Kotōmi doesn't know how many people in Seireitei's history have encountered like Azashiro Sōya, or if they are still alive, they have the same thoughts as Azashiro Sōya.

It cannot be denied that Central 46 Compound, which claims to be dominated by forty-six sages, has done a lot of wrong things. Perhaps if they are serious, many of these tragedies can be avoided, but their vision It's too high. Just imagine that there was an Azashiro Sōya after so many years, and it can't be said that they are wrong.

"So, will you accept this invitation, Kotōmi?" Azashiro Sōya thought for a while, and added: "Of course it is still rewarding for you, such as your life."

I heard Azashiro Sōya's invitation again. No, it should be a threat. Kotōmi was quite surprised. For this reason, Azashiro Sōya still thinks he will help him? Could it be that the characteristics of your own life-saving performance are so obvious?

"Do you think I will agree, knowing that you don't even intend to let it go."

"Why not?" Azashiro Sōya asked rhetorically, earnestly speaking. He continued: "There are infinite possibilities when you live. It will take some time for my plan to be realized. You can make some actions during this time."

Kotōmi is speechless, and you are Say it, I can still have a hammer action!

"Then what will you do? I guess it?" Kotōmi's voice was long and angry, and said: "You will use Kidō to restrict my Reiryoku, or just use your Urozakuro to control My body?"

"This is a necessary method." Azashiro Sōya didn't hide his thoughts, and he readily replied.

"Then I found the one called Roka,,," Kotōmi couldn't remember the name of the Hollow, so he continued: "After finding Roka, I will be one of your test subjects, right?"


"no no no, it takes too much effort to assimilate a Captain Rank Shinigami." Azashiro Sōya shook his head and continued: "So you won't be the first one, but you will be experimenting After the end, I begin to assimilate your thinking. You don’t have much time but it’s definitely a lot."

"But I don’t think I will have any chance to turn myself into a machine without emotion. It's better to be happy when you die." Kotōmi curl one's lip returned.

“But to live like this is not as happy as dying.” Azashiro Sōya lightly saying: “People like Kuroyashiki cannot live as one pleases in Seireitei, and often have to force themselves to do it. Acts that run counter to their ideas."

"It's better to become a person without emotions, so that there will be no annoyance~" Azashiro Sōya sighed lightly, raising his head.

In Azashiro Sōya's view, this may be the greatest relief. Just like what he said, it was what he did not expect to become like this.

And he, including his younger brother Azashiro Kōmi, may have been a walking corpse after that sleepy Hollow punishment. The one who supports them to this day is the obsession that makes everything disappear in their hearts. NS.

But Kotōmi is different. Being a human being for two lives makes him cherish everything he has now. A life without self or even instinct is absolutely unacceptable for him.

Perhaps temporarily agreeing to Azashiro Sōya’s invitation and following him to Human World and Hueco Mundo. Afterwards, it is a good choice whether to wait for Yamamoto's rescue or to seek opportunities by himself. This is also the best way to survive. Possible.

But Kotōmi knows that this is actually bringing about one's own destruction. Although Azashiro Sōya's actions after going to Human World are huge, they are actually carried out silently. With the urinary nature of Central 46 Compound and Yamamoto’s character, he feels that before making a big deal, these people are almost impossible to send a large number of Captains to Human World because of themselves.

To save himself, it was absolutely impossible for Bankai to threaten Azashiro Sōya again when he was restricted.

So he is the only one who can save him, but not the future, but now, while his Bankai still exists!

ka ka ka ka!

As Azashiro Sōya raised his head and sighed, a crisp sound came from Kotōmi's body. Kotōmi, whose body was controlled by Urozakuro, actually moved .

Just as Azashiro Sōya said, Kotōmi’s Bankai really uses Zanpakutō to concretize Reiatsu in the body to Senkoromo, so Azashiro Sōya can simply control his body.

But these Reiatsu Kotōmi can be quickly transferred inside and outside the body, but in order to avoid beat the grass to scare the snake, he did not transfer Reiatsu back into the body this time, but directly controlled the body through Reiatsu Senkoromo, let his body move, the sound just now was the sound of his leg bones and arm bones breaking.

Enduring the severe pain, Kotōmi's left cuff turned into a pitch-black short blade, and the whole person moved towards Azashiro Kōmi on the side like an arrow from the string.


Without a blink of an eye, Kotōmi's short blade touched Azashiro Kōmi's throat. Kōmi had no time to resist, so he had to subconsciously call his own. Brother.

But without even yelling the second word, the short blade in front of Kōmi's eyes flew up looking towards, and the crystal-like Zanpakutō in front of him was not the Urozakuro of his brother Azashiro Sōya.

An orange-red fire bead is printed on Kotōmi’s flying left hand through a blood-connected channel. The seven burning beads of Hadō are Hadō released by Kotōmi at the moment of charge ahead.

"Hadō no. 96, Ittō Kasō!"

"Too naive!"

Kotōmi's left hand is still burning, the voice of Ittō Kasō It still echoed in the ears of the three of them, but the scarlet flame giant knife did not come. At this distance, with Azashiro Sōya's Zanjutsu, it is not difficult to cut Kotōmi before Kidō finishes.

Kotōmi's body slowly fell from the side of Azashiro's two brothers, and the upper part of his neck was empty, proving that this body would never stand up again.

Azashiro Sōya watched Kotōmi’s head with a Prajna mask roll over, letting the blood it carried fly on Captain's Haori on his body. This may be the name of Chōzuka Kotōmi. The representative, the last trace left in this world.

"It seems that you will not agree to this action even if it is paid." Azashiro Sōya shook the head, muttering to himself: "It's a pity that I will spend more time."

tone barely fell, Azashiro Sōya suddenly complexion greatly changed, and the coolness behind him was replaced by intense pain in an instant. A white hand passed through the hole under the "Eleven" on his haori and held it directly. Above his heart.

"Yes, you really need to spend more time." A cold voice sounded behind him, "Because you are going to take time to reincarnate!"

Behind Azashiro Sōya , Standing with a body with only the lower half of the face, he made the sound just now. Azashiro Sōya is very familiar with it. It is Chōzuka Kotōmi who has just been beheaded by him.

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