Blood Source Era

Chapter 72: :castle

Aaron rarely had such a crazy night. When he woke up, he clearly felt that his head was hurting.

Everything was organized in order, he packed his mood and re-dressed his clothes again.

Then he started preparing for the exploration of that castle.

As for the exam, if it can be solved with gold coins, this is simply a good thing for a family.

And he always used this method to solve the problem.

Only Alfred, a paranoid craze for the first, will take this exam seriously.

After Aaron directly found some related people, he achieved his goal through a simple transaction.

And Luna also used her own methods to solve her own problems.

When everyone was doing what they had to do, the two people gathered together at the time agreed before.

When Luna saw the weapon carried by Aaron, a strange light flashed in her eyes.

Aaron didn't bring the long sword that he was good at, he only carried a huge shotgun.

However, he held a handle in his hand, a very rare palm.

That is not a very beautiful thing, even the length is not practical, but Luna can see that it is not a palm, but a weapon.

"I didn't expect that you would still use this flashy weapon." Luna said after confirming that she was not mistaken.

"Do you also think this is a flashy weapon? Then it is exactly what I hoped for." Aaron's face showed a bit of unpredictability, and without further explanation, he boarded the carriage.

It seems that in this matter, Aaron still hides something. After all, this is about his own weapons. The less others know, the better.

Not to mention that this is just a short-term union, so Aaron has no reason to reveal more information about herself like Luna.

After the first conversation, the two kept silent and boarded the carriage.

The lantern hanging next to the coachman was lit with incense. Purple smoke slowly progressed with the carriage and enveloped the place where it passed.

This is the incense used to drive out the beasts. Usually the driver will keep this kind of thing.

But this thing is of great value. If you haven't encountered troublesome weather or have to pass some more dangerous areas, the coachman will not take the initiative to ignite this thing.

But if the customer is money, and do n’t care about the incense at all, then everything is a different matter.

"There is no need to hurry so quickly." Aaron opened the window, and when he saw the smoke, he realized that it must have been ordered by Luna.

But after hearing what Aaron said, the other party said with a chuckle, "Do you think I ordered these incense, was it used to rush?"

"Are you questioning my strength." Aaron said weirdly.

As a hunter, this strength and self-confidence is still there. Even if there are unsightly monsters, Aaron can find those monsters in the first time.

And after hearing these words, Luna glanced at each other without hesitation.

"Of course I will not doubt your strength, but can you guarantee that the carriage will not suffer any harm under the attack of those monsters?"

She seems to have her own ideas and arrangements, so she has her own code of conduct.

Two people who are not at all one character, if they are combined to become a temporary ally, then there must also be friction on small issues.

These questions seem to be just simple small questions, but who can guarantee that he will not expand?

This is what Luna needs to consider. She must consider the worst possibility that something can happen.

Here is the situation where the worst will happen, Luna must have sufficient means to deal with these worst problems.

And the best way to avoid all this is to solve these problems with gold coins.

Under this woman's own logic, Aaron was speechless.

He knew that whatever he said was useless.

Is used to using those absolute strengths and violence to prove, and crushing all Aaron, he is not very good at thinking in advance what choices his opponents make to make corresponding countermeasures and means.

This thing is not at all what he is good at.

So he did not plan to argue with the woman in front of him in his own weaknesses.

Long journey Because two people are silent with each other, so there is nothing to say along the way.

And the honest coachman, he didn't even say a word, just bowed his head to do his own thing.

Where the guest wants to go, as long as he pays, then the coachman will honestly do his job.

More things ~ ~ Even if he heard it, he wouldn't say it.

After knowing something, it is a troublesome thing.

So all three people fell into a long silence along the way. The gloomy weather became the best embellishment among the three people.

Aaron wiped and defended his weapon. When there was nothing to say, he preferred to do something to solve the boring situation in front of him.

And Luna, also relying on the chair, thinking about the dangers and events that she might encounter next.

Finally passed a few towns, and after a few nights of rest, the long journey was finally over.

The deserted castle appeared in the eyes of Aaron and his party.

It is built on a steep cliff, it seems to have been dilapidated everywhere, but the towering spire can still peer into the glory of the past.

If you don't have a certain strength, you would not dare to give up your house's architecture so arrogantly.

Obviously, the scene in front of me has already explained everything.

The road that had been almost completely destroyed clearly showed the trace of the carriage passing by.

Weeds were crushed, leaving traces of rutting. Obviously, many people had come to this castle before Aaron.

But they are not very early, because the traces left on the road look very fresh.

And as he got closer to the castle, the coachman's horses became more anxious and restless.

These are timid animals. When they anticipate danger, they will react more violently than humans.

Obviously, their uneasiness and slowing down of their own progress have foretold that the castle in front is very dangerous.

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