Blessed To Have Each Other In This Life

Chapter 270: Sisi's Tail

Although it is still impossible to conclude that Qiao Jingjia is the murderer, Qiao Jingjia's role in this murder case is by no means innocent.

It was Qiao Jingjia who coaxed her to go to the bow.

It was Qiao Jingjia who put the medicine in her glass.

It was Qiao Jingjia who deceived Mu Zening and claimed that she committed suicide.

If he can't bring down Qiao Jingjia this time, Mu Zi will be disappointed.

In the next few days, she began to pay attention to current affairs news every day.

As Jiang Ci predicted, public opinion on the Internet has changed. The public no longer clings to Qiao Jingjia and scolds him, but instead accuses the chief prosecutor of the case for shirking responsibility, inaction and inaction.

On Wednesday, under pressure from public opinion, the Procuratorate held a press conference for reporters.

In front of the camera, Qiao Jingjia burst into tears and bowed and apologized to Xia Chenan and her mother Xia Xin. A close-up photo of her bowing with tears was taken, which made the headlines of the day again.

And behind her is the indifferent face of the inspector general.

At this press conference, the chief prosecutor was notified and criticized, and prosecutor Qiao Jingjia was demoted and became an intern again for lack of work experience.

In this way, to a certain extent, the people's anger was finally quelled.

After reading the news, Mu Zi felt a pity...

Qiao Jingjia stabbed such a big basket, and the result was only a demotion penalty. By next year, she can be promoted again to become a prosecutor. Such punishment is meaningless to Mu Zi.

But after thinking about it, Qiao Jingjia was not without loss.

First of all, Qiao Jingjia can no longer have her daughter-in-law dream, and Qiao Nansheng will not recognize her.

But she was eager to get out and dragged the chief prosecutor into the water. The nomination for promotion next year may not go smoothly.

Also, since this incident, although Qiao Jingjia has won the sympathy of some people, at the same time, her ability has also been questioned. Never think of glory and glory.

Mu Zi smiled, feeling more comfortable, she figured it out.

When dealing with Qiao Jingjia, you can't worry, because when you are in a hurry, you can't see what Qiao Jingjia's last card is.

Qiao Jingjia suffered a heavy loss this time, and she will definitely want to make up for it. What will she do?

Mu Zi waited and waited.


Within two days, Friday, there was another exam.

Mu Zi came to an official holiday and felt uncomfortable as a whole. After finishing writing the test paper patiently, he told the teacher to go home early.

She feels irritable, the heating at home seems stuffy, she wants to go out and breathe, but she is lazy and unwilling to move.

Fortunately, Sisi had already shed its skin. The new snake skin was bright in color, as cool as water, and a long stretch of snake body was lying on the sofa. Mu Zi leaned over, soft and cool, and very comfortable.

She is not afraid of Sisi at all.

It's just that Xiaoya's stinking problem can't be corrected. Since Sisi hasn't closed the terrarium, Xiaoya has the tip of his tail whenever he catches the opportunity!

Sometimes it's even more excessive, it will hold Sisi's tail tip, tossing around to play, but Sisi's movements are sluggish and unable to resist.

This snake skin is new! The crow's beak was hard and sharp, and it left a few obvious marks without two or three strokes, which made Mu Zi feel distressed!

Finally, Bai Wei came up with a way.

Bai Wei used wool to knit a tail sleeve for Sisi, and stitched a pompon around Sisi's tail, which was really cute.

Mu Zi badly sprayed some mustard water on the woolen sleeves. After Xiaoya swayed once, she finally stopped swaying Sisi's tail...

However, the group of stray cats in the backyard had a nightmare again...

Mu Zi felt a headache for Xiaoya's spots, and for a while, he couldn't care about the irritability of menstruation.

On Sunday, two special guests came to the house.

Tong Wu, the guardian of the Gu family, personally visited the house, and Qu Mingjun, who was recently well-known, came with him.

When Mu Rongxuan heard the news from the servant, he couldn't believe his ears!

That's Tong Wu!

Tongwu Gang Gu's family is also a prominent figure.

"What are you doing while standing stupid?! Go and invite in!" Mu Rongxuan was so excited, then he stood up suddenly, "Wait!...I'll go and invite myself!"

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