Blessed To Have Each Other In This Life

Chapter 703: The charm of justice

Attorney Meng was furious: "The other party's lawyer used inappropriate metaphors to distort the facts! It is deliberately exaggerating and worsening the legitimate and legal trading behavior of my client Mr. Zhao Jiahui!"

Mu Zi's eyes were ice-cold, and his eyes were cold, "Zhao Jiahui violated my client's wishes and used violence, threats and other means to invade my client, which has constituted a crime of rape!"

"Any sexual behavior is accompanied by mild or severe violence. Violence is only a side dish in a special service! It is a legally purchased product for my client!"

"Commodity?" Mu Zi sneered, "I think I need to help the defense lawyer review it. Article 236 of the Criminal Law, the crime of rape, refers to the use of violence, coercion or other means against a woman's will. , Forcibly having **** with women!"

Mu Zi asked: "Defense lawyer, please answer me, my client, Miss Qin Lu, is she a woman? Is she a woman?! Women should be protected by law when they are illegally violated!"

Attorney Meng angrily retorted: "We must consider the particularity of this case! The particularity of the plaintiff's profession!"

Mu Zi screamed: "Citizens are equal before the law! The so-called particularity of the defense lawyer is just a convenient excuse for the privileged class!"

She stared directly at the other party with a cold, stern look, and every word seemed to have invisible power, loudly sounded in the court: "The Constitution" Chapter 2, Article 33, the state respects and protects human rights, and every citizen enjoys the Constitution. And the rights provided by law-

Any citizen! No matter she is rich or poor, no matter she is noble or low, she is entitled to the protection of the law! Even if she is a **** and woman who can do her best! No one can hurt her with this so-called particularity! Insult her! "

"You! You..." Lawyer Meng lifted up in one breath, his face flushed, and he couldn't speak!

The audience was silent.

It was as quiet as the sound of the defense lawyer's rapid breathing.

Everyone looked at the petite figure in shock. She stood in the trial hall with a straight back and clear eyes, but it seemed to have a ray of light, making the figure taller for no reason.

Just now, they thought that Qu Mingjun had given up.

Just now, they thought the little girl was playing house.

In a moment, the reversal was like a powerful slap, slapped on their faces fiercely!

"We request the court to arrest the defendant Zhao Jiahui for the crime of rape, and claim for medical expenses and mental losses totalling 3.5 million yuan."

This is the original word Qu Mingjun said at the beginning of the court session. It is not bad. At this moment, it was said through Mu Zi's mouth, but it seemed to be covered with a different weight.

The female judge's expression became solemn, she looked at Mu Zi deeply, and for a long time, she notified the jury to leave the room for discussion.

The result came out quickly, and the twelve people unanimously found Zhao Jiahui guilty!

The judge pronounced the verdict, Zhao Jiahui sat slumped in the position like a concubine, and Lawyer Meng was also disgraced.

He didn't even know how he was defeated, he just felt that everything was too sudden. Before he was ready, Mu Zi was in control of the situation.

Zhao Jiahui was arrested in court, and when the bailiff detained him out, reporters outside acted crazy and pressed the camera shutter.

The female judge walked to the court, came to Mu Zi, and stretched out her right hand.

Mu Zi shook hands with the judge.

"Very beautiful." The female judge looked at her with a smile, and she didn't know whether she was complimenting her for her beauty or the lawsuit.

Mu Zi smiled and curled his eyebrows, returning to the innocent and childish girl appearance, "Thank you."

The judge glanced at the seats of the jury and smiled: "I have never seen a jury that reached an agreement so quickly. They are conquered by your charm."

Mu Zi shook his head slightly: "No, they were conquered by the charm of justice."

Everyone has justice in their hearts.

And she, just a vocalist, shouted out the words in their hearts for them.

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