Blooming America

Chapter 634: Interview with Time Magazine (Part 1)

Finally waited until this day.

Catherine sat on the sofa, then smiled and looked at the reporter from Time Magazine.

The reporter said: "Hello, Miss Edson, my name is Jim Green, I'm so happy to interview you."

Is this swollen name with a strong sense of junior high school English?

"Hello, Mr. Green." Catherine smiled: "Speaking of which, this should be the second time I have been to Time." Time is the most influential news weekly in the United States and has a world "historical". Known as.

Even Catherine is quite concerned about being able to appear in Time Magazine.

"I still remember when you were interviewed by Time Magazine, I had just entered "The Time" also followed Catherine and he said, "Ms. Edson, when you were interviewed. , Did you think you would build such an electronic empire today? "I imagined it a little bit, but I didn't think it could be realized at the time." But people can only make progress if they have dreams. "

Catherine's nose is purely tongue-in-cheek.

"Speaking of which, your development process is really amazing. It's no wonder that some people call you "Magic Princess..."

"Didn't you get this nickname from Time Magazine?" Catherine murmured slightly.

The other party was a little embarrassed, but it was a reporter after all. He quickly changed the subject: "I read your "Information 〖Revolution" some time ago. To be honest, if I read this book before this year, I Most of it doesn’t believe it, but at the beginning of this year, your cloud system was born, which almost changed the pattern of the entire TV field, and also spread the concept of "Internet" to the world in just one year. I suddenly discovered , The world next to me seems to be no longer the United States as I know it. This is somewhat similar to the description in your "Ling Hún Reaction" movie. "The reporter praised Catherine's "Information "Revolution" as a flattery.

"The world is always evolving. My book is just a small guess about the future. The Internet is a technology that can make the communication between the world more perfect and perfect. In the next 30 years, my The main task is to turn the whole world into a world connected by wired and wireless networks, and turn the whole world into a "global village." "

……global village,? This concept is really amazing. "The other party exclaimed.

"With the advent of radio, television, the Internet, and other electronic media, and with the rapid development of various modern transportation methods, the space-time distance between people has suddenly shortened, and the entire world has shrunk into a village. This is the "global village." But this concept was not proposed by me. It was used by Canadian communication scientist M. McLuhan in his book "Understanding Media: The Extension of Man" in 1967. "The reporter obviously did not expect this to be the case.

"The global village is the development of the Internet: it is a concentrated expression of the information network era: it is a formation in the era of knowledge economy, and the rapid development of modern transportation, the upgrading of communication technology, and the full application of network technology have allowed the formation of a global village." Catherine also understood the other party. She explained: "Mr. McLuhan believes that the main meaning of "the global village" is not that the developed media has made the earth smaller, but that the way people interact and the social and cultural forms of people have undergone significant changes. Variety. The development of means of transportation once forced the interruption of the original "village, urbanization, and direct communication between people on the earth, from direct and colloquial communication to indirect and literal communication." The electronic media is also implementing anti-urbanization, that is, "re-village, dissolving the centralized power of the city, and returning the way of communication between people to individual-to-person communication." "

"Eliminate centralization of the city?"

"Yes, on the Internet, people are equal. Whether it is a superb billionaire or a penniless beggar: whether the other party is a Muslim or a gangster. Mr. McLuhan Said: "The city no longer exists only as a cultural ghost that attracts tourists. Any small restaurant on the highway, plus its TV, newspapers and magazines, can be the same as New York and Paris, with the world in this world.

, And in my personal view, the global village is only part of the global integration process. The history of mankind is still very short. We still have hundreds, thousands, or even tens of thousands of years to go in the future. Compared with the heavy history, we are still too young now. "

"The integration of the world economy is good news, but unfortunately so far, we seem to have difficulty achieving this goal." What the reporter was referring to was naturally the Soviet Union.

"However, globalization is not all positive globalization, which means that the instability of the global economy will become a normal state. In the process of economic globalization, the interdependence of the economies of various countries will be unprecedentedly strengthened. Trade dependence has exceeded 30%, and individual countries have reached 50


For example, the current people are [Japanese] books. In this environment, the international transmission of economic activities and crises has become a constant and inevitable event. The internal imbalances of any country will be reflected as external imbalances, which will quickly affect the countries with which it has close trade and investment relations. In the end, it is very likely that all countries will be brought into different levels of imbalances and crises. "

When saying everything, Catherine thought of Soros sweeping Southeast Asia. "Is this your prediction for the future?"

"Yes, although there are various flaws, in the long run, I am still optimistic about the process of world integration.

The Internet is the most convenient tool for globalization. "

"It looks like your Internet is indeed a very magical thing."

"The Internet is just the beginning." In fact, when she said this, Catherine thought more of online games,

Forums and hacker attacks and defenses are not the development and progress of science and technology...

"Some time ago, we heard that your American telecommunications company cooperated with Japan and Europe, and started laying two submarine optical fibers. "Yes, this is one of our strategies, in order to bring the world closer. distance. "

"I think your technology has triggered a profound social change. The Internet has now entered the world as a new and powerful media organization and system, and our Time Magazine is even planning to open an electronic version." The reporter looked quite envious.

"Thanks for the compliment."

Catherine still has a sense of superiority.

"Since the development of your technology, it has caused an incredible change. From your own point of view, where is the most critical key to changing the future?"

"One lies in the development of supercomputers."

"The wonderful calculation speed of the Galaxy computer is as high as one billion times, which is really remarkable. But is there any important relationship between this and the development of our society?"

"Of course there are, and there are many." Catherine said: "Our computers can enter a wide range of fields. We can use weather forecasts as an example. Supercomputers can make predictions based on current cloud changes and future weather: on an airplane In the manufacturing field, we can use supercomputers to carry out simulated wind tunnel tests to help manufacturers complete a series of simulation tests, even some tests that are difficult to complete in reality. Supercomputers can help people save a lot of material resources, manpower and Financial resources, and it can shorten the development cycle. In short, the emergence of supercomputers has made people's pace of acquiring new technologies faster."

"This reminds me of shifting gears." The other party smiled.

Transmission gears appear on Microsoft computers. Atari Cassette Company has developed a software that can use a Microsoft computer to simulate the operation of X. This shift gear is used for game cassettes that simulate X on a Microsoft computer. The maximum speed can be changed. To 300% of the original.

This reporter seems to be a computer enthusiast.

It is true that if they had no experience in this area, it would be difficult for them to cope with Catherine.

The reporter asked again: "Then how do you judge the future of the computer industry?"

"Our future computer development is definitely different from the present. First of all, computers will become as popular as current telephones. In that era, people who have computers are nothing but people who don’t even have computers. , Will be considered different."

"Your judgment seems to be a little different from others."

Catherine raised her eyebrows: "Of course. There are still many people who think that the computer industry should actually be commercial But as far as I personally think, the fields that computers can involve are more for ordinary people. In other words, there are also many. In the future, our computer will become a terminal device that integrates audio-visual entertainment, becoming the best choice for people to live and study."

If you just position the computer as a business machine, then you are underestimating the computer.

"In my opinion, the next trend of computers should be high performance, and then portable. I believe that after 30 years, computers can be lifted with one hand, and then they can be carried on the body anytime, anywhere. Work, surf the Internet and play games."

"Your wisdom really doesn't match your age."

"No, I'm just good at discovering and analyzing problems." Catherine said modestly.

"I heard that your "Ling Hún Reaction" has been completed. I don't know how you think about the future?"

"Ling Hún Reaction" has been done before, but it will take a while to be released.

Second! ! .

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