Blood Source Era

Chapter 27: : Chief of the town

Dealt with the encounter in the tavern, Aaron gave Alfred a look.

If at this time, he wanted to follow this dwarf, or even stepped forward to talk to him, then now is the opportunity.

If he didn't do it, after Aaron had drunk the liquor in his glass and felt his body warmed up a little, he was ready to leave.

Link and Warm were still burying their heads and eating and drinking at this time, it seemed that the food attracted them a lot.

Instructed the two guys to leave some clues, and then Aaron came out of the tavern.

Alfred was still curious about the dwarf. He was going to investigate the status of the dwarf. After a short break, Aaron was ready to do his own business.

Separated at the entrance of the tavern.

The hunter ’s guild is located next to the guard management office in the middle of the town. The guards are to maintain law and order and deal with the existence of human beings. The hunters are to deal with beast-like human beings.

Smuggling of high elf blood cases is usually under the jurisdiction of the guards, but most of their executives are just ordinary people with relatively strong strength.

Because of the unequal strength of the enemies that may be encountered, this made the existence of the guard management office once squeezed by the hunters to the corner of the edge.

When Aaron came here, the two existing signs clearly reflected the situation of the two.

Although the Guard Management Office is the administrative unit of the empire, the house seems to be in disrepair, and the rain reveals a corrupt smell from the inside to the outside.

The architecture of the Hunter ’s Guild, although it looks like the style is also biased towards this gloomy depression, but it is purely dark and enveloped in a mysterious atmosphere.

This is also the color Aaron likes. Before entering the union, he reached out to untie his style button and exposed the silver sword pendant hanging around his neck.

Walked into the dark room, this room without windows lit a lamp alone.

The light reflected a figure, and Aaron walked towards it unconsciously.

In the empty darkness, Aaron's footsteps seemed extremely harsh in the silence. The woman sitting by the lone lamp seemed to hear Aaron's footsteps, she was still writing something with her head down.

Until Aaron approached her and raised her hand to knock on the table.

The indifference among the hunters is something that Aaron has long been accustomed to, just like how he treats others like this.

Anyone may become a monster under the influence of the blood of the high elves, even if they are their former companions.

In order to avoid emotional pain and moral choice, most of the newcomers to the Hunter Guild will get a very valuable experience from the old seniors.

Keep silent and vigilant, unless those guys take the initiative to approach you.

The woman who was writing and drawing on the notebook finally stopped her pen at this time, then she looked up and looked at Aaron coldly.

The shiny silver sword became Aaron's amulet. He said hoarsely, "Who is in charge of the chief of the town? I need to talk to him."

The woman nodded and realized what he meant. She closed the notebook she had written and held one hand in her arms while picking up the lamp on the table.

"Please follow me."

She said in rare words with a tribute that hunters would never use.

Only from this point, Aaron immediately understood that the woman in front of him was a novice who had just joined the Hunter Guild.

How can a veteran do something like her?

Those hunters who face the threat of the beast almost every day throughout the year and may lose their lives at any time, they will not be like this.

Perhaps in the imperial capital, there is the Xiu Jian Hui, a self-righteous, well-mannered and understanding guy.

However, in the situation outside the imperial capital, in order to supplement the manpower, or even find a substitute for the dead ghost, anyone can become a hunter.

They have not received much education themselves, let alone the so-called etiquette.

Speaking with honorific words, only the "noble" adults encountered by civilians responded instinctively.

Aaron knew that to a certain extent, he was indeed a noble adult.

So under the leadership of this woman, he followed the only light in the darkness that could illuminate the road and walked up to the second floor of the house.

In front of a door of the room, the woman stopped her pace and turned to face Aaron, as if she knew she was going to be afraid of something, but had to summon her courage and take a deep breath Tone.

Then she held the notebook's hand and knocked on the door.

Before the door opened, she bent her knees slightly, saluted Aaron, and turned away.

She held the only lamp in the dark room. When she left here, Aaron immediately fell into the darkness.

As a result, Aaron felt quite uncomfortable and waited for a little while. There was no movement from the door. He exhausted his little patience and actively pushed open the door of the house.

Curtain made of heavy woolen cloth ~ ~ is thus blocked on the window, and the gray light is exposed through the gap.

In this room, there was a smell of blood, and the smell of animalized monsters that Aaron had long known.

He ignored the darkness around him and went straight to the opposite window to pull it away.

Although the dim gray light is weak, it illuminates the room.

After opening the curtains, Aaron saw that he was thrown into the house, covered with animal blood.

The wide bed, where the drunk or **** hunter lay drunk on the bed, looked like he was completely unconscious.

Is the guy who made the woman who led the way feel terrified.

Aaron slowly walked into his bed, looked at the messy shirt, and fell asleep on the bed, regardless of his image.

Compared to the identity of the hunter's guild, he is more like a homeless man on the street and despondent.

But this guy did this, and it was not without reason.

Aaron saw a lie on his neck, also lay a hunter's necklace that was still shining with silver light even though it was contaminated.

Revealed his identity at once.

Like Aaron, he was once a hunter in the imperial capital, with a lofty identity and arbitrarily squandered money.

Until he became like this, he lived like a decent person.

"Poor fellow." Aaron muttered this in his mouth.

Even if the gray powerless light shone on this guy, he did not wake up at all.

And Aaron has a unique way to deal with this kind of guy.

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