Ling Xiao thought for a while, then finally shook his head and said, "Not yet."

  "That thing will be kept here with me."

  Ling Xiao nodded, turned and left Sister Quan's room. Gao Tsukiquan looked at the bloody envelope in her hand, her eyes became hesitant, she was suddenly curious about what was written in it.

  "Would you like to take it apart and take a look?"

  With this thought together, Sister Quan's heart was like being scratched by a cat. In the end, she couldn't hold back her curiosity and pulled out the letter.

  "What! I wasted my curiosity."

  Sister Quan looked at the other envelopes that had not been opened, and felt that she could no longer be curious.

  "It will take up space in my room, or just burn it."

Chapter 33

  What happened to those love letters in the end, we don't know, Ling Xiao won't ask, and Sister Quan won't say, just like Ling Xiao said, it's just a memory in youth.

  Ling Xiao went back to school the next day. What happened yesterday did not make waves on the campus. Obviously, the school suppressed this matter. Ling Xiao's shoe cabinet was also repaired immediately. After so many years, he is still the first I have never seen a school so efficient.

  A few days later, the knowledge competition held in Tokyo started as scheduled. Ling Xiao used absolute strength to completely overwhelm the so-called academic bullying of other schools and won the championship as he wished.

  Mr. Principal has fulfilled his promise, with the recommended places in high school and a lot of scholarships, as for Mr. Principal's legendary lovely daughter, he did not mention a word.

  Ling Xiao swore that if the principal dared to mention his daughter to him, he would apply for a transfer!

  After a period of daily life, Bronze Tree finally completed its own integration, and the strength of the battle team has also improved significantly. In view of this, Ling Xiao decided to start another expansion plan.

  "This time our goal is the white suits in District 5. Let's take a look at the specific information of this organization."

  In a closed room, the management of Bronze Tree sat in rows, Ling Xiao signaled that Ito was changing the slides, and a photo was projected on the wall.

  "This person's name is Taishou Yakumo. He used to be a peripheral member of the clown organization in District 3. He was captured in the clown crusade launched by CCG. Later, he escaped and formed a white suit. The CCG code name is Jason, and some people call him Gecko, 喰With a rank of S, He Zi is a scale he, and his strength is still decent."

  Ito was telling the information of the prefect Yakumo, Ling Xiao sat and looked at the picture on the wall, it was a guy with a hockey mask and a white suit.

  "Tsk, it turned out to be the creator of Melatonin. In the original book, our lovely little angel Kaneki Ken was abused by this guy and was skeptical of his life, and then accepted his identity as a ghoul, and in turn abused this guy's skeptical life, it was simply life. A model of drama."

  Ling Xiao knew more about this guy's information than Ito Zheng had collected. After letting the other members write it down, he immediately signaled to change other people's information.

  "Naki, the backbone member of the white suit, is a staunch supporter of the prefect Yakumo, Hezi is a Jiahe, ghoul rank S, arrogant and arrogant, but attaches great importance to his companions"

  "Chengzheng, a cadre in a white suit, once challenged Naki. After being defeated, he became Naki's younger brother. He admires Naki very much. Hezi is Jiahe, and the ghoul is A+"

  "Black cheeks, a cadre in a white suit, I really appreciate Naki's character of love and affection, he is also Naki's younger brother, Hezi is Jiahe, and the ghouls are also A+"

  Ito is focusing on introducing the four key members of the white suit. Ling Xiao looked at their photos, but he was puzzled. It was mentioned in the original plot that the white suit was actually a ghoul organization in District 13. District 5?

  "Could it be because the prefect Yakumo joined the Bronze Tree that Bai Xifu moved into District 13?"

  Ling Xiao thought about it for a while, and it was really possible, because the prefect Yakumo was already a cadre of the Bronze Tree when he first appeared. If he didn't bring his younger brother over to give him a boost, he wouldn't be able to occupy the Bronze Tree. a place.

  "Next, let's discuss the battle plan. After three days, we will submit the battle book to the white suits, and then we will knock them down and merge the white suits into the bronze tree. Do you have any comments?"

  Of course, everyone would not have any objection. Only two white suits of S-rank ghouls seemed to them to be a pile of soft persimmons. Some bad memories come to mind.

  Three nights later, Bai Xifu in District 5 received a letter of challenge. Prefect Yakumo looked at the content above. It was nothing more than saying that he had admired Bai Xiu for a long time, and wanted to have a match between the two organizations through discussions. In a friendly match, I also asked the prefect Yakumo not to refuse anything. The signature is naturally a bronze tree.

  "Bronze tree, interesting!"

  "Bronze tree, interesting!"

  The prefect Yakumo squeezed the gauntlet into a ball, then threw it into the trash can, and Naki on the side screamed.

  "Brother Gecko! Let's go and destroy this bronze tree! He actually wants to challenge us!"

  "Of course, Naki, gather all the members, we will go see this bronze tree tomorrow!"

  The prefect Yakumo was originally a brutal guy. An organization he had never heard of actually wanted to challenge him with a white suit. .

  "Yes! Brother Gecko, I, Naki, will definitely let them bathe in the brilliance of Lord God!"

  The next day, the prefect Yakumo brought his men to the place agreed by the bronze tree, and there, the battle team led by Inu and the others had been waiting for a long time.

  "You are Bronze Trees? How many people dare to provoke the white suits built by our gecko brother. If you surrender now, the gecko brother may not kill you if he is in a good mood!"

  Those who can enter the Bronze Tree battle team are the elites of the entire organization. Except for the still young Kirishima Ayado, the other members have the lowest level of A+, and the number has exceeded fifty people.

  Naki thought that these people were all of the Bronze Tree, and immediately thought that today's battle was a sure winner.

  "Although we are not all of the Bronze Tree, if we beat us, it means that we have won the Bronze Tree. Don't talk nonsense, let's start now."

  Because the white suit was dispatched in full, it had an absolute advantage in the number of people. Prefect Yakumo glanced at the dog and waved his hand directly, indicating that Naki and the others swarmed up.

  "Little ones! Fuck them!"

  Naki showed his Hezi with a frenzy on his face, and rushed towards the dog with the white suits. The dog looked at the white suit and sneered at the corner of his mouth.


  After saying these four words, the dog led his men and began to rush into the formation. As soon as they met, a white suit lay on the ground.

  "This is impossible!"

  Prefect Yakumo's eyes widened instantly, but he was completely stunned when he saw that the dog and the others had summoned their own Heiko in an instant.

  The strength of the ghouls is mostly reflected in their own Hezi. The ghouls who can initially summon the Hezi are at the level of B, those who are proficient in using them are at the level of A, those who can change the quantity and shape are S, and those who can change the number and shape are the half-heeled ones. SS, and the fully-heroized SSS.

  Just now, when he saw the other fifty or so ghouls, he summoned Hezi in an instant, and solved their opponents in one face-to-face. The prefect Yakumo suddenly felt that he might be cold today.

Chapter 34 Ling Xiao's Plan

  The battle between Bronze Tree and Bai Xifu was completely dominated by the dog alone. The battle ended very quickly. Except for the prefect Yakumo and Naki who resisted a little, the other members were all beaten face to face, and then naturally surrendered.

  "Brother Gecko, what should we do now?"

  Najib was by the side of Prefect Yakumo, and around them, the Bronze Tree battle team had completely surrounded them.

  "Naki, we surrender."

  Although the prefect Yakumo is cruel and violent, he is not stupid. Now the situation is very obvious, the white suit is finished.

  "Big Brother Gecko!"

  Naki still wanted to say something, but was stopped by the prefect Yakumo, who was injured but not killed. He already knew the purpose of the bronze tree.

  "We join the bronze tree."

  The dog smiled slightly after hearing this: "You won't regret today's decision."

  Because the white suit was dispatched in full, there was no need to convene. After a phone call from the dog, the courier vehicle that could connect everywhere drove over in a short time.

  "This is···"

  Prefect Yakumo looked at the courier trucks that could go anywhere, and was a little confused for a while. Is this the rhythm of packing them all away?

  "Since the company's car has joined the Bronze Tree, it must obey our organizational management. First, go to District 13 to conduct personnel screening, and then assign you to suitable positions."

  "What about me and Naki?"

  The prefect Yakumo looked at the dogs with some worry, worried that after the other party annexed them, they would be dealt with or marginalized as the backbone of the organization.

  "Your strength is not bad, you can consider joining our battle team, of course, we will not force it if you don't want to, but one thing you have to remember, the management of the organization is very strict, don't easily touch the management's decision rule."


  Prefect Yakumo was stunned. From the words of the dog, he realized that the powerful battle team in front of him was not the full power of the Bronze Tree Organization.

  The members of the white suit were soon sent to District 13. Ling Xiao's original decision-making had begun to show results. Without the assistance of everyone, Dog also couldn't transfer all these people in such a short period of time.

  Ling Xiao did not participate in this battle from beginning to end, he just had to wait for the result, and the dog did not let him down. After all, failure was impossible, because the absolute strength was there.

  Ito has already received the news in advance, the welcome ceremony is impossible, the abandoned eighth factory has become the headquarters of Bronze Tree, and with the financial support of everything, Ling Xiao has planned to buy this area, completely. Become a bronze tree industry.

  After the members of the white suits arrived, someone soon took them to register and make a register. Those with good skills would be selected first. There are too few talents in the ghouls. Except for Masa Ito and Inu Keke, the bronze trees are very useful. The rest are basically straw bales.

  After the prefect Yakumo thought about it, he chose to join the battle team. Naki and the other two naturally made the same choice. These guys are all masters who like to do things, and naturally they can't be idle.

  After the annexation of the white suits, the expansion of the bronze tree did not stop there. Masa Ito selected the target, and the dog was in charge of the battle. In a few adjacent districts, all the famous ghouls were found, and then there was no one. Any suspense is crushed.

  Just when Masakazu Ito wanted to make persistent efforts and continue to expand the victory, Ling Xiao immediately announced the call to stop, and the Bronze Tree entered the recuperation stage again, carrying out internal integration, and digesting the strength of this period of expansion.

  Just when Masakazu Ito wanted to make persistent efforts and continue to expand the victory, Ling Xiao immediately announced the call to stop, and the Bronze Tree entered the recuperation stage again, carrying out internal integration, and digesting the strength of this period of expansion.

  Fighting steadily is Ling Xiao's established strategy. He never thought that just relying on the bronze tree to block gods and kill Buddhas, he was not arrogant to that level.

  Regarding the status of ghouls, Ling Xiao knows better than anyone that this is a group of disadvantaged groups. Even though their individual strength is far stronger than that of humans, they can hunt and kill humans at will in Tokyo. It seems that there is no CCG Tokyo dedicated to ghouls. The people of the city cannot survive.

  But Ling Xiao understood that all this was just an illusion created by the Hexiu family's efforts for generations. They tied themselves to the people of Tokyo and worked hard to maintain a balance.

  The ghouls eat people, the CCG investigators expel the ghouls, and the Shuu clan eats the investigators who died in battle. This is the food chain in Tokyo.

  The ghouls in Tokyo will never be wiped out, because only if they exist, can the Kazuhiu clan stand above the ground, rule the CCG, and maintain the so-called human security.

  Human weapons can't deal damage to ghouls?Can you kill ghouls only with a kuyk made from a hepbag?What a ridiculous scam, Ling Xiao, who is fully aware of the lethality of hot weapons, can only say hehe.

  So what is Ling Xiao's plan?

  At first, he joined Bronze Tree because of Sister Quan, and of course it's the same now. Anyway, he doesn't need to eat human flesh, and CCG won't bother him. Why bother to manage a ghoul organization that is basically brain-dead.

  Ling Xiao actually didn't have a specific direction for how to go in the future. At first, he just wanted to make Sister Quan easier, so he let Bronze Tree control all funeral homes and crematoriums, and have a stable source of food, so that he could reduce himself. exposure risk.

  Then set up everything, so that a bunch of idle guys can have something to do, so they don't just think about doing things.

  This is just Ling Xiao at the beginning, so what about Ling Xiao now?

  He wants to change Sister Quan!

  He has always been clear about Sister Quan's purpose, to tear apart the Iron Curtain over Tokyo City, reveal the true face of the Hexiu clan, and create a possibility for the future of the ghouls, even at the expense of his own life.

  In fact, long before Sister Quan picked up Ling Xiao, she was already broken. The moment she learned about her life, the moment she saw her mother's notes, and the moment she knew that her father was forced to kill her mother. From a moment on, she was broken.

  Ling Xiao didn't like this kind of sister Quan. She sank her body and mind into the darkness and did not leave any future for herself. She was like a martyr who knew he was going to die, but continued to carry his burdens.

  So Ling Xiao doesn't like it!That's why he wants to change!

  How to change?It is an established fact that ghouls can eat people, and it is also the source of the conflict between humans and ghouls. Ling Xiao is clear about this, Jiana Mingbo is clear, and Old Duo Erfu is even more clear.

  The latter two couldn't correct the mistake, so they joined forces to make an even more extreme choice, turning everyone into ghouls!

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