Blooming America

Chapter 363: Birthday, secret bar

Chapter 363 Birthday, Secret Bar

Catherine felt a little strange when she was inexplicably pulled by Ada for a meal.

"But this dress is pretty good..."

I looked at myself in front of the mirror, uh, tǐng not bad.

"Oh, it's a pity that this skirt is really hard to walk..."

Catherine had some regrets.

Because this skirt has slits on both sides and the hem is quite short, it is easy to walk*, unless you are wearing a D. character, otherwise you will be seen inside. But even if it’s such an inner kù, it’s still easy to be seen...Well, the best way is to vacuum?

A large area has been cleared out of the room.

This is the place to be used for sī people's parties, so it needs to be sorted out a bit.

Although it was a party, there were actually fewer than ten people, and everyone was old friends.

Catherine didn't like the club very much, especially as a girl to interact with others.

Catherine actually didn't know how to describe her mentality.

It’s okay to stream with a girl, but to be treated as a girl, and then stream with a girl... Isn’t it weird?

In fact, this statement itself is a bit strange.

If it's a **** with a man... Well, let's forget it.

In this world, it is really difficult to find someone who can share a common language with Catherine.

How do you say this...

Are two people sitting together and discussing the rate of change of the world line?

Or maybe everyone gathers together to discuss whether it is better to build a lunar force or to use power armor?

These are unlikely. And since childhood, Catherine’s psychological age was destined to be impossible for him to get together with those children. Even in his own small group, Catherine’s integration was gradually carried out, and Ada’s age was inherently affected. Catherine is big.

"Happy birthday, Kate~"

Ada was the first to come to the scene. Because she was originally in California, even though she was in Los Angeles, it would only take a few hours to get here if she drove.

"Happy birthday, Kate"

Behind Ada was Jenny, and she followed along.

"This is a gift we prepared for you, Kate."

The two gave a gift box to Catherine. Catherine took the gift box and opened it.

"Ah, this is so beautiful"

A pair of crystal-like high-heeled shoes are crystal clear, with golden lines on them.

Although the roots are a bit tall, Catherine still put on these shoes. It fits and is comfortable.

"Thank you." Catherine smiled.

The two came in soon, and at this time, Elsa and Leroy were already watching TV inside.

Now, only Lily is left.

After all, Lisa did not come from Italy-because just when she was preparing to return, Italy's airport and shipping were also paralyzed. Now Lisa is preparing to go to the UK and then fly back to the US directly from the UK, but When she comes back, I am afraid it will be mid-June.

Originally, Catherine also invited Annia, but Annia recently acted mysteriously, but she declined Catherine’s request. She said that she has an important event that "determines the destiny of life" will be born on June 1... God knows What an important event.

But Kane took a leave of absence on this day.

"Happy Birthday Kate"

It didn't take long for Lily to finally arrive.

"Long time no see, Lily~" Catherine gave her a hug.

"Kate, you seem to be more beautiful again, do you want to take two photos?" Lily raised the camera.

"It's better to go in first. But I'll just wait for you."

Although a lot of people are missing, as long as there is a birthday atmosphere, it's fine.

"Wait, Kate, this is your gift, and I wish you a happy birthday again"

"Thank you."

Open the gift box and place a small amulet inside.

"I bought this when I was in the UK. They said that this kind of amulet has a ‘mysterious ability’. Maybe they don’t know when it will come in handy."

"Thank you really~"

Although the weight of the gift is very light, it is a gift from Lily after all. Catherine is not short of money. The so-called "precious gift" has no influence on Catherine.

"Well, Lily, you can't always stand at the door, right? Everyone is waiting anxiously."

Lily shrugged and walked in.

"Hey, big guy, it's been a long time since I saw you"

Because Lily has been in the UK for a long time, she really has never been with everyone.

"By the way, Kate, where's the cake I ordered?"

"over there."

Catherine pointed to the three-meter-high chocolate cake delivered early this morning.

"When do you cut the cake?"

"Wait until night." It's only early in the morning.

"Are there any arrangements now?" Lily asked again.

Catherine shook her head.

"I said... let's go exploring"

Lily suddenly proposed.


This is really Lily's style.

"Where are we going? What are we doing?" Lerila was the first to respond to Lily.

"A bar... Kate, I'm sure you will like it..."

Lily smiled mysteriously.


Bar adventure? This sounds absurd, right?

"Yeah, I have been living in Los Angeles a few days ago, and then happened to find that bar...a **** loves the bar" Lily's voice is very strange.


Elsa who was drinking water was choked, and Jenny who had just got up to go to the bathroom also stopped.


Nowadays **** love is a secret activity. Even in California, it was only in the ages that **** love was legalized, but **** love can really get married in the 21st century...

Of course, this is only the United States. In Europe, there are still many countries with very loose laws. Even if you are in love, you can still get a marriage certificate.

But such a bar... isn't it illegal?

"It's a secret bar." Seeing everyone's puzzled look, Lily continued to explain.

Everyone was relieved.

Yes, there are places like this in some places for women and their partners who have the same orientation to go to parties or find a night of love or something.

But Catherine seemed to understand something: " don't want to go in and have a look, and then you don't have the guts, so you want to take us to the past, do you want to be bold?"

Lily looked at Catherine in surprise, then nodded embarrassedly...

"It's really like this..." Catherine couldn't complain.

"Yeah, it's rare to be interested. If you come back after you lose your interest, isn't it too boring?"

It seems to be the same.

"Kate, aren't you interested? Such a mysterious and thorny place"

"That's also..."

Love with xìng?

This term, whether it is psychological or physical, Catherine is somewhat unacceptable. However, compared with men and men, women and women still seem to love more...

Most importantly, that mysterious place seems to really arouse curiosity.

Although I don't have any special hobbies for my own daughters, if I can see a pair of beauties who are in love with each other, it is also a kind of enjoyment...cough seems to be crooked.

"If we want to use the "Husband" in the past, we should let one person play the role of the'husband' and one person the'wife'. If you are single, you must first clarify which party you are playing, and In the past, you should pay attention to some problems..." Jenny seemed to have thought of something.

"That..." Catherine suddenly thought of something: "Jenny, why do you know so much about **** love affairs?"

"I see it from the book." Jenny explained.

From the book?

(Should I complain? What kind of book is this...)

"Go and see," Ada urged.

"Go... see?"

"It's better to change clothes first," Jenny reminded.


Then, there are all kinds of costumes, which are necessary.

Catherine’s clothes don’t need to be changed, but Elsa was put on a suit—as Catherine’s "husband".

Originally, this role was supposed to belong to Catherine, but it was rejected by the sentence "Kate, you have such a good figure, why do you want to hide it?"

As a result, Catherine and Elsa, Jenny and Larryla, Ada and Lily, matched the three teams.

Elsa, Leroy and Lily play the "husband".

And Catherine, Jenny and Ada are "wives".

In fact, they don't know whether this name is correct. Who knows how these people call their partners? After all, they are just ordinary girls. Although they sometimes overplay, among them, Catherine and Elsa are probably the only ones who really belong to "Lace", and their situation is different from ordinary people...

"Okay, let's get out." After everything is done, it's out...


The car stopped on a small street, here is Los Angeles.

"Kate, here it is." Lily greeted Catherine to get out of the car.

"where is this place?"

There are not many people around. It seems to be an ordinary residential area. Los Angeles is a big city with tens of millions of people. Except for New York, Los Angeles is the largest and busiest. This kind of remote alley, Catherine really didn't know where it was.


Leading Catherine down, Ida seemed very excited too:

"Inside...what does it look like?"

Catherine looked expectant, she looked at Lily next to her.

"You will know after you go down..."

Although I said so, Lily's expression didn't have to be easier for Catherine.

Going downstairs, it is not an ordinary basement, surrounded by strange graffiti, and the sound of music faintly comes from inside.


open the door.

As the door opened gradually, everyone's heartbeats added up, but...


It looks very ordinary, it seems to be the appearance of an ordinary bar. If there is anything different from an ordinary bar, it is here.

It seems that there are not many people inside during the day. But some people are chatting.

The six new faces immediately attracted everyone's attention...


Three shifts completed ~ ticket support ~

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