Blooming America

Chapter 493: While the movie is in progress

After a whole series of visual spectacles, the time has only passed more than three minutes. But for the audience, this is a very shocking experience. This generation of Americans..." If it doesn't sound good, it's okay to use the term "turtle" to describe them.

It's just that the Americans in Mou were a little bit so indifferent compared to people in other places...

After this episode, the picture and music all disappeared, but then, a nice female voice began to appear in the picture.

"Today is May 13, 2193, sunny, the temperature is 18 degrees Celsius to 26 degrees Celsius"

The person who said this is the current "electronic security consultant butler."

Another name goes to...,...Green Dam.

Yes, this virtual image is the Green Dam girl Catherine once thought about.

With the appearance of this picture, the handsome Obama played by Dustin and Hoffman began to appear on the screen. He was sleeping at the moment, and Obama turned off the alarm clock and stood up.

He stretched, and then said, "Open the window."

At this time, the shutters in his room opened by itself, and the sunlight came in. He put on his clothes, then walked to the living room, and said: "Turn on the TV." At this time, a Catherine followed the Century LCD TV. The thin TV produced appeared on the screen.

Obama didn't just sit down like this, but turned on the TV and went to the bathroom to start washing.

And at this time, when the TV was moving on, there was also the * of Lady Green Dam, which was also a small advertisement made by Catherine.

But this Green Dam girl will appear in many places in the whole movie. After all, such a firewall is a product that Catherine strongly promotes.

After washing, Obama took out a small electronic device like a folding knife-this is the personal terminal designed by Catherine. However, Catherine’s initial considerations about this thing were not detailed, and there is still a distance between this thing and what Catherine designed a few days ago.

After turning on the personal terminal, "a projection screen appears on it." The entire personal terminal is like a tablet computer. Obama sat on the sand and began to browse his Na box, then he checked the time "and went to work."

This story lasted for five minutes, completely showing the good life of the future in front of everyone.

Although this episode is very long, it does not have the feeling of lengthy, but it makes people feel unsatisfied.

However, for the audience, there is a surprise waiting for them.

With Obama’s coming out, the picture on the movie screen began to turn into a bird’s-eye view of a city. "A city that looks so realistic and futuristic is shown in front of everyone. Although it’s watching Movies, but many people have been amazed.

But when the protagonist came out, these talents were shocked to discover that this city was not the small American city they had imagined, or the commonly used metropolis like New York or Los Angeles, but Tokyo.

To be precise, Ying Zhan is the third new city of Tokyo in Japan...

And this Obama children's shoes is an American worker who works in Tokyo, Japan's third newest.

Because of the world war, the United States is gradually declining." At this time, Japan has become the world's largest economy. There are countless Americans who came to Japan to rush for gold, and the protagonist is one of them. One.

"Hey! Why 〖Japan〗 would overtake us?!"

Someone screamed unwillingly.

Fortunately, his voice did not get a response, and everyone was watching the movie seriously.

When he came to the street, Obama crossed the street." On both sides of the street, there are a dazzling array of shops. Various ornate display screens show various advertisements, and people are also wearing various costumes.

Among them, [Japan] I mostly wear tights made by Catherine" and a small number of wage earners like Obama wear simple cotton clothes. At this time Obama got on the subway" and went inside the subway. Use my personal terminal to browse various materials.

Audiences who are still unsatisfied continue to get the opportunity to browse the future technology, and they are watching movies with all their attention.

At this time, the protagonist also began to enter the company, and then began to work. Obama's memory is often chaotic, and this time is no exception, so he often makes mistakes while working.

What's more **** thing is that when he returned home at night, Obama found that his account had no balance, and he could no longer take the subway. In desperation, Obama chose to walk back.

But it seems that God has to go against Obama. At this moment, it started to rain, and Obama encountered a group of troublemakers.

After Obama evaded those people in a panic, Obama found a strange black figure in a garbage dump. "............

"This is a doll?"

Obama now seems to be a doll that can be used but was abandoned by others, so Obama beat the doll back home. At this time, Obama’s good friends...oh, it’s a good friend, Clinton, played by Sean Connery, came to Obama’s home. The two discussed and prepared to enter a piece of maid’s information into the doll. , Turn the doll into a doll.

At this time in Mou, the audience probably got an impression.

In the future society, the rich will become very rich, while the poor will be relatively rich, but the gap between them and the rich will be even greater.

In "Ling Hún Reaction", the upper class prefer rǔ rubber clothing, and similar to the pure cotton clothing worn by Obama, it is inferior clothing worn by the inferior talents. In this era, the most powerful company in the world is a company named J. At the same time, this is an American society that has declined...,


After having a maid, Obama suddenly realized that his life seemed to have become happier, his boss was ready to promote himself, and life seemed to be getting better...

However, this is only superficial.

At this moment, the terminator played by Schwarzenegger finally appeared.

In order to play the Terminator, Schwarzenegger even cut off his original head, and then according to Catherine's opinion, became the type in the future "Terminator".

As soon as the Terminator came out, it gave people a very oppressive feeling.

It turned out that it was the members of J Company who had planned to turn Alice into a doll. Suddenly, Alice had disappeared. They suddenly noticed that Alice had saved the information of their company, which might have a negative impact on the company. It had an adverse effect, so they chose to send a Terminator to chase Alice and kill the people around...

And now, the Terminator finally found Alice.

At this time, it seems that a desperately chasing blockbuster is about to begin.

But if it really means that Catherine set the plot like this, it would be too clichéd.

In the story, Catherine mainly discusses the relationship between people.

When many people have become full-body prosthetic people, and even their brains have become electronic brains, people's views on right and wrong have begun to change dramatically. At this time, problems between people begin to appear. All kinds of frictions and conflicts began to unfold as the Terminator pursued and killed...

Trying to explore the ethical relationship between humans, but Catherine will not lose big because of small, bsp; scene action scenes, is also necessary.

The Terminator carried the Gatling gun everywhere and started chasing the protagonist. So, the protagonist and his good friend...oh, good friend Clinton, began to flee.

With the unfolding of a series of plots, the plot of the movie has gradually begun to move towards **, and the entire picture scroll of the future world seems to begin to appear in front of everyone............

But just a world like this is not enough.

In addition to these plots, in Catherine's movies, some other heavy elements are also indispensable.

For example, a chase scene on the roof carefully planned by Catherine is parkour!

If you put it in the filming, this kind of plot actually seems not surprising, because every action is done by a professional stuntman. Not only that, but also many places are cushioned with air cushions, just for Prevent accidents...

However, in the opening of the film, through the methods of editing and photography, it can be said that decadence is magical.

Obama began to traverse between the roofs of the city, and the camera began to change continuously with his movements.


When Obama leaped into the sky from the top of one building, and then jumped to the top of another building, many people made exclamation sounds. Such an action was too dangerous, but in the film, the plot looks like this. But it seems to be so "[True]".

At the end of "Parkour", the camera was shot from under Obama's divergent feet, and then rotated four degrees, from this angle.

Katherine didn’t know that this plot would become a classic lens often used in the film industry in the future, and the significance of this lens will be no less than that of Katherine in "Wasteland"

"Bullet time..." used in

It’s been more than an hour since the film has progressed here. The audience is still enjoying it, but the film has a full two hours, so the audience is fortunate enough to continue watching the film here...

The total time of the trilogy is six hours, and it takes a lot of effort to sit in the cinema and watch them all. Catherine chose diversity, partly for this reason.

"So... shouldn't the anime version also start production?"

Catherine felt that the animation and series seemed to be able to start production.

"Let's face it, I don't know the box office on the [Japanese] side..."

It seems that we need to wait a while...

Pu is dead, and the chapter numbers of the two chapters are marked wrong...

I should hit my head, o

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