Blessed Daughter

Chapter 367 Second brother, your face is a little red

The four of Wei Ruo returned to the city. After arriving at the inn, Wei Ruo went to the carriage parked in the backyard to get a bag of rice.

Along the way, Wei Ruo had already taken out too many things from the carriage, and Xiao Bei felt more than once that Wei Ruo's carriage was like a treasure chest.

In fact, Wei Ruo's food was taken out from the space, and all of it was put on the carriage, which was heavy and not conducive to traveling.

In order to look reasonable, Wei Ruo only took a bag of 50 catties this time, and if he took more, he would not be suspicious.

After getting the food, they set off again and returned to Fengting Mountain.

It was noon at this moment, and the victims hiding on the mountain were rummaging through the barren trees for edible grass roots and bark.

When Wei Ruo and the others appeared again, the eyes of these people were full of disbelief. They never thought that Wei Ruo and the others would really come back to look for them again.

And when Wei Ruo put the big bag of rice in front of them, they were so shocked that they couldn't speak.

"You should have a pot and know where to find the water source. Find a place to light a fire and cook." Wei Ruo said.

Several people jumped on it, and after confirming that the sack was really rice, Huanxi almost cried on the spot.

"Rice, it's really rice!"

“Still good very good rice!”

"My God, this is the first time I have seen such good rice!"


Then several people thanked Wei Ruo one after another.

Under the leadership of the middle-aged man at the head, they all knelt down to Wei Ruo:

"Thank you benefactor, thank you benefactor..."

Wei Ruo hurriedly asked everyone to stand up: "Okay, don't kneel anymore, if you kneel again, I will repent and I won't hire you."

Hearing this, several people got up quickly, for fear that the young master in front of him would really not hire them if he was a step too late.

Wei Ruo said again: "Hurry up and cook, the children are growing up, let them eat more."

Those children were all sallow and thin, with little flesh on their bodies, they looked really pitiful.

Several people nodded again and again, and then the men were responsible for collecting firewood, and the women lived and cooked.

The children were not idle either, they were still digging around with sticks.

They have learned from adults to identify some plants and trees, and know what kind of grass roots are edible.

The rice was cooked very quickly, and when the aroma came out, the villagers of Dahe Village couldn't help swallowing their saliva.

When the rice was completely cooked, they opened the lid of the pot, and everyone hurriedly began to fill the rice, and then put it into their own mouths one after another.

There was a four or five-year-old girl, with two braids in her hair, wearing a shabby red floral dress, and walked up to Wei Ruo cautiously, holding a bowl full of rice in both hands.

"Brother, you eat."

The little girl's voice was timid, and she looked at Wei Ruo with watery eyes, which also showed timidity.

Wei Ruo bent down and touched the little girl's head: "Thank you, but I'm not hungry, you can eat by yourself."

The little girl hesitated for a moment, then turned to look in the direction of her mother behind her.

Then he continued to hold the bowl: "But mother said to thank my brothers."

Although the little girl was dirty, her hands were clean, and the bowl in her hand was also clean even though it was chipped.

Wei Ruo said: "These are originally for you, we are not hungry, we have already eaten on the way here. You eat by yourself, eat well, grow up quickly, brothers will be very happy."


"Really." Wei Ruo smiled softly at the girl, and his voice was much softer than usual, "Hey, go eat and go back to your mother."

The little girl nodded her head obediently, then walked back cautiously holding the bowl of rice.

After Wei Ruo coaxed the little girl back to her mother, she turned around and found that Wei Jin was also looking at him with gentle eyes.

Wei Ruo walked over: "Why is Second Brother looking at me like that?"

Hearing this, Wei Jin also turned his eyes away from Wei Ruo.

Wei Ruo sat down on the rock next to him: "Second Brother, your cheeks are a little flushed."

"The weather is a bit stuffy." Wei Jin also explained.

Wei Ruo suddenly smiled: "Second brother, have you forgotten that I can't see your face now?"

Both Wei Jinyi and her face were covered with a mask, how could one see whether they were blushing or not?

Hearing the laughter, Wei Jin also turned his head back, and his eyes fell on Wei Ruo.

At this moment, Wei Ruo was smiling all over his face, with contagious smiles in his eyes.

Wei Jinyi couldn't help but have a gentle smile in his eyes.

Seeing that Wei Jin was also smiling, Wei Ruo put his hands on his chin and said seriously, "Second brother, you should really smile more, you really look good when you smile."

Although what she saw now was not his original handsome face that could not find a single fault, but those eyes were equally charming when they were smiling.

This time his face was really red, because Wei Ruo saw that his ears were also red.

After resting for a while, Wei Ruo and the others continued to walk into the mountains, inspecting the situation in the mountains to see if they met her needs.

After walking for an hour, Wei Ruo judged that it met her expectations, and the rest depends on whether everyone in Fengting Mountain is willing to sell it, and at what price they are willing to sell it.

So several people set off again to go back to the city.

As soon as the few people reached the foot of Fengting Mountain, the sky changed, and dark clouds overwhelmed them.

It's about to rain.

Although it is already August, thunderstorms will come as soon as they are said. The sky was clear just now, and it may rain cats and dogs the next moment.

According to this trend, a heavy rain is inevitable.

At this moment, Wei Ruo and the others are faced with a dilemma. They don't know whether to retreat to the mountains to find a place to hide from the rain, or to rush back to the city.

God didn't give Wei Ruo and the others too much time to think about this issue. After a few thunderclaps, thick raindrops fell densely.

A few people hurried to the mountains, looking for a cave or other place where they could hide from the rain.

When they found a stone wall extending out to keep out the rain, they were all drenched.

The clothes clung to her body wetly, revealing the girl's figure without a doubt.

The white bandage that Wei Ruo had tied on his chest for men's clothing was now faintly visible.

As she grows older, some female features become more and more obvious, even if she is wrapped in a white cloth, she cannot be completely hidden.

When the clothes were dry, they were looser and covered them; now that the clothes are wet and fit tightly to the skin, they are more exposed.

Wei Jin also took off his clothes and put them on Wei Ruo's body, then turned his back.

Wei Jin, who turned his back to Wei Ruo, also looked a little unnatural, even a little at a loss.

I don't know why, but my heart beats a little faster and my palms feel hot.

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