appearance here was beyond the expectation of Mole City Shuangye, but this was also what he wanted to see, so the cohesive spiritual power clone sent an invitation to Hong Jiang, "I invited you in Seoreitsu, but you refused. I don’t know if you will agree to my invitation and come to see me."

   "Of course, this is what I am here for."

"That's the best, then come with me." Mole Chengshuang also said, the spiritual power clone instantly dissipated, Hong Jiang watched these spiritual power fly into the body of a bird in the sky, and then the bird came down. Saying sharply like a parrot: "But it's a long journey, you have to follow it."

"It doesn't matter if the road is far away, I'm afraid I'll die on the road~" Hong Jiang muttered, but he seemed to have heard the words by Molecheng Shuang, turning his head and smiling back: "Bird's life is very fragile. Don't be nervous and kill the guide."


   On the fifth night, one person and one bird came to a lake.

   "Let's rest here today." The bird said, and landed on the low branch by the lake alone, and stretched out its wings to signal Hong Jiang to sit down and rest.

   In the past few days, Hongjiang’s work and rest can be described as extremely regular, moving at sunrise and resting at sunset, but this is all forced. The tour guide wants to stop and rest. How can you do it?

   "I never knew Xiliu District was so big, but according to your way, I can walk in the home garden for a year." Hong Jiang sat down on the rock opposite the bird and spit out with his head.

   After three days on the road, let alone Shunbu, Hongjiang didn't even have a chance to run. This is nothing. The Mole City pair attached to the bird always takes him around, and he saw this lake from a distance yesterday.

   "While still alive, it is a rare opportunity to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the Soul World, isn't it?"

   "Can I make a request? Can you change the voice, the bird's voice has been a headache for a long time."

Molecheng Shuang also readily agreed to this request. Before the bird spoke, his own wind chime-like voice rang, "It's normal to have a headache without rest for so many days. Do you want to rest assured tonight? Sleep?"

   "Aren't you resting? How about you sleep peacefully tonight?" Hong Jiang laughed and teased.

   In the past three days, neither of them has closed their eyes. Everyone is half a cat, don't look down on anyone.

"Well, it seems that we still can't trust each other. It's still sleepless tonight~" Mole Chengshuang spread out his wings and said helplessly: "But we don't need to be like this at all. If I wanted to embarrass you, I would have done it a long time ago. "

"You don't need to beware of me. If you didn't want to catch you, I would have done it a long time ago." Hong Jiang said, stretched out his index finger to Molecheng Shuang and gestured a few times, and continued: "You don't think, Can it withstand my estimation by just this little spiritual power?"

"You are indeed an interesting person, more interesting than the guy from Kariyashiki!" Moecheng Shuang also said, as if very happy, the white spiritual power gushing from the bird's body to the ground, condensed in front of Hongjiang Spiritual power clone.

   "Does this mean the night is too long and you want to fight for fun?"

"No, I just think this conversation is more formal." Mole Chengshuang also waved his hand, and directly asked, sitting cross-legged on the ground: "I have also asked Kariyashiki about this question. It is not boring to live an unchanging life in Seireitei Huh?"

"Um,,, maybe you don't know much about me, I just lived to be less than two hundred years old,,," Hongjiang stretched out **** with an embarrassed expression, and continued: "It's not time to stay in Seiring Palace. More than twenty years,,,"


"Furthermore! I spent 150 years looking for Star Cross fortress, and it didn't stop for two days! You escaped from prison again! You call this kind of life static?! Ha ha~" Hong Jiang looked at Molecheng Shuangye with a look of disgust. Said: "I thought about the birthday of two days, oh, no, it has been the birthday of the birthday, is it exciting to fight and kill?"

   Hongjiang’s answer to Molecheng Shuang was also But after thinking about it carefully, it is true that this little guy has not had time to spend a few days in peace.

   "It seems that I have to apologize to you first, I disturbed you, um, good hope?" Mole Chengshuang also replied with a smile.

   "If you really have this heart, you can go back to Seireitei and tell me that I defeated you, so that you are more sincere."

"Hahaha, it makes sense, but it doesn't work!" Mole Chengshuang also laughed, pointing to himself and said: "I am carrying the name of the eight generations of Jianpachi anyway, if I was defeated by you so hastily, 刳That guy in the house can't stand his eyes."

"So you still care about this? I thought you didn't care about these things since the day you colluded with the Quincy." Hong Jiang changed his words and continued: "No, you colluded with the Quincy for rights. , But I don’t understand, you have the strength to defeat Kenpachi Kariyashiki, why do you want to cooperate with Quincy? You don’t really think Quincy can defeat Death, do you?"

"That ah? I never regarded them as partners, but the temporary goal is the same." The smile on Mole Cheng Shuangye's face gradually disappeared, turning his head and looking at the lake next to him and said faintly: "After all, there is something I'm doing. There is no way in the Lingting to do it personally, they need to share some of it."

   "Such as chasing me? It's really a group of poor tool people~"

   "Tool person? Good name~" Mole Chengshuang also turned his head and said seriously: "But they are not pitiful, at least our dream is the same, but the way is different."

   "So, they may be stupid, but they are also a bunch of cute tools~"

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