Blood Source Era

Chapter 52: : Unilateral assault ...

"It seems that you are a little bit brainy, but for those in power, maybe this is something they do not want to see." Aaron said in a mocking tone to the reactions of these guys.

"What do you mean by saying this?" Luna was still sensible at this time when she was taken into the arms of the other party.

"What do you mean if they don't know, don't you know?"

Aaron turned around, lowered his voice, and said to Luna, there are some things, the fewer people know, the better.

Because people who know this matter, the pressure they have to bear is too great.

As Aaron said, there is nothing wrong with what he said, Luna is really as long as what Aaron said really means.

Hunters are only a weapon in their hands for some power holders, and the Sword Sword Club can be called a gold-plated club to some extent.

There are countless noble children who have been treated here, and in order to maintain their dominance, they have to become hunters in order to gain popular support.

How to become a hunter who does not need to fight, this is what the nobles are concerned about, and they are also worried about.

The battle with monsters is extremely dangerous for a novice.

Any hunter who survives will be extremely powerful, because the weak guys are already dead.

But this is contradictory to the members of the Xiujian Society.

The members of the Sword Sword Society are not necessarily strong, but they can be very beautiful, just as for the general, if he needs a sword that can kill people.

The sword of the Xiu Jian Hui is just to make the hunters look good.

The face formed by these noble children, which is the face of the Hunter Guild, is also a transaction between the hunter's supreme power and the nobility.

The last thing nobles want is to see monsters that should be dealt with by hunters, and let their only Miao sons deal with them.

For this reason, they did not hesitate to use their powerful power to do such a thing.

Is like Luna in this situation, had to lead the aristocratic juniors to come to menacingly for the trouble of Aaron.

"What do you want to do?" After hearing what Aaron said, Luna had already guessed what the other person thought about at this time.

He has a secret, but he cannot be known.

And Luna needs to give the big guys a proper instruction, so at this time, a deal is established.

"Sure enough, you are you, always so smart." Aaron couldn't help raising his mouth at this time and said with a smile.

"I said, if it is what I want, then I will reach out for it as long as I can do it."

"As for the things I can't do, then I wouldn't want to expect that kind of thing."

Aaron said this, and then quickly and quickly said what he wanted to do.

Under the eyes of all eyes, Luna thought for a moment, and she finally nodded, but she still had her own opinion on the process.

"I said, can I change the way?"

"It's a pity, I can't. I already wanted to do this very well."

After finishing this sentence, because the two people were close to each other, he didn't have the slightest reaction time, so he kissed him strongly.

And this time, the other party did not show mercy, Luna directly raised her knees against Aaron's stomach.

The woman really started with enough cruelty. After feeling the pain, Aaron suddenly understood.

But at this time, even if it was too late to regret, he made a deal with the woman in front of him.

Sure enough, there is no Bai Zhan's advantage in the world. In this case, he really hurt his hands and then backed away.

"Since, you dare to do so excessive things, then some things, even with the power of recklessness, you must also bear."

Speaking of these words, Luna rushed up while Aaron hadn't responded yet, it was a beating.

Listening to the sound of fighting behind, there was something wrong, and the chief of the town turned his head in doubt.

Appeared in front of the scene, let him stunned there, watching this scene completely stunned.

Only those who have personally dealt with Aaron are the horrors of this weird coercion.

Even if he drank more blood of the high elves, he was always a mortal, not an ancient god.

But if there are many powerful people among the people the town chief has seen, there are not many people who can crush Aaron.

But the reality in front of him is cruel. This powerful guy, just because of a sneak attack, has lost the initiative in normal combat.

Then he was pressed by Luna on the ground and looked at the foot and foot, all of which were true steps without mercy.

If there is no blood of the high elves, then Aaron estimates that at this time ~ ~ Even if a few broken ribs are bleeding, it is normal.

After a series of attacks, she finally breathed a sigh of relief, and Luna kept releasing her unhappiness that had been suppressed in her heart.

She gasped for a long time, and the pressure accumulated in her heart for a long time was released at this time.

In front of these gangs of nobles, everyone saw it, this unlucky egg that made the sleeved sword very faceless, was pressed on the ground by a woman.

Although what is happening in the middle, when faced with men, Aaron, who is unparalleled, why is there a problem at this time, it is very strange.

But those are not important, now things have been resolved.

"If you come to the Xiu Jianhui next time, then you will be worse than this time."

After putting down such a ruthless word, Luna raised her hand and let the members of the Xiujian Club follow her to the deserted manor.

After they walked away, Alfred embraced his hands, shook his head, and looked at Aaron who had fallen to the ground.

"I said long ago, you must be beaten when doing business with this woman."

For such remarks, Aaron has long been tired of listening. His current state, lying in the rain on the ground, is really sore.

The blood of high elves can greatly improve the ability of creatures, but that is also based on the power of their bodies.

If it is not strong enough, after being beaten on the ground and beating, it is false to say that it does not hurt.

Is just for the next plan, although it may be said that it may lose a little face, but ... the problem is not big!

For Aaron, the problem is really not big, some things can be solved sooner or later!

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