Blooming America

Chapter 345: Filming and controversy

Chapter 345

Caught a big fish!

This is Catherine's first feeling when she sees Schwarzenegger's resume.

Although Schwarzenegger's performance still looks a bit unsatisfactory, but the opponent is really quick thinking, coupled with the other party's resume, at least it is certain that the other party is not a parallel importer.

Although there are many accidental factors in the actor's fame, there must be some "inevitability" among them.

DreamWorks has been showing newcomers, but so far, it is good that% of these newcomers can grow up, but it also happens to be because of the newcomers, so the expenditure in this area is not too much. The only concern is the quality of the film. However, Catherine’s requirement for this aspect is “strive for perfection”. If you are not satisfied, it is possible to have 20 or 30 shots per shot. This is why so far, the filming cost of DreamWorks has always been the highest among Hollywood. Important reason.

Schwarzenegger is a smart man, he knows how to exercise himself, so he will become a true billionaire in the future.

There is no doubt that Schwarzenegger is a "potential stock" with huge potential. You know, the film he shot can't even count the billions at the box office.

That's why Catherine pulled the opponent so decisively. Although she is a villain, it is good to train this young guy a little bit.

But Catherine also knew that the other party's current main business is still bodybuilding, so she didn't make too much demand.

But if the other party really wants to show in the film industry, she doesn't mind signing a contract with the other party-this is really a sweet pastry!

For the sake of the other party, Catherine even decided to modify the plot again to create a villain who has been chasing and killing the protagonist.

Schwarzenegger's expression is dull and his movements are stiff. It is obviously impossible to perform a hideous villain. But Catherine soon had an idea-Terminator.

Yes, if it is a Terminator, the expression is dull and the action is stiff, then it should be!

So Catherine added this powerful gentleman to the film for Schwarzenegger!

In the film, Schwarzenegger will play a "heavy human type strategic weapon", numbered, codenamed "Terminator" robot.

Unlike ordinary prosthetic humans, this is a completely mechanical life, but it is covered with a layer of blood u. Therefore, although it is a mechanical body, it has extremely powerful combat effectiveness and uses hydrogen batteries as energy sources. With strong combat effectiveness, there is no problem with the Self-Defense Forces that completely swept through Japan!

Of course, in line with the world view of "Ghost in the Shell", some of the Terminator's settings naturally need to be modified, and they cannot be the same as those in the movie "Terminator".

It was already a day after Catherine had revised the plot, and at this time, Dustin Hoffman, who was the first actor, also arrived.

Dustin Hoffman, the winner of the Academy Award for Best Actor-Yuan. If history hasn't changed, Hoffman will become the best actor in the Oscar with "Graduate".

But it's a pity, because Sean Connery entered the "Gray Zone" strongly, so Hoffman's best actor was lost.

"It's a pleasure to work with you, Miss Edson."

The other party was obviously interested in cooperating with Catherine, the "magic girl".

"Me too, I'm so happy to work with you, a big star."

"It is really an honor for me to work with you and Mr. Connery, the winner of the Oscar for Best Actor."

(It can be seen that you have a deep resentment towards Oscar)

Catherine slandered in her heart.

But also, if you miss the Best Actor Award, no matter who it is, there will always be some regrets in your heart, right?

When Catherine heard that Lucas was going to invite the other party, the other party initially refused to join him because he had an appointment, but when he heard that Sean Connery was playing the male number two here, he immediately made an appointment. Delayed, and then joined DreamWorks.

The opponent should have deliberately wanted to compete with Sean Connery. In "Soul Reaction," I, as the male number one, and Sean Connery, as the male number two, can obviously be a good contrast.

"Well, it looks like we can already start."

Before, everything was ready, only the wind was owed, but now that everything has been determined, then the formal filming can begin.

The film will be shot in two studios in Japan and New Mexico. The film will be in the studio here first. Catherine decided to shoot the two episodes together, and the total length of the film was initially set at 5-6 hours. Because of this, the film was shot from the prequel.

Although the plot has been modified a bit, it is difficult to modify the heroine's identity, otherwise the plot will have to undergo major surgery.

"Soul Reaction" is very much anticipated by Catherine, if there is a big son, it won't work.

So Catherine is just getting rid of some discordant plots, and by the way, some heroine roles have been slightly added...

When filming, the filming is never done in the order of the plot exhibition in the movie. The seemingly coherent plot in the movie is actually largely attributed to the editing, because in the usual filming process, the plot is fragmented. , With all kinds of ng, it is really difficult to make a good film.

But Catherine has enough experience with this, so she doesn't care too much about it.

If you shoot in the sequence of the plot, you will definitely need to be busy back and forth from Japan to the United States. This is definitely not possible, so when shooting, you need to allocate time reasonably.

After the film officially started, it should be Obama's protagonist played by Hoffman who hurried home and then opened the door of the house-this is mainly to describe the superior life in the advanced world in the future.

The location scenes will naturally be shot in Japan, but the plot in the room will be shot in the United States.

Obama hurriedly opened the digital lock, and then entered the house.

"Open the windows and the light will be fine."

Following his orders, the crew hidden behind quickly opened the blinds beside them and let the sunlight in. There is artificial intelligence in the room, which can automatically adjust the temperature and light according to the preferences of the occupants-of course, the plot is set like this, but now it is the crew members who are busy behind.

Then, he used an "automatic coffee machine" to make a cup of coffee and picked up the electronic newspaper-what he was holding was actually just a whiteboard, and specifically, the painters at DreamWorks had to draw the patterns on it.

Although there may only be a few minutes of footage in the plot, the crew spent half an hour in order to shoot this segment.

Catherine has to select some scenes that best represent the superior future society as a plot to show the audience. See this inwardness from a simple daily routine.

After getting this done, then there is a plot in which Obama meets the Terminator and is chased by the other party.

Arnold's expression is dull, but it is just right in the film.


This is the story of Arnold breaking the glass and then jumping into the house from the window.

Obama fought with Arnold at this time.


Although the fighting is not very exciting, if after that, if the artist specially draws the Terminator using a thermal imager and the protagonist constantly uses the electronic brain to analyze the plot of the Terminator’s actions, and then adds music, then It feels completely different.

After the completion of these two plots, Catherine will also play, because she is the heroine, so many scenes are inseparable from her.

But before she plays, Catherine has to prepare the special costume of the heroine.

In the film, everyday clothes are rǔ gel coats, while durable cotton clothes are the clothes of the poor, and the male protagonist belongs to the lower class. The heroine Alice is different. Alice should be a commercial product, and the clothes she wears are also different from ordinary people.

And just above Catherine's clothes, Lucas and Spielberg had a conflict.

"This dress should be shiny and shiny. Since Alice is just a framed prop, there is no need to show so much body."

Lucas still insists on his "shiny" point of view.

"No, since the protagonist's identity is a toy, you should try to confuse the male person as much as possible. At this time, you should use a bold hollow design. If you use liquid rǔ glue, it can guarantee its performance even if it is hollow. Tight and beautiful."

rǔGelcoat is difficult to shine if it is not tight-fitting.

"Actually I think you should talk to Miss Edson about your question..."

The already tangled fashion designer decisively pushed the problem to Catherine.

"Since this dress is for her, then just let her judge it for herself."

This idea sounds good.

—So, the dispute between the two was kicked to Catherine herself.

"As a result... you are just like that, so far have not finalized the plan?"

When Catherine's gaze was seen, both of them shrank their heads.

"In fact, we have prepared several sets of plans. Spielberg believes that the hollow design should be adopted, but I think such clothing is actually not much for a'non-living body'. It’s meaningful, so I think it should be in the form of full wrapping—better to wrap the head together—in this way, the protagonist’s "inhuman" feeling can be reflected."

Indeed, according to the plot, the heroine Alice was framed by someone, and then forced to undergo electronic brainization and full body prosthesis, and finally was "exported" to Japan as a "goods".

According to Lucas, it seems better.

"I think for the sake of the box office, the overwrapped protagonist has a bad influence on the plot, right?"

In consideration of the box office, Spielberg voted against it.

"These scenes are not that many, and they are all concentrated on the prequel. At that time, the audience already knew that it was Alice? Doesn't it matter? This is not for sale!"

Yes, Lucas has used all of Catherine's language—the word "sell u" will be used these days, so Catherine will be used.

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