Blood Source Era

Chapter 37: : Greedy Human

The person he is looking for is in the house.

Aaron knew that it might be there, and there would be a long-prepared institution.

It is always right to be well prepared to deal with possible troubles.

Therefore, in the face of the organization, Aaron took the most violent means. He lifted his foot to kick on the door, and the huge force directly kicked the old wooden board directly on the ground.

The door frame with the heavy door panel detached, slapped heavily on the floor, even if there were any traps, it should be triggered at this time.

Stepping on the door panel, Aaron lifted his feet into the house and looked around. The high elf shrank in the corner and looked at him in horror.

The furnishings in this room are not much different, just like the most common houses in the noble manor.

The sudden sound of frightened the high elves hiding in the house.

She didn't expect that the man in front of him would be so rude, even savage. At the fastest speed, she just appeared directly in front of her.

He should n’t be able to wait? The woman in the house thought to herself.

"Sure enough, as I guessed." She pressed down the panic in her tone and said seriously.

"What did you guess." In order to beware of the possibility of independent magic traps around him, Aaron did not act without authorization, and raised his sword in his hand, pointing at the woman.

Jianfeng is still reflecting the shining silver light under the grey light.

This bloodthirsty sword once engulfed the blood of many monsters. Even if Aaron wiped off the blood completely, under the influence of magic power, it still shone with a strange light.

Long sword seems to have its own life, it trembles slightly, longing for blood.

Is just Aaron's threat, and it didn't work for this woman.

This high elf does not seem to be afraid of death. No one knows when she came here.

Has no idea why she came here.

Aaron raised his eyebrows. He tried to find some clues out of the calmness of this woman.

So at this time, the atmosphere in the room became a little weird.

Aaron, who violently rushed in, stood in front of what might be called an enemy and fell into contemplation.

He didn't do it, but he was thinking quickly in his mind, the possible identity of the high elf, and her reason for being here.

Only when he wanted to understand that matter would Aaron understand the question he had raised.

He asked the high elf, and did not expect the high elf to answer his questions directly.

It was just an instinctive reaction.

Since the other party has done something, Aaron is certainly not willing to make himself look like a dead person.

He chose to think in order to avoid the next prosperous and unnecessary battle as much as possible.

Only knowing this matter, Aaron felt that he might unlock the secret of this abandoned manor.

That was the purpose of his coming to this manor, to learn the truth of some things, and to solve it if there was any trouble.

By the way, look at the ghosts of the gods that are passed on.

Really want to use violent means, such as the philosophical battle between men in this manor is Warm.

Although Aaron was impulsive, he hoped that he would try his best to avoid unnecessary battles.

He didn't want to make too much movement or be injured before solving the Xiujian meeting he would follow.

Is like half of Aaron's long-anticipated. The high elf pressed her lips tightly, and she refused to answer Aaron's question.

Especially when she was pointed by Jian Feng, she had no reason to answer Aaron's question under threat.

Her footsteps moved slightly. The horror just now was just the shock that Aaron suddenly broke through the wooden door, which brought her nothing, which did not scare her.

So at this time, the high elves in the house instead suppressed their panic.

She used her courage to stand in front of the hunter.

Aaron didn't move forward, and she kept a certain distance.

Although was moving, she didn't take a step closer to Aaron from beginning to end.

In this confrontation and silence, Aaron knew that if he continued this stalemate, it would be bad for no one, it was just delaying time.

In order to break the deadlock, and to make this transaction appear fair and reasonable.

At this time, Aaron suddenly put down the sword in his hand and said to the woman.

"Then let's change the subject. The hunter of the imperial capital is ordered to investigate this abandoned manor as if you saw it."

He flipped his wrist and drove the blade forward to the ground.

The high elves stood up with their slender necks and responded disapprovingly, "Sir, I have seen from your dress, your Excellency and your two companions are hunters, but ..."

Said, her words turned sharply, and her eyes fell on the red-bearded dwarf.

Humans are a strange race ~ ~ In some things, it has a glass ceiling.

The people below can only see what it is above, but there is no way to climb up in a lifetime. This is naked discrimination for the dwarves.

In this world, the only people who can become hunters are humans, and dwarves as humanoid races, although in many ways, they are no different from humans.

But I do n’t know if it ’s the hunter ’s rule proposed by that bastard. No matter under any circumstances, the race of unorthodox humans cannot be a hunter.

The high elf knew this, and she raised her plain wrist and pointed to the dwarf.

"If you really only come to clear something, why bring a stranger who is not a hunter?"

She said, raising the corner of her mouth slightly, and a faint smile appeared on her face.

In this matter, she was right. Although Aaron felt a little annoyed in her heart, her little lies were exposed, but this matter was not a big problem.

He spread his hands helplessly and said, "Well, I admit, I came to this manor for treasure."

He finally told the truth, which also made the expression on the face of the high elf gradually sneer.

"Humans are always so greedy," she said, shaking her head.

But what she said, when she heard it from Aaron, it seemed so harsh.

Humans are always greedy. Isn't she a human before becoming a high elf?

Because of the influence of magic, their talents will become so sensitive to the control of magic.

So they pretentiously called themselves ‘high elves’. In fact, until then, these so-called elves were only “greedy humans.”

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